Monday, October 21, 2013

Eldritch Witchery is LIVE!

Eldritch Witchery is now live!

Here is the official press release:


Elf Lair Games is pleased to announce that our long-awaited second sourcebook for Spellcraft & Swordplay, entitled Eldritch Witchery, is now available for purchase as an ebook! The print edition will follow soon.

A Return to the New Class of Old School!

Witches & Warlocks.
Monsters, demons and devils. What horrors await you in dark caves and passages forgotten by mortal-kind? What eldritch secrets await in the dark? Will they be yours to claim or will you be claimed by them?

Eldritch Witchery takes you back to the roots of fantasy role playing, back to a time when witches cast mighty spells and demons were new to the lands. Inside this book you will find:

- Two new elite paths, the Witch and the Warlock
- Hundreds of new spells
- New monsters, such as the vile Hags
- Demons, including the vile Calabim, the rageful Shedim, the seductive Lilim, and the Baalseraph, the rulers of the Nine Hells, amongst others.
- New magic items and treasure
- Complete guidelines for running witch-centric adventures or incorporating these spellcasters into your existing game
- And more!

Everything you need to add witches, warlocks, and demons to your Spellcraft & Swordplay game is here...what are you waiting for? Eldritch Witchery awaits...

Due to the nature and content of this book, as well as to some of the artwork involved, we are marking it as an adult product. User discretion is advised.

Get your eBook/PDF copy now.  Print book on the way.


F. Stone said...

Congratulations on your achievement. I hope you celebrate your success in grand style.
Feather Stone

Charmaine Clancy said...

I'm sure game fans will love this. Great work.
Happy Blitz day :)

Trisha said...

Stopping by early on Friday (Aussie time) to say hi and happy Blitz day! :D Congrats on your book release - while I have long since branched out from just reading fantasy, I still consider it my "first love", so I'm sure I'd enjoy reading your book. :)

Stormy said...

congrats on your book and Happy blitz Day

Cricket Fox

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the release and enjoy the blitz!!

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

Blitzing you and LOVING celebrating this exciting success with you! Got to say this is definitely one interesting book!

Happy Blitz Day!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your release! Happy Blitz Day! :)

Pulp Herb said...

Geeze, we're supposed to blitz you on a post where I would have commented anyway.

So, happy blitz and happy take my money day.

Nice Lilith, btw, even if in my world she's the mother of elves.

Shah Wharton said...

Love the cover, the game sounds awesome (although I'm not a game player) ! I'm here to BLITZ you and loving it. Have a great day and congrats on this release. X

Ellie Garratt said...

Stunning cover! Congratulations.

Nat Wood said...

congrats on your release and happy blog blitz day!

DL Hammons said...

Well done, my friend! Stunning cover and an interesting plot. I'm sure it will do well!'ve been BLITZED! :)

Miranda Hardy said...

Amazing cover! Congrats on your recent release, and happy blitz day.

Susan Stuckey said...

Lovely cover and congrats on the release! Happy Blitz!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your book. Have a wonderful Blitz Day

Joanne said...

great cover art and congrats. All the best in sales.
Happy Blitz

Unknown said...

Congratulations and Happy Blitz Day!

Vicki Rocho said...

How exciting! Congrats on your release.

...and happy blitz day!

Laura S. said...

Hello, Timothy! Happy Release Day and congrats!! Great plot and cover. Wishing you well!

Happy Blitz Day!

I didn't know there was a hashtag! Very cool. Congrats on the recognition!

This book looks cute. I always like holiday-themed picture books.

Have a great weekend, Susanna!

Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations, Tim! That is awesome.
And happy Blitz Day!

kjmckendry said...

Congratulations Tim! Great cover! Happy Blitz Day!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

A sourcebook - congrats, Tim.

Happy Blitz Day!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats on the release of your book. And Happy Blitz Day!

ELAdams said...

Congrats on the release, and happy blitz day!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Congratulations! And Happy Blitz Day! :)

LD Masterson said...

Very cool cover. Congratulations and happy blitz day.

Christine Rains said...

Gorgeous cover! Congratulations! And have a terrific Blitz Day! :)

Amy Jarecki said...

Cool, sexy cover. Wising you the best!

Fida Islaih said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations!! Here's to huge successes for you and your work. I really dig this cover, it is wicked, sexy and intriguing. Happy Blitz Day, too. :)

Unknown said...

The book sounds great!
Happy Blitz Day

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Very COOL! That is awesome for the old school gamers.

AJ Lauer said...

Wow! What a cover!
Congratulations and happy Blitz Day!

Suzanne said...

Looks like my kind of game!
Happy blitz day :)
Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

Timothy S. Brannan said...

WOW!! This is awesome! Thanks so much everyone.

Sanderella said...

Congrats! My sister would love this book for sure! Love the cover too. Today is blitz day...Happy Blitz Day!! Happy I stopped by to visit your lovely blog.

Faith said...

Have a wonderful time celebrating your book & sure success--enjoy your blitz, too! What a fun Friday!

Summer Ross said...

She's beautiful!
Happy Blitz day.

Tara Tyler said...

epic fantasy! congrats!!

Daddy Grognard said...

How did you know I have a thing for redheads?

Deanie Humphrys-Dunne said...

Congratulations on your book and best wishes. Happy weekend.

Susan Oloier said...

Happy Blitz Day and congrats on your release!

M said...

Congrats on your book & happy Blitz!


Unknown said...

Congrats!! Happy blitz day!!

Kelly Hashway said...

Congrats and happy blitz day!

Robin said...

Congrats! I remember this cover spooky and cool!

L.G. Keltner said...

Happy Blitz Day! You're an awesome blogger and you deserve all the attention you can get!

C.R. said...

Congratulations on your book! Have a wonderful Blitz!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy blitz day, and best of luck with your book. That cover is amazing!

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Oh wow! That cover is just beautiful and your book sounds amazing. Hearty congratulations on your new release!

Kate Larkindale said...

Love the cover! Have a wonderful Blitz day!

Julie Flanders said...

What a great title for your book, love it. Congratulations!!

Happy Blitz Day! :)

Jennie Bennett said...

Congratulations! How exciting :)

Unknown said...

congrats for the book release! yhe cover looks amazing!

Laura Clipson said...

Congratulations on the release! I really love that cover. Happy Blog Blitz! :)

Crystal Collier said...

You've been blitzed!

Wahoo! Congrats on all the hard work to get to this point. Sit back and enjoy being king of the witchery hill, eh? ;)

Ella said...!

Yes, go celebrate~

Nice to meet you~!

Suzanne Furness said...

Congrats on your release, nice to meet you through the blitz.

Happy Blitz Day!

Tina said...

Many congrats on the release of your book! I can only imagine the work and research a detail cross-checking that went into an endeavor like that. Kudos to you! I hope you enjoy your well-deserved blitz day!
Tina @ Life is Good

Connie Keller said...

Congrats on the release.

Happy Blog Blitz Day!!

Mary Hill said...

Congratulation on your Blitz Day.
Mary-andering Creatively

Mary-andering Among the Pages

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'm so embarrassed! I blitzed all over a different post!

Congrats again and best of luck!

You've been blitzed!


Elise said...

Congrats and Happy Blog Blitz! Wishing you contiued successes :)

Zan Marie said...

Congrats on the release! And Happy, Happy Blitz Day!

Tiana Smith said...

I've never done role playing, but it always looks interesting :) Congrats on your release, and good luck!

Yolanda Renée said...

An amazing cover, congratulations on all your success!

Blitz Day Love!

M Pax said...

Congrats! The artwork is amazing. Happy Blitz!

Corinne O said...

Congrats on the new release! It's interesting to see how much goes into the dev of RPG roles. Good luck with it. Happy Blitz, too!

Chancelet said...

Beautiful cover! Congrats to you and your fans, who I'm sure will be much happy.

A fellow blitzer!

farawayeyes said...

Holy carp! That sounds incredible, if a little scary. The cover is certainly intrigueing, glad it's cautions for adults. Good job and happy blitz day!

Theresa Milstein said...

Wow, that's some cover. Happy Blitz Day!

SK Anthony said...

This is awesome and sounds so fun! Congrats on it's release :D

... and happy blitz day!

PK HREZO said...

What a cool cover! And happy Blitz Day!!

Anonymous said...

: )

Elise Fallson said...

Congratulations! It's fun to blitz folks on their release day. (:

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Suzanne, I was a play tester on the early version.

Thanks everyone!!

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Timothy,
Now that's a creepy cover. I mean that in a good way, of course. :)

Christina Mercer said...

Congrats! Your book looks great!! Happy Blitz Day :-D

dolorah said...

Oh wow, looks like something I'd like to read. I don't role or game play, but I am intrigued by the eldritch witches and demons - I dislike cute cuddly monsters with angst.

I clicked the link at the bottom but it didn't link directly to the book.


S.A. Larsenッ said...

Wow! Congratulations on your release. Sounds intriguing. Stopping by to wish you a Happy Blitz Day!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Congrats and Happy Blitz Day.

Nicki Elson said...

Congratulations on the release! Old school, I like it. ;)

Jennifer Kay said...

Congrats! Very eye-catching cover. And Happy Blog Blitz :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the release. Enjoy your blog blitz day :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Happy Blitz Day!

april said...

Congratulations! Happy Blitz Day!

Unknown said...

In London during World War II,
A blitz was very bad,
But a book release in 2013 ...
Well, a blitz can make you GLAD!

Rhonda Albom said...

Congratulations. Stunning cover! Happy Blitz day!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cover! Congratulation!

With great respect! Ambrozya

From the desk of... R.E. Hargrave said...

Congrats on your latest release... And happy blitz!

Donna Smith said...

Have a Blitzful day!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your release!! You must be ecstatic. You deserve one heck of a Blitzing~~Happy Blitz Day to you!!

Bish Denham said...

Wow! That is an eye-popping cover! Congratulation on your book AND being BLITZED!

Bish Denham said...

Wow! That is an eye-popping cover! Congratulations on your book AND being BLITZED!

Cassandra said...

Congrats :)on the book and happy blitz day :)

Lyre said...

Congrats! What a fantastic announcement to have on what turns out to be your Blitz Day. :-)

I'm sure you're thrilled that this has been released.

Have a great day!
Lyre @ Lyre's Musings

Jacquie said...

congrats! have a blessed weekend!

Ink in the Book said...

Congrats! And happy Blitz Day!!

Unknown said...

Love the cover! Blitz for you!

baygirl32 said...

Sounds interesting! Congrats and Happy Blitz Day :)

Dani said...

Sounds so good!! Happy Blitz day Tim!!

Meredith said...

Seriously creeptastic cover! Congrats and Happy Blitz Day!

Abby Annis said...

Congrats!! And Happy Blitz Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the book release - I think my daughter will enjoy this one. :)

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a Happy Blitzing! Congratulations on your book. I wish you much success!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your book release. Enjoy all the rewards of your hard work. And happy blitz day!

Unknown said...

congrats on your release!!! I'm excited for you :) Happy Blitz day!

Michelle Wallace said...

Happy Blog Blitz Day + congrats on your release!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Congratulations on your new release, and congrats on being blitzed! (And ya won't even get a hangover...) Enjoy!

Jeff Hargett said...

Congrats on the book from a fellow lover of the genre! May it achieve "fantastic" success. Enjoy the blitz! :-)

Al Diaz said...

Nice book! And happy blitz day, Tim!

Amanda said...

Congratulations on your book and Happy Blitz Day!

Jackie said...

Congrats on the release!
Happy Blitz Day!

Anne Louise O'Connell said...

Congratulations on the launch! Happy belated blitz!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Awesome! Looks and sounds great.

Happy blitz :D

Anna Tan said...

Congrats on the release!

Happy blitz day!

Deeply Shallow

Unknown said...

Congrats on the release! The cover looks awesome! And Happy Blitz Day to you, too!

Carrie-Anne said...

Congratulations on your release! I've been fascinated by witchcraft since I first learnt about it at thirteen.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

What a catchy front cover haha! Happy blitz day Timothy :)

Spanj said...

Congratulations! The cover looks fantastic. Good luck with the release and everything.

Tim Knight said...

Better late than never ;) Hope you had a great Blitz Day and congratulations on the book.

Dobson said...

Many warm congrats and I hope you have enjoyed the blitz!

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Awesome! Thanks so much everyone, this really made my week!

Chippy said...

Congratulations and a slightly belated Happy Blog Blitz Day!


~Sia McKye~ said...

Looks like a lot of time and imagination went into this.:-)

I'm not into fantasy play but I could see where this might be a good resource for someone writing urban fantasy or paranormal.

Sia McKye Over Coffee

S.A. Jones said...

Phew! That's one heck of a cover!! I might have to stop in and grab this as a gift for hubs for Christmas. We love a good Fantasy RPG, and he's just now getting into tabletop style games.
Congrats on the release, and happy blitz!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Congratulations on the release! Gorgeous cover!


sjp said...

Beautifully haunting cover, good luck with your release :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your release. The cover is very evocative!

Stephen Tremp said...

You've been officially Blitzed! Much better than having your house TP'ed for Halloween!

#1Nana said...

What a wonderful accomplishment. Congratulations on your new release.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo. Congratulations. Happy belated blitz day (I was offline this weekend).

Deniz Bevan said...

Happy belated blitz day!
That's a lovely cover!