Showing posts with label Omar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Omar. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 Great Character Gear

Crazy Omar
 If you are talking Character Gear then there is only one name you need to know and that is Crazy Omar!

Omar's is something of a long standing tradition in my games.  It was something my old High School DM used in his games and he got it from his DM, a cousin that taught him how to play from the LBBs.  So there has been an Omar's in operation since the very first days of the game. 

They are both gone now. So I guess Omar is mine. Hmm. First time I have thought about that.

Omar (and no one calls him "Crazy" to his face) is the ultimate adventurer shopping center.  Starting characters go to get "Omar's Adventurers' Kit" which includes everything a starting character needs (torches, rope, spikes, backpack...) for 50 GP.   The contents vary from time to time (and depending on what system I am using at the time).  The price is somewhat less than buying the items separate, and the characters and Omar know this.  But Omar feels that the best customers are the ones that keep coming back and the only ones that come back are the well prepared ones.

"Omar" is the name of the Dwarf in charge. My Omar is the third Omar to run the store, and much like the Dread Pirate Roberts one retires and another takes his place. My oldest's Omar is a gnome, breaking with tradition in the best way possible.  If I use my character Johan as my yard stick, there has been an Omar in charge of Crazy Omar's for the better part of 250 years. Leading to the rumor that Omar is immortal. 

He always seen wearing a silk bathrobe, bunny slippers, a fez (either purple or red) and a monocle (of true seeing).  He walks around his shop greeting customers and singing dwarven opera at the top of his lungs. You have not heard true opera until you have heard the Dwarven version of "The Ring of the Nibelung" where Alberich is the hero and sung in the original Dwarven.

Crazy Omar's Adventures' Kit

You visit Omar for his Adventurer's Kit. 50 GP for everything a 1st level character could need or want. 

Backpack2 gp5 lbs
Bedroll1 gp5 lbs
Mess Kit2 sp1 lb
Rations (10 days)5 gp20 lbs
Waterskin2 sp5 lbs (full)
Hempen Rope (50 feet)1 gp10 lbs
Tinderbox5 sp1 lb
Torches (10)1 sp10 lbs
Oil (2 flasks)2 sp2 lbs
Iron Spikes (10)1 gp5 lbs
Hammer1 gp3 lbs
Crowbar2 gp5 lbs
Lantern (Hooded)5 gp2 lbs
Flask (Empty)2 cp1.5 lbs
Chalk (5 pieces)5 cp0 lbs
Small Mirror5 gp0.5 lb
Pitons (10)5 gp5 lbs
Alchemist's Fire (1 flask)50 gp1 lb

Total Cost and Weight

  • Total Cost: 74 gp 7 sp 7 cp
  • Total Weight: 77 lbs (including a full waterskin)
  • Priced to Sell: 50 GP!  Omar must be Crazy!

That list has changed over the years in both base price, weight and items. I am not even sure native 5e players use iron spikes anymore. My kids and their groups do because, well, me.

Hey. Maybe with this post Omar, and his namesakes, can live on in your games too. Just don't forget his fez and bunny slippers.


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 
