I have a BIG Kickstart Your Weekend post here with lost of fun and games. Quite literally. Perfect since this is Gen Con weekend and I can't be there. So let's see what we have.
This is such a great Kickstarter. Yes there are rewards, but biggest reward is knowing you helped out a worthy cause and got some kids together to play some games. Check it out and support them if you can.
I like the D6 system. There are a lot of really fun games out there that use it and honestly I have never given it the attention it really deserves. Looks like I might get to change that with a new version/edition coming out from Gallant Knight Games and West End Games.
This Kickstarter is doing well and I hope this is the start of a new era for the D6 system.
Ok this one is just silly and I love it. D&D Adventures set in the 1980s. I mean really, this has my name written all over it. Way of the Crane Monk, Path of Dance Barbarian? Yeah this will be fun.
This one is new to me and seem cut from the same cloth as Tarot. Real witches in the real world. This one has witches running a strip club. Maybe it will give me some idea for my Mayfairs.
The next comic in Kat Calamia and Phil Falco's "Ever After Verse" features two of my all-time favorite witches. The Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch. I love this "Wicked" inspired cover too. The story should be fun and I am always here for a retelling of the Wizard of Oz story.
If it is half as good as their other entries into this shared universe then it should be a blast.
Swords & Wizardry is back with a brand new edition...wait, I almost Vanilla Iced this. Starting over.
Swords & Wizard had a great Kickstarter a while back a produced some really attractive books. This expansion set looks every bit as good and hopefully will be a viable option for folks wanting to try new games, other than D&D.
This is the best version of Swords & Wizardry I have seen so far. I wish the game a lot of success.
James M. Spahn is one of the good guys. He has scores of titles and has worked some of the best games of the last 10 years. This 22-page zine is rather a modest release; it takes a short time to fund and has no stretch goals, but it looks absolutely fun. Plus it is only $10 for both the print and pdf.
This new indie comic is about a 300-year-old witch back to get revenge on the apprentice who betrayed her. This also looks fun and the witch makes me think of the daughter of Willow Rosenberg and Hermione Granger. Not a bad mix really.
Kat Calamia and Phil Falco are the creators who gave us "Beast and Snow," a retelling of Beauty and the Beast and Snow White as a werewolf and vampire. This is her next one and is part of the same universe. In fact this comic is the first of a shared universe, the EverAfterVerse.
If this one is half as fun as "Beast and Snow" then it will be great.
Plus, like the Kickstarter for "Beast and Snow," you get an indie comics bundle that is absolutely huge. Tons of fun comics from various creators.
This is best described as "Power Rangers in Regency England." Well, I am a sucker for any Regency or Victorian RPG, and this one looks like a lot of fun.
Replace the crazy Power Ranger tech with Steampunk and the proper society of the Regency era you come close to this game.
Spend any time here, and you know I am a HUGE fan of the DC Comics event "Crisis on Infinite Earths." I loved the comic, the DC YV Universe version, and more.
Revision fairy tales? Vampires? Strong female leads? Kat Calamia and Phil Falco? Dorilys Giacchetto cover? Liana Kangas cover? Stjepan Sejic cover?!
Sign me up! No need, I did that myself.
Ok so this looks like a lot of fun and I am getting a strong "Carmilla" and "Vampyres" vibe from this.
The art looks great and the story should be great from what little bit I can gather here. They are just missing a witch from being perfect! (I am nothing if not consistent.)
And if you think I am NOT doing versions of these characters for my home game using my Monster Mash rules then you don't know me or this blog very well.
They have met their funding and unlocked their first stretch goal. Looks like they might need more stretch goals at this rate!
But seriously, this looks like a lot of fun and I hope there are a lot of issues in this series.
This is not for a new book but rather a hardcover option for the fantastic Dark Places & Demogorgons RPG. For this the original red hardcover art from the first Kickstart is available and the blue softcover art in hardcover format.
I have the blue in softcover and the red in hardcover, so I have to admit that the blue hardcover is very, very tempting.
Now this "Queer Game of Disco & Cosmic Horror" has my attention. I have known the designer, Richard Ruane, for many, many years. We have worked together in our days jobs at various companies for a while. He does great work. He was one of the developers for White Wolf and worked a lot on their Mummy line.
From the Kickstarter:
Moonlight on Roseville Beach: A Queer Game of Disco & Cosmic Horror is a tabletop roleplaying game that brings together the supernatural investigations and monster hunting of the weird fiction tales of the 20s and 30s from pulp magazines like Weird Tales with the queer romance and adventure of the 50s, 60s, and 70s novelists like Ann Bannon and Joseph Hansen.
I would like to say "I was there" when Richard came up with this idea. He was talking a lot about Ann Bannon online so I asked about her stories. As per our normal conversations, the topic went to RPGs.
In any case, I backed this one and threw in some extra cash so copies can be donated.
This is not a game, but a new book Satyros Phil Brucato one of the lead designers (or really THE designer) of White Wolf's Mage.
From the Indiegogo page.
After a friend’s mysterious death, Genét Shilling delves into the world of Red Shoes, a drug whose effects alter time, space, and form. That journey challenges all she thought she knew about herself and reveals how strange her world truly is.
Propelled by wide-eyed attitude and inspired by its author’s experiences with music, dance and metaphysical subcultures, Red Shoes presents an urban fantasy tale set in the Appalachian town of Riverhaven, where magic hides just out of sight.
Time warps. Modern bards. Sexual confusion. Grief and revenge.
“LYLITH & MARA” are twin sisters and the original Vampire and Succubus from who all other vampire races were evolved from. Born and raised in “The Dark”, their destiny seemed clear cut until on the age of their “becoming” when something within them stirs. A conflict between power and desires struggles with a morality of a soul they didn’t realized existed.
This also looks like a lot of fun. Sure some of the cover art is cheesy, but I think it is cheesy, or cheese cakey, on purpose. So that is fine.
It looks like something that would work well with my Mara witch book.
Normally I talk about DC's resident backward talking magician in fishnets, but today let's spend some time with her Marvel universe counterpart and talk Wanda, Scarlet Witch, and WandaVision!
Ok, so I am going to TRY to avoid big spoilers for this week's big finale, but I am going to talk about some plot points of episodes 8 and 9. Not huge ones, I hope, well...one is.
Anyway, you have been warned! (OH and a minor Runaways spoiler too.)
So, it is not a huge secret that really I am not (or rather, was not) a huge fan of Wanda and Scarlet Witch. She was fun and all, but when it comes to magic in Marvel I am much more a fan of Dr. Strange.
WandaVision, and Elizabeth Olsen, have changed my mind.
The story is actually a simple one of grief pushing someone to the edge, and then right over the side into a weird alternate reality.
We see Wanda, as wonderfully described by Agatha Harkness/Agnes (played by the WONDERFUL Kathryn Hahn in what is the casting of a lifetime really) as "a baby witch with years of therapy ahead of her" instead join a radicalized group (HYDRA we later learn in the movies) and "Little orphan Wanda got up close and personal with an Infinity Stone that amplified what otherwise would have died on the vine." (Episode 8)
In just under 50 minutes we get the best version of Wanda's origin story ever that also explains her powers. She wields chaos magic and in Agatha's own words,
You have no idea how dangerous you are. You're supposed to be a myth, a being capable of spontaneous creation. Here you are, using it to make breakfast for dinner. Oh, yes, your children, Vision, this whole little life you've made. This is chaos magic, Wanda. That makes you... the Scarlet Witch.
Now that is something. The Scarlet Witch is not her code name, but a title, a "The" as it were. That would make something akin to the Imbolc Mage that I use in my games; a superpowerful witch capable of spontaneous magic. I do love a good prophecy about a superpowerful witch.
Beyond that the series, especially episode 8 was full of great material from Vision's "But what is grief, if not love persevering?" to Wanda's breakdown in the home that Vision bought for them (and pure Emmy-bait for Olsen).
But what I think is best about this whole series is not that it is about superpowerful people. It's about things we can relate to.
We are not watching Wanda because she is the Scarlet Witch, we are watching because she was a little girl, who loved her family, her bother, and learning to speak English by watching bootleg DVDs of American sitcoms. She lost her family, her brother, and the love of her life and despite being powerful there isn't a thing she can actually do about it. In the end that is something that everyone can relate to.
Including Agatha "And I Killed Sparky too" Harkness is just the delicious icing on an already great cake.
And that is not even getting into anything else like fake Pietro (called that one early on too!) or even my FIRST Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau as Photon. OH and another appearance of the Darkhold! The first was in Runaways Season 3.
Not sure if there will be a Season 2 or not, but it sets things up nicely for the next Doctor Strange movie.
No. I am not talking about one of the most fantastic albums ever released (though I should probably spill some virtual ink on that someday). I am talking about the number of options afforded to us in streaming entertainment.
In this time of Covid-19 we are supposed to stay at home and avoid interaction with others. That is fine, but it means we are spending a lot more time at home. So I have been enjoying a lot of what streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon, HBO, and CBS All Access are really trying to get our attention with more programming. Since I am also saving a small fortune by not having to drive into work anymore I am enjoying all of them.
Since I have been spending my week categorizing over 350 different demons for my demon book I don't have much RPG content to share right now. So what's good on streaming?
CBS All Access
Or the all Star Trek all the Time Channel. Star Trek Discovery Season 3 has been fantastic this year. The crew jumped 900+ years into the future (3188 to be exact) to save a sentient AI from falling into the wrong hands. It doesn't quite have the emotional connection that Season 2 (the search for..well...Spock) did BUT for a Trek fan like me it has been great on the fan service and easter eggs. This is essentially Season 1 of the new 32nd Century Star Trek. This gives the creative team so much more freedom to do the special effects they obviously wanted to do anyway but also gives them some good storytelling freedom away from the established Trek canon. This is amusing because this season has had the most callbacks to previous versions of Trek outside of Season 2's TOS homages.
Additionally, we are getting new episodes of Picard, Lower Decks (maybe and second season is coming I have not heard), and new shows like Strange New Worlds (Pike's Enterprise) and Section 31, Starfleet's Gray Ops group. For a Trek fan this is fantastic!
Amazon Prime
My October Horror Movie Challenge would not have been possible without Prime. We have been watching a lot of Vikings lately. Don't confuse it for actual history (even though it was on the History Channel) it has been fun and has given me some ideas.
The Second Age Middle Earth series is underway. Casting has been announced, but I don't think filming has started yet.
Have not taken as much advantage of this one as I should. But the really fun Helstrom was here (and not Disney+ for some reason) and it shows that when Marvel does Horror, it can do a great job of it.
In many ways, Helstrom and Satana (Ana in the series) was Marvel's answer to DC's Constantine even though Hellstrom (2 "L"s) premiered a decade before. Hellstrom, Satana, Doctor Strange, Blade and Dracula were all part of the Marvel Horror universe that I loved as a kid. The changes from the comic to series were needed and very welcome to me really. It is still full of Marvel AngstTM, but it is also a lot of fun.
HBO Max (or + or Go or whatever it is called now)
HBO has been around forever. It and Showtime were two of the very, very first "movie channels" out there. But today HBO is better known for its series. True Blood (which for some reason is getting a reboot) and Game of Thrones are two notable ones. This past year I have been watching Lovecraft Country (which is fantastic!) and His Dark Materials, which is getting better in Season 2. We also got the DC shows, Harley Quinn, Titans, Doom Patrol, and soon we will be able to see Wonder Woman 84 and the Synder Cut of Justice League.
I don't care. I am such a DC fanboy that I am excited about this.
The Champion of the Streaming Channels, but it has had some serious competition from Disney+. Let's see what they have been offering me. Netflix will be forever fixed in Geek Heaven for Stranger Things. We will be getting the 4th season of that soon; filming is underway. Enola Holmes, based on the YA books was also a hit, even if it didn't exactly conform to the established Holmes canon. We also got The Witcher based on the video game and now R. Talsorian Games RPG of the same name.
Speaking of Season 4, we are getting the LAST installment of the Chilling Adventure of Sabrina near the end of the month. It looks like they are taking it where the comic also went, into dealing with Cthulhu and other Lovecraftian horrors. It looks like it should be great.
I was a little disappointed in ChAoS when they killed off Dorcas played by the lovely Abigail Cowen. while it may have been part of the plot, she was quickly scooped up it seems by another Netflix production, Fate. I saw the trailer for it today and thought it looked cool, THEN I saw what it was at the end.
Fate: A Winx Saga. Whaaat? Winx Club as a comic and then a kids Nickelodeon animated series. I thought it was a poor rip-off of Disney's W.I.T.C.H. so did Disney in fact. Turns out Winx Club was published and in production a full year before the W.I.T.C.H. comics came out. This is by the same people and is supposed to be darker and more adult. I happy to see Abby Cowen is something where she is the star, I thought she had great potential on ChAoS and this should be fun too.
Oh. If you have not seen The Queen's Gambit it is fantastic.
What can you say about Disney+? I mean even before they acquired Lucasfilm and Marvel they had one of the deepest wells of titles and characters. Honestly just between the Disney, Pixar, and ABC material they own they could have been fine as a streaming service. But let's be honest, as great as Pixar is no one dropped the cash for Disney+ for that alone. Disney+ has been moving along famously in the last year or so thanks to The Baby Yoda ShowThe Mandalorian. It has been a fantastic show and Season 2 has been delivering an action-packed episode all season long AND with great storytelling AND with characters I never thought in 40 years I'd see on TV. While I am a Star Trek fan deep in my DNA, I do love Star Wars. The adventures of Not Boba Fett and Space Pikachu has been some of the best Star Wars I have seen. Disney+ could honestly do a victory lap now, but that was until yesterday when they made their 2021 announcements.
I have no idea how many new shows and movies are coming out for Marvel and Star Wars now. Lots. More than I ever thought one studio would try to do. Instead of trying to recap them all (lots of other sites are doing that) let me just focus on the ones that interest me.
I have a love/hate relationship with Scarlet Witch in Marvel. First, she was never really a witch so I often felt "lied" too, except the times she was a witch. And a mutant. She was a villain, she was a hero, she was depowered, she was overpowered. As a character, she was all over the place. And sometimes she was just that, all over the place. She suffered from bouts of insanity, deep depression, and loss.
I will give the movies credit on a couple of things. Divorced from her "mutant" background it gave her character more definition. Also for the first time, I bought into her's and Vision's love for each other.
The new series WandaVision looks like it takes the background of the comic's characters and really makes a good series out of it.
Seriously, this could be Wanda going mad and her powers acting out creating new realities or something else. Or both. Given the character, it is likely both. Elizabeth Olsen is also a great actress and she can pull this off. Frankly, the riffs on "Bewitched" are enough to get me to watch it.
Watching this new trailer really puts a different spin on the first trailer released.
There certainly something else going on here. I am looking forward to it.
Marvel: What If...?
One of my favorite Marvel Titles was "What If...?" The comic would break off into different sorts of stories all under the "What If" question. What if Spider-man joined the Fantastic Four? Was the first one. "What if Gwen Stacy had lived? was an interesting one as well. The best may have been the introduction of May "Mayday" Parker as "Spider-Girl" and the Gwen Stacy arc eventually planted the seeds to give us "Spider Gwen". If Barry Allen/The Flash is the center point of DC's multiverse, then certainly Spider-man is the center of Marvel's. It seems a little odd to me then that Spider-man doesn't feature at all in the trailer of Disney+'s "Marvel: What If...?" series.
I am sure it is more shenanigans with Sony. Though the rumor is now that Alfred Molina will return as Doctor Octopus in the third Spider-man movie. Additionally, we could get past Peter Parkers as well now that Disney owns what was 20th Century Fox and Into the Spider-verse was a huge success.
Here we are. Our geek cups run over and there is more to fill even more cups.
Never would I have suspected that we would have so much genre entertainment at our fingertips. Which is good since we really should not be going anywhere.
Brian Pulido has assembled an all start group of comics writers, illustrators, and colorists to bring the latest in his Hellwitch Saga. I have picked up a couple of these over the years, but have been looking to complete my collection. This looks like a good way to do it.
This is the same talent that brought us Lady Death. I will admit I have used more than a few things from these comics in my own versions of Hell for my games.
The Dead Milkmen are releasing a D&D adventure about a "Bitchin Chimera." Do I really need to tell you more than that? No idea if Tony Orlando and Dawn, Beelze-bubba, Mojo Nixon, or a Punk Rock Girl will appear.
Ok, first and foremost this Kickstarter will not benefit any of the current racist owners of the Judges Guild. This collects some of the best material of the early days of JG and all written by Jennell Jaquays. Some very, very solid stuff here, and Goodman Games puts out a solid product.
and finally one more look at this one now that it has made it's funding goal.
Lucifer, The Lord of Hell, has suddenly vanished without warning leaving the pact of the realm of death in unrest and on the brink of war. Now Lilith, his bride, must try and reclaim the realm in his absence, but not everyone wants to bow to her rule. With enemies at every turn, Lilith searches for the Sacred Heart to increase her power in order to gain the allies she needs to claim her missing husband's throne and restore peace to the kingdom. Filled with intrigue, epic battles, and a dash of humor, this comic is sure to leave you wanting more!
Honestly, this looks rather fun. The art is varied, but it is all really good.
DC FanDome was last weekend and there is more to come, but here is what was released for the future of DC on your screens.
Let's start on the big screen and with the one I am looking forward to the most. Wonder Woman 84!
It has Maxwell Lord, Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva version), and...Steve Trevor? No idea how they are going to do that, but I am betting it was Maxwell Lord's doing. In any case, the movie looks great and I bet soundtrack is going to be awesome.
For the next one, let me say I am cautiously optimistic.
Look, I am a Batman fan as much as the next DC fan, but there are other characters out there and we have had several Batman movies.
Speaking of other characters, there is one that not a lot of people know about so it will be interesting to see how it works out on screen. A sequel/prequel to the successful Shazam movie we are introduced to Shazam's main enemy, Black Adam.
On the smaller screen, we are going to get the "Snyder Cut" of "Justice League". I am also looking forward to this one as well.
Personally, I prefer the Donner cut over the Lester/Theatrical original. Given what I know of what was going on on the set of Justice League I am also hopeful that this one will be good too. Though I am now hearing it will be four hours long!
You are going to need HBO Max for it, but that is fine if you already have HBO.
We are also hearing more about one of the refected Justice League Dark ideas. This one was from Joseph Kahn. I am not sure how far along this one ever got, but there was some cool concept art.
Dan Stevens was cast as John Constantine. But the best is a punk-looking Zatanna played by Natalie Dormer. I miss the fishnets, but this is cool too.
There is another FanDome coming up in a couple of weeks. I bet they will cover more of the TV shows then.
I could comment on these strange days, but I have other social media outlets for that.
I am going to comment on the #RPGaDAY2020 list itself in that these are a lot of strange words.
Ok, I get it, Dave has been doing this a long time and maybe he is running out of words to use. but knowing and the work he has done in the past I highly doubt he is lacking in ideas. So I'll just put this here as my commentary and that's it.
Ok. Strange. Let's get to the meat of this.
Many of my contemporaries will point to Fritz Leiber, Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tolkien, Moorcock, and Lovecraft as their main sources of inspiration to D&D. While I share the Tolkien, Moorcock, and Lovecraft influences, I also add Clark Ashton Smith.
But those were not my only sources.
Dr. Strange and Tomb of Dracula
The 1970s were a strange time to be sure. The 70s Occult Revival fueled my tastes in games in ways I never knew at the time and only saw in retrospect. Case in point. Dr. Strange comics and Tomb of Dracula. Both were favorites of mine but when Strange, along with Blade, would battle Dracula? Yeah, THAT was an adventure. I wanted my games to have these epic world-changing battles that start small but then go on out to the cosmic scale. Strange didn't just defeat Dracula. He destroyed all vampires.
I was already a huge horror fan at this point and Hammer Horror in particular. So these comics sent me searching more and more strange ideas for my games. I think by 1982 I had read every book of occultism in my local public library. Creating a witch class was an inevitable conclusion at that point.
When the Ravenloft module was released it found a no more welcome home than mine.
My parents were voracious readers. Books filled every corner of my home growing up and every room had at least one bookshelf, some like the living room had three.
They, like many people of their generation, had a lot of Reader's Digest books. One, in particular, was Strange Stories, Amazing Facts.
This book should not by any stretch of the imagination be considered good literature or even good research. It is however good fun and a fun read.
While the book is divided up into roughly chronological sections including one on the future, it was the past and the monsters of myth that always grabbed my attention. Though flipping through it now that section on the end of the world would be fun to use.
For my birthday about 10 years ago my family found a copy and gave it to me. Complete with original dust jacket (I am book snob and prefer my dust covers intact).
I have been asked in the past to assemble my own "Appendix N". Maybe I'll do that one day.
I have enjoy the comics of Gisèle Lagace for a number of years now. "Ménage à 3" and "Eerie Cuties" in particular. Well, this is her ultimate collection. You can add on any number of their previous Kickstarter packages and other Pixie Trix comics. I am fond of "Dangerously Chole" (about a shy succubus) and "Exorsisters."
There are only a few hours left of this one, so I hope you take advantage!
I can't sell this any better than Jim himself, so here are his words.
Hello and Welcome to the Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose ORIGINS trade paperback Kickstarter! 20 years ago, Holly and I had this idea to start a Comic Company (BROADSWORD COMICS)and to publish an ongoing series. I always loved sword and sorcery comics as well as the superhero comics. I combined the two and created Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose.
I based the Art and Stories on myself, people I knew and my Imagination.
I was told, by the so called experts, that Tarot wouldn’t last past 3 issues . As of the writing of this letter Tarot#121 is being published.
So to celebrate that first year of Tarot , we have gathered the first 5 sold out issues that launch this adventure series! In these issues you will find the FIRST APPEARANCE of Tarot, Raven Hex, Jon Webb the Skeleton Man , Crypt Chick, and Mor Meb Dred the Dragon Witch! For those of you just discovering Tarot, welcome to the adventures of this voluptuous Redheaded Witch who is the Swordmaiden to the Goddess and charged with keeping the balance between man and Magick! This is where it all started!
Holly and I started BROADSWORD COMICS 20 years ago, so come and join the celebration and with your help we can make this Magickal tome happen.
Jim Balent
There you go. There are a ton of great stretch goals full of some great Jim and Holly art. I hope you check it out!
Had the chance to pick up the new DC Black Label publication of Stjepan Šejić'sHarleen.
It is absolutely fantastic.
Not only can he produce some fantastic art that just grabs you, he also is a great story teller.
If you don't know Stjepan Šejić's work then make sure you change that now!
You can see some of Harleen here from Issue #1. This hardcover combines issues 1 to 3.
I hear he wants to do one for Poison Ivy now too in the same universe. I am all for that!
Though I am still waiting for that WonderCroft comic!
And even more Zatanna releases! And this one is new to me too.
Zatanna: The Jewel of Gravesend, is a new Young Adult graphic novel featuring the Other Side's favorite sorceress.
Written by Alys Arden with art by Jacquelin De Leon this new Zatanna story features "a 'Brooklyn-centric' YA story, Zatanna: The Jewel Gravesend spotlights a younger Zatanna than comic fans have traditionally seen."
The art looks great.
Not sure who the others are, but I love the art for Tibbar.
I love new Zatanna related releases!
On October 2nd we get DC's "Secrets of Sinister House" special featuring Harley Quinn, John Constantine, Detective Chimp, the Atom, and, Zatanna!