Both episodes had a similar plot element, though dealt with in very different ways. On Discovery they are recovering from "The Burn" which destroyed all dilithium in use a little over a hundred years ago. The new Federation president (who looks like she might have some Cardassian DNA) mentioned that there were ongoing Warp Drive developments. She mentioned a new version of Discovery's Spore Drive and that a new Pathway drive had been developed and placed into the new Voyager.
Over on Prodigy, which shares the Voyager connection, we learn that the USS Protostar is more than just a neat name. Its warp drive is not just powered by an anti-matter reactor, it has in its heart an actual protostar.
There is a constant level of warp drive development going on in Star Trek. But the Spore Drive has proven difficult to get right or recreate, Trans Warp was a failure, and slipstream conduits are difficult to navigate.
All of this and one other bit of information I recently unearthed sets the stage very nicely for what is going on in BlackStar.
Let me restate something I said back in 2019.
We don't see many Ambassador class ships in the TNG time-frame, why? I am going to say there was a design flaw that was later discovered after Starfleet Corp of Engineers went over why the Ent-C was destroyed. There is a flaw in the nacelle arrangement that was missed in the R&D phase and only seen in practice. This lead to newer warp nacelle configuration that gave us the Galaxy and Nebula class ships. Despite living in the 24th century, human Starfleet personnel can still be somewhat superstitious and the Ambassador class gained the status of a "cursed ship".
This is also why there are 21 decommissioned Ambassador class ships outside of Neptune Station. Here, Commodore Peter Quincy Taggert, with a signed order from Admiral Nyota Uhura (who had been fond of the Ambassador class and hated to see them go to waste), began work on the Mystic Project. The NX-3100 (mislabeled on the hull as NX-3000 due to a clerical error) was developed at the Klatuu Nebula Yards in conjunction with the Theremin Science Council and launched to Earth on SD 30007.21. (2351 or there abouts)
We have 21 (or 22) decomed Ambassador ships over in the "junk yards" of Neptune Station. A prototype (the Mystic) was b
uilt at the Klatuu Nebula Yards by the Theremins. A desire by Starfleet to work on new types of warp drive, BUT all available engineers are working on the super-sexy new Galaxy-class project over a Utopia Planitia on Mars. This is why CDRE Taggert gets them. No one else wants them. But why are they here? I said due to a flaw in the nacelle arrangement. I said this because I replaced the warp nacelles on my model. But is there more?
Enter my "I have too much work to do, but instead I am watching Star Trek Starship videos on YouTube" moment earlier this week.
Enter TriAngulum Audio Studios on YouTube. They have a series called "Truth or Beta" that discusses Star Trek "Alpha" content (for Memory Alpha, or cannon material named for the Memory Alpha planetoid that is the Federation Library and the first stop for the USS Protector) vs. "Beta" (for Memory Beta, non-cannon material that appears in books). This series collects various bits of Alpha lore and select bits of Beta lore to make for a fuller picture of what is going on.
Here is their series on what went wrong with the Ambassador class ship.
The premise is basically the same. After the destruction of the Enterprise-C, the Ambassador class was given a top to bottom inspection. Where I claimed it was the warp nacelles, here it is an issue with the new warp core and other systems with the older duotronic computers. If you look at the Enterprise-C computer screens you can see they look more like the ones from the Enterprise-A and B eras. Whereas newer Ambassador class ships have the isolinear computers and the LCARS OS.
That works for me too. In any case it explains why we never saw a lot of the Ambassador class ships in the TNG Era despite the class having had an Enterprise among its numbers. It also explains why I can have a couple of dozen just sitting out by Neptune waiting to be used for something else.
Now I just need to get my reviews up of Star Trek 2d20 and Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20 from Modiphius up.