Showing posts with label shameless promotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shameless promotion. Show all posts

Thursday, March 13, 2025

"New" Projects

 I have had a burst of creativity over the last couple of months, and my desire to get things off my WIP plate has been strong.

You all may have noticed with the publications coming from me recently:

I have more of those series to come out. Plus I also want to get back to my Myths & Monsters series for 1e to cover more gods.

Also, I have been trying to finish a large project that has been taking all my time. No announcement yet, I want to see if I can hit my self-imposed deadline, but this one is pretty big.

Work in Progress

So, posting will be a little sparse while I try to finish these all up.

OH! And if you are going to Gary Con, stop by the Elf Lair Games booth to say hi. 

Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Witch: Hedgewitch for the Hero's Journey RPG in PRINT

I am pleased to announce that The Witch: Hedgewitch for the Hero's Journey RPG is now being offered in softcover.

The book is 68 pages, so it is a small book, but it goes great with your copy of +James Spahn's The Hero's Journey RPG. (Print copies are at Lulu in full color or B&W pages.)

Or even my other Witch books.

Each book offers a different set of witch "Traditions" so you can buy them all and combine them.

Get your copy today!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Year! Tell What You Have/Do/Make!

So I started this posting on Facebook today and it is really taking off.

So I want to continue it here.

I know so many wickedly talented and smart people. A lot of them read this blog.

So in the comments below and/or on Google+ please share what you are doing, making, selling or otherwise want people to know about. Share.  When I get back from my meetings today I'll also share some, but don't wait on me. Toot your own horn!