Wednesday, February 26, 2014

White Dwarf Wednesday #99

March 1988 and White Dwarf #99. This might one of my least favorite covers ever for White Dwarf.  Some weird looking space marine (research tells me it is a Chaos Marine).  In The Eye Of Terror Collective by Creativity Inc is the credit.
Sean Masterson gives us lackluster editorial.

Marginalia gives us two products, Curse of the Mummy's Tomb and Heroes for Dungeonquest.  Curse of the Mummy is a new board game and Heroes another expansion for Dungeonquest.

Lots of stuff for Warhammer 40k.

Letters moves up to the start of the issue.

The Ritual is a Warhammer Fantasy introductory scenario.   It's 10 pages and looks like it could be fun.  It has a serious old school vibe about it (naturally) but it really looks like something that could be published today for the OSR crowd.

For RuneQuest we get a guide on Martial Arts.  Only a page, but some very 80s stuff.

A little bit more on some Warhammer 40k.

Spirit of the Mountain is a Call of Cthulhu adventure.  Taking place anytime between 1830 and 1930 it is a fun little adventure set in Navajo land in Arizona.  I like it. I am sucker for anything Native American in nature.  Growing up in the midwest near old burial mounds will do that.  Plus I was in the area of this adventure this past spring on vacation and I have been dying to try something out.  It looks like something that I could convert easily to Ghosts of Albion.

One of the reasons (I think) for letters getting moved was to make room for a new forum on miniatures. I have been poking my head in on various newer White Dwarf issues to know that anything miniatures was gold for White Dwarf.

End with more Warhammer 40k and various ads.

A lot of what I said about last issue is still valid here.


thekelvingreen said...

I think "Spirit of the Mountain" was the last non-WFRP rpg article in White Dwarf.

You've missed perhaps the best prt of the issue; the final few pages with the infamous d1000 mutation table and rules! They appear in the Realm of Chaos hardbacks but WD#99 is a cheaper way to get hold of them for those who want them in print. They're designed for use in the three Warhammer games of the day but I've used them in may other games.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

That is true.

I should have looked at that one more carefully.

Anonymous said...

Lol! My one article for WD get's dismissed as "a bit eighties"! Well, it's kinda hard to assess a purely mechanical article for a game you don't play, I guess.

Funny thing is, we never intended for those martial arts rules to be published as they were, we submitted them as a taster for a scenario we were working on called "Enter the Dragonewt". Mind you, we never did get that done although I still uses elements of it to this day.

There's a letter in issue 101 that does a good job of expanding on what we wrote into different martial art disciplines. But as the magazine becomes Warhammer only after this (and very soon miniatures Warhammer) I doubt Enter the Dragonewt would have been accepted anyway. My modern day Call of Cthulhu scenario set amidst East End gangsters (a sort of Guy Ritchie does Lovecraft thing) never saw publication either :(

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Ha! Sorry about that, but yeah it is hard for me to judge it. And you have to admit that the 80s were all about that sort of thing.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

This gives me an idea though!

Anonymous said...

Fair play, and in my defence ... it was the eighties. Actually, since most of the moves were inspired by Bruce Lee films it's probably more 70s really!