Larina "Nix" Nichols
She is my "Drosophila melanogaster" of character creation experiments. I try to stat her up in every game as a witch.
Willow and Tara
- They get their own page too.
Elizabeth Bathory
- Introduction
- Classic Unisystem (WitchCraft)
- Mutants and Masterminds (2nd Edition)
- Chill
- Witch Girls Adventures
- Spellcraft & Swordplay
- Ubiquity: Leagues of Adventure
- Justin over at Halls of the Nephilim has her for the AGE System
Her backstory is explored in Elegy.Carmilla and Laura
From the Webseries Carmilla.- Buffy RPG
- Chronicle / World of Darkness
- Leagues of Adventure/Gothic Horror/Cthulhu and Hollow Earth Ubiquity
- Die For You
- Monsterhearts
- Mighty Protectors: Villains & Vigilantes 3.0
- Dark Places & Demogorgons
Not to mention my original Ghosts of Albion stats for "book" Carmilla.
Sisters of Paradox, Time changed and suddenly the Power of Three was no more.
Sisters of Paradox, Time changed and suddenly the Power of Three was no more.
- Willow Rosenberg, Sister of Paradox (Buffy/Ghosts of Albion)
- Phoebe Bennett, Sister of Paradox (Buffy/Ghosts of Albion)
- Dark Places & Demogorgons, How Soon Is Now?
The Craft
The girls from the movie "The Craft". For both Ghosts of Albion and Witch Girls Adventures.
Darlessa, the Vampire Queen
- Advanced Labyrinth Lord, Mara Witch Tradition (Vampire)
- Swords & Wizardry Boxed Set, Witch (Human)
- Arevenir, her potential 5e Ravenloft Domain
- Tomb of the Vampire Queen
John Dee
Necromancer to Queen Elizabeth.
The King of Vampires and Prince of Darkness. This guy does not sparkle.
- AD&D 1st Ed.
- B/X Companion
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth 3.0
- Chill, 2nd Edition
- Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space
- Ghosts of Albion
- Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Ed.
- Spellcraft & Swordplay
- True20
- Amazing Adventures (and the rest of the Universal Monsters)
Duchess & Candella
B3 Palace of the Silver Princess' notorious thieving duo get their own adventures.
D&D Classics
These are characters that we have all known for ages.
- Aleena (D&D 4 Essentials)
- Emirikol the Chaotic (Eldritch Witchery)
- Morgan Ironwolf (D&D 4 Essentials)
- The Moldvay Sorceress (ShadowDark)
Everyone's favorite non-couple couple, alive and well, thanks to the magic of Dungeons & Dragons.
The Wicked Witch of the West, but not exactly like the books.
Feiya, Pathfinder Iconic Witch
Fire & Ice
Justice League International's super team of Bea and Tora!
Hex, Sylanders
Little Hex, the undead dark elf witch from the wildly popular Skylanders game.
- 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons (witch class)
- Pathfinder (witch class)
- Spellcraft & Swordplay (warlock class/ Goetic Lodge)
- Spellcraft & Swordplay (warlock class/ Fraternity of Bones Lodge)
- Basic Era, The Witch (witch class)
- Adventures Dark & Deep (witch/necromancer)
- BECMI + Glantri Gazetteer
HEX (Sky One TV program)
The Hex Girls
Thorn, Luna and Dusk. Rocking the world and solving mysteries of the supernatural. They are the Hex Girls!
- Introduction, Unisystem and Witch Girls Adventures
- Season 2 intro and Cartoon Action Hour
- New look for the Hex Girls
- Cortex
- Meddling Kids
- Dark Places & Demogorgons
Iggwilv, The Witch Queen of Perrenland
Justice, aka Astra Kal-El
The daughter of Superman and Wonder Woman fights crime both as a Law Student and as costumed crime fighter Justice!
- Issue 1: Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Ed
- Issue 2: BASH
- Issue 3: Mutants and Masterminds 3rd Ed / DC Adventures
- Issue 4: Icons
- Issue 5: Marvel Heroic Roleplay
- Issue 6: Villains & Vigilantes
- Issue 7: Superbabes
- Issue 8: Mighty Protectors
- Issue 9: Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition
Koliada, The Winter Witch
The main antagonist of Winter of the Witch.
- D&D 4 (original stats)
- D&D 5
- BECMI/The Witch for Basic Era Games
- Pathfinder
The Witch Queen from Dungeon Crawl Classics, Saga of the Witch Queen.
Prince Mamuwlade, "Blacula"
No Magic Like Family
Elvira and Dolly as witches? Yes, please!
From the Kim Harrison The Hollows Series.
Motherland: Fort Salem
The badass witches of three seasons of Motherland: Fort Salem
Everyone's favorite Victorian Street-Faerie Prostitute. Has had enough adventures to make Fanny Hill blush.
The witch from I8 Ravager of Time
The Owens, Practical Magic
Mary Poppins
Is she a witch or a Time Lord? Why not both!
- Basic Witch, Eclectic Tradition
- Witch, Ghosts of Albion
- Time Lord, Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space
- White Witch, Swords & Wizardry
- The Governess for the Doctor Who RPG 2nd Edition
The She-Devil with a Sword herself!
- Intro, Cinematic Unisystem and Spellcraft & Swordplay
- Mutants and Masterminds, 3rd Edition
- Barbarians of Lemuria and here
- Superbabes
- Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea
The Refrigerator
My original big-bad.
- Introduction and Amazing Adventures
- Hollow Earth Expedition/Ubiquity
- Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition
- Vigilante City
- DC Heroes
What if Sabrina Spellman grew up and became the Queen of Witches?
- Sabrina Spellman-Krinkle (Ghosts of Albion/Buffy)
From Barbarians of Lemuria
- Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea
- The Witch: A sourcebook for Basic Edition fantasy games
Liberty "Libby" Sawyer
Robin Sena, aka Witch Hunter Robin
- BESM 2r
- Witch Girls Adventures
- True20
- Cinematic Unisystem (Ghosts of Albion)
Shadow Girls
- Introduction
- Becka McKay (WitchGirls Adventures)
- Lindsey Jun Yeoh (WitchGirls Adventures)
- Charon McKay (WitchGirls Adventures)
The heroines of J. F. Rivkin's Silverglass quartet, witch Nyctasia r'n Edonaris brenn Rhostshyl and mercenary Corson brenn Torisk.
The evil magic-user from the LJN Advanced Dungeons & Dragons toyline and Basic/Expert modules.
Sucks to Be MeThe evil magic-user from the LJN Advanced Dungeons & Dragons toyline and Basic/Expert modules.
- Introduction, base stats
- Dungeons & Dragons Fandom Wiki (offsite)
- Spellcraft & Swordplay: Eldritch Witchery
- Dragon Magazine Issues #5 and #20
- Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea
- Pathfinder
- BECMI + Glantri Gazetteer Witch
- Castles & Crusades
- Adventures Dark & Deep
- Dragon Magazine #114
- The Complete B/X Adventurer
- Dungeons & Dragons, 5th Edition
- Dungeons & Dragons, 4th Edition
- Adventurer Conqueror King & Players Companion
- Fantastic Heroes & Witchery (Occultist)
- Compleat Spell Caster
- Quest of the Ancients
- The Arcanum
- Dungeons & Dragons, 3.5 Edition
- ShadowDark
- Cd8 Fantasy
- Lands of Adventure
- Mina Smith is a teenage vampire. No, it is not as cool as you think it is.
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose
- Mutants and Masterminds, 2nd Edition
- Mutants and Masterminds, 3rd Edition
- True20
- Cinematic Unisystem
- Superbabes
- Villains & Vigilantes
- Mighty Protectors
Thingizzard, Witch of the Fens
VampyresFrom the notorious cult film from the 70's here are Fran and Miriam.
- Introduction
- Chill, 1st Edition (Pacesetter)
- C. J. Carella's WitchCraft RPG
- Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edion
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) 3.0
- Witch Girls Adventures
Madame Vastra & Jenny
"Tipping the Scales," anyone? Everyone's favorite Sapphic Silurian and her courageous maid/paramour Jenny.
Wayward Sisters
The Supernatural spinoff that never happened. That's fine. I can use them all in an RPG instead.
- Introduction
- Supernatural RPG
- Chill 3rd Edition
- Amazing Adventures
- NIGHT SHIFT Veterans of the Supernatural Wars (my favorite version)
- Plus Special guest stars:
The Warrior Princess and her soulmate the Battling Bard.
- Cinematic Unisystem (Ghosts of Albion and Army of Darkness)
- Xena for M&M3/DCA
- Spellcraft & Swordplay
- Blue Rose, 2nd Edition
Count Strahd von Zarovich
The "First Vampyr" of D&D.
- Witch Girls Adventures
- Steam Punk Zatanna / Ghosts of Albion
- DC Heroes (Mayfair)
- Marvel Heroic Role-Playing
- Superbabes
- Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3
- Icons
- Villains & Vigilantes
- Supers Unleashed
- Amazing Adventures
and her dad Giovanni "John" Zatara.
- Faith Scott, the Last Witch (WitchCraft)
- Cherri Creeper, School Bites (WitchGirls Adventures)
- Strawberry Switchblade, The Dragon and the Phoenix (Buffy/Ghosts of Albion)
- Marion "Cobra" Bubbles, The Dragon and the Phoenix (Buffy/Ghosts of Albion)
Enjoying the effort and research it's taken for this web article. :-)
Just found your blog while looking up stuff from the old Superbabes game.
Never realized how versatile Superbabes could be. Played it a bit when it came out but found it difficult for very low level characters since they would run out of energy really quickly.
How about doing some Marvel gals for the system like Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Tigra and Storm?
One of the female Green Lanterns? Or any members of the Legion of Super-Heroes? Plastic Man? Any of the Doom Patrol?
Lots of neat characters to try to build with the system.
April 1st - do B'wana Beast!
B'wana Beast sounds like fun.
I might have to come back to Superbabes sometime.
Do other wacked out characters as well on April Fool's Day. There is Fatman, the Human Flying Saucer -
From Bob Hope comics - Super Hip!
Brother Power, the Geek.
Those would probably fit in quite easily with the tone of Superbabes.
I loved your Kim Possible version btw.
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