Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blogfest/Bloghop anyone?

So I was looking at my calendar last night and I noticed that October has 5 Mondays and 5 Wednesdays this year.  Yeah it has 5 Tuesdays too.

I was thinking that it might be cool to post a new monster here every Monday in October.  Then I thought, why should I have all this fun by myself?

So here is an idea and I'd like to see who would all like to join in. On the Monday before Halloween (10/29) everyone post a new Monster.  It doesn't have to be horror related and it can be in any system.  I then thought I could expand it to let anyone post something about any sort of monster.

I would do this as a Blogfest, like the A to Z challenge, and everyone could see what everyone else has done.

Any takers?  This would be a great way to spread the word about gaming into areas beyond our "Blog borders" and it could give you all sorts of ideas.

Let me know what you think.  I am still going to post a new monster every Monday in October and mine will be horror themed.


WQRobb said...

I'm in.

HitAdjacentAlly said...

I'm in. Monsters it is! I can crank out one per week.

Timothy S. Brannan said...


I'll get something real set up here soon!

Porky said...

I'd see what I could spawn too. Maybe some or all of the entries could be done up as a set in a pdf, like those July monsters by Matt at Rended Press?

Digital Orc said...

What's the tagline?

Monster Monday? Madness? Medieval? Modules Monsters Monday?

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Monstrous Monday so far.

Tim Knight said...

Count me in!

ERIC! said...

I can try!

Unknown said...

I think I could try also.

Pun Isaac said...

Sounds like fun. I'm in.

Boric Glanduum said...

I think I'll throw my dice into the tray. Count me in.

Seth Drebitko said...

Do you mind re-writes of existing monsters? I have the idea to define a setting specifically through ecology of style articles and such.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

@Seth, anything is good with me!