Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Witchy Wednesday: Richard Pace's Coven

 A really fun one today. Came in a little late for my "Mail Call Tuesday" post, so instead I celebrate it on day we have in common, a witchy Wednesday.

COVEN: A Book of 100 Witches

The book features Richard Pace's art of 100 witches he did for Witchtober 2022 and 2023 and all the Witchy Wednesdays he did for 2023.

I can't really show you all the art he has here, but it is great and I love all his smiling witches.

COVEN: A Book of 100 Witches

The art is all in Black & white, but only seems to enhance the witchy, and October, feel of the collection.

You can find Richard online and more about his Coven book, with some sample art.  I am really pleased to have this!



PT Dilloway said...

Those are definitely not the old lady with a wart on her nose type witches.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

No they are not!