Friday, September 20, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Shadowy Victorian Space Witches?

Nice eclectic bunch this week!

Gaslight Victorian Fantasy Revised and Expanded for 5E

Gaslight Victorian Fantasy Revised and Expanded for 5E

This one is special to me. It was something that Jonathan M. Thompson was working before he died. We talked a bit about, and I contributed some material. No idea if that material will show up in this book or not, and that is fine. His brother Adam is working on getting Battlefield Press back going.

This is Victorian-era so I am going to buy this. It looks fun and I need some more Victorian games in my life. Plus it would be a nice tribute to Jonathan's memory. 

The Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition

The Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition

I mentioned this one briefly yesterday. I love the Expanse and the AGE system, so this should be fantastic. I need more Belter love in my life. And more Mars. A lot more Mars!

Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose: The Vampire of Halloween

Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose: The Vampire of Halloween

Another new from Friends of the Other Side Jim and Holly Balent. Halloween is a great time for the Tarot comic and Jim and Holly are the hardest working couple in comics. This time they are featuring Rowan's "evil" sister Raven (she isn't evil, she had some very reasons to do what she does!).

Anyway lots of goodies, lots of stretch goals. This is the true spirit of Kickstarter, two highly motivated creatives working their assess off to get you all their labors of love.

Shadow City Mysteries: Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Shadow City Mysteries: Tabletop Roleplaying Game

I have seen this one advertised a lot and it looks really cool. Has a Pulp Noir meets Call of Cthulhu meets Cyberpunk vibe to it and I really like it. The art is rather amazing too.

Have a great start of Autumn weekend!

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