Rachel Morgan is the main character in the Hollows series of books by Kim Harrison.
She is a witch, turned day-walking demon in a world where most of the human population was killed by a genetically engineered tomato. Since then ("The Turn") the vampires, witches, weres, elves and other supernatural types came out of hiding. Witches look human but are a different species. They marry and have sex, but can't produce offspring. Witches are though more related to demons.
Rachel is an independent "runner". She is something like a bounty hunter/detective/occult problem solver. She uses magic, but since magic has limits, complications and prep time she also uses a paintball gun where the paintballs are filled with sleep potions.
There are currently 12 books in the series with the 13th and last one, The Witch With No Name, out later this year. I have not caught up yet to book 12, The Undead Pool (so don't spoil me!), but I hear it is good.
I will be honest I did not like Rachel at first. I thought she was whinny, immature and didn't earn my interest. Fortunately other characters did. I was reading book 3, Every Which Way But Dead (all the books are named after Clint Eastwood movies) when Rachel finally grew on me. Now she is a confident, mature, kick ass witch. I am going to be really sorry to see her go.
I have stated up Rachel and her vampire partner Ivy before for Ghosts of Albion/Buffy and for Ova. I ahve also used them as examples on how to build a cast using Cortex+. I'd also like to try her out in Fate.
So who is your favorite witch? What book(s) does she appear in?
ETA: Kim Harrison has part of the new cover for Witch With No Name on her site today!

Supernatural AtoZ
That series is amazing. I'm not up to date on all of the books, but I loved the ones I read. My first impression of the main characters was similar to yours, but the story line kept me coming back. Amazing series for any fan of paranormal to read. Great choice.
Sounds like an interesting universe - I haven't red any, but they might be going on my 'to read' list. Thanks for the rec.
Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles - A to Z Ghosts
Fantasy Boys XXX - A to Z Drabblerotic
My favourite witch....my sister-in-law. Oh, you mean in literature. Minerva McGonnagal. Wry wit and a fab name.
Sounds like a good set of books. Witches, hmm ... I always like Willow from Buffy, but I found the witches in Anita Blake rather irrelevant. The Worst Witch brings back some fond memories of childhood :).
Tasha's Thinkings - AtoZ (Vampires)
FB3X - AtoZ (Erotic Drabbles)
I will be honest, Willow and Tara are still my favorite. But Rachel is really close.
when i saw rachel morgan, i thought of my blog friend, author of a great ya faerie guardian series - ha!
nice witchy theme - it would be nice to be a witch, they have lots of fun powers and look sexy!
happy r day!
Thanks for dropping by. I have to admit I have never heard of this character of this series.
Thanks for sharing. Thanks also for visiting my blog. Enjoy the rest of the challenge!
Entrepreneurial Goddess
Oh no! Another book on my TBR list! And not just one but 13?! :)
Apart from that aspect, loved your review, thanks for introducing me to her, sounds like an interesting world she lives in!
PS: Is that tomato for real? :)
Andrea, #atozchallenge Mighty Minion Asset
Music and Words
My Road To Happiness
The Script Bible
I tried reading the series and couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll give it another try. Thanks for sharing.
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