Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Noble Knight Games

I am pleased to announce that I have set up the Other Side as an affiliate site to Noble Knight Games.

Noble Knight Games

I don't put up ads here on the Other Side and I have no intention to do so.  But Noble Knight has been a very good shop for me in the past (read one such story here) and have been a great source of rare, out of print games.

So by clicking on the link I get a small percentage of the sale.  Like an advertising commission.  I set up my account for store credit only since I figure anything that this blog generates for me should go back into it.  That is, if you buy a game then I should also buy games to review.  Since a lot of you are coming here to hear about old games, I figure I should at the very least give you reviews of some of the older books and the means then to find them.

My hope is that this will not interfere with your enjoyment of this blog.

Like with my affiliation with DriveThurRPG and RPGNow I hope to be able to pass on deals to you all.

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