Today I cover the Mistress of Magic. She is a scion of a magical lineage and has worked out ways to do magic with little corruption. It makes her spellcasting more difficult but keeps her from going mad. Or evil. Or both.
The Mistress of Magic
Class: Sorceress
Level: 20
Species: Human
Alignment: Light Good
Background: Magical student and adept
Strength: 13 (+1)
Agility: 13 (+1)
Toughness: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 20 (+4) A
Wits: 16 (+2) N
Persona: 18 (+3) N
Fate Points: 10
Defense Value: None 10
Vitality: 52 (d4)
Check Bonus (A/N/D): +8/+6/+4
Melee Bonus: +6 (base)
Ranged Bonus: +6 (base)
Saves: +7 vs. Spells and Magical Effects
Sorcerer Abilities
Spells, Arcana, Arcane Powers
Arcane Powers: Astral Projection, Beguile, Enhanced Senses, Polymath (Sage Lore), Precognition, Telekinesis, Psychic Ability: Domination
1st Level: Arcane Darts, Chill Ray, Command, Create Light, Glamour, Read Languages
2nd Level: Beguile Person, Conjure Flame, Invisibility, Levitate, Magic Lock
3rd Level: Blinding Speed, Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Protection from Normal Missiles, Zone of Protection against Evil
4th Level: All-seeing Invisible Eye, Conjure Fire, Globe of Daylight, Illusory Landscape, Protection against the Deeper Dark
5th Level: Commune with Deeper Dark, Elemental Wall, Passage Way, Teleport
6th Level: Destroy Undead, Dispel Evil, Invisible Servant, Shadow Duplicate
7th Level: Ball of Sunshine, Create Catatonia, Precognition, Wave of Mutilation
8th Level: Animosity/Affinity, Mind Shield, Wail of the Banshee
9th Level: Astral Projection, Breath of the Goddess, Feedback Barrier
Divine Touchstones
Level 1: Sense Magic
Level 2:
Level 3: Psychic Ability: ESP
Level 4:
Level 5: Fly
Level 6:
Level 7: Magical Recovery
Level 8:
Level 9: Ability Increase: Intelligence
Level 10:
Level 11: Spell Resistance: 20%
Level 12:
Level 13: Reroll Saves: Poison or Disease
Level 14:
Level 15: Persistent Luck
Level 16:
Level 17: Heal Corruption
Level 18:
Level 19: Time Slip
Level 20:
Superhero (Divine) Archetype: Magic
The Divine Touchstones are really what separated the normal people from the heroes and the heroes from the legends.
And there is my Justice League of the Dreaming Age!
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tsop taerg a si taht
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