Been spending some time working on my various Lords and Ladies of the land of Faerie. With the new Wild Beyond the Witchlight out, I have been thinking more and more about what I'd like to do with them.
Case in point is an old favorite, Nicnevin the Faerie Queen of Witches from Scottish lore. I mentioned her all the way back in 2014 as servant/ally of Aradia. She would later appear in the Tome of Beasts from Kobold Press.
My version fits into my vision of the Lands of Faerie and my War of the Witch Queens a bit better. She is the Witch Queen of the Faerie Tradition and can be a patron for witches or Fey Pact Warlocks.
Nicnevin, Faerie Queen of Witches
Faerie Lady
Frequency: Unique
Number Appearing: 1 (1)
Alignment: Neutral [Chaotic Neutral]
Movement: 120' (40') [12"]
Fly: 150' (50') [15"]
Armor Class: 0 [19]
Hit Dice: 13d8+39*** (98 hp)
Large: 13d10+39 (111 hp)
To Hit AC 0: 8 (+11)
Attacks: 1 sickle or by spell
Damage: 1d6+2 or by spell
Special: Fly, Immune to charm, hold, and sleep spells, Magic Resistance 50% (all magic), Magic Resistance 100% (Witch magic), witch spells and powers
Size: Large
Save: Witch 13
Morale: 12
Treasure Hoard Class: See below
XP: 4,200 (OSE) 4,350 (LL)
Str: 17 (+2) Dex: 12 (0) Con: 19 (+3) Int: 16 (+2) Wis: 18 (+3) Cha: 20 (+4)
The Witch Queen of the Faerie is also known by the names Nicneven, Nicnevin, Nicnevan or Nic an Neachneohain. She is the current Witch Queen of the Faerie tradition and the longest-serving. Previous Faerie Queens of Witches were known as Satia, Bensozie, Zobiana, Abundia, and Herodiana. She is both a Faerie Lord (Lady) and the Queen of Witches for all witches in the Faerie Traditions. She is served by faerie witches of all courts. Her retinue includes elves, nymphs, and hags among many others. Any faerie creature that becomes a witch or has witch-like powers are hers to command.
The Witch Queen can attack with a special sickle made from pure moonlight. It can attack creatures as if it were a +3 weapon. In her hands, the sickle acts as a sword of sharpness +3 and will do double damage to clerics and magic-users (wizards). In anyone else's hands, it is only a simple harvesting sickle. She also may cast spells as a 13th level witch of the Faerie Tradition with the appropriate occult powers. She knows all the spells of the Faerie tradition and does not need to prepare them beforehand. She employs a magical cloak that reduces her AC to 0 [19] and provides her an additional +3 to all saves.
Magical attacks against her have a 50% chance of failure. If a witch casts a spell at her the spell is completely negated. No witch may harm her via magic or mundane means.
The Queen of Witches appears to be a statuesque, 7' tall, Faerie woman of middle age. She is beautiful in a wild, uncontrolled way like that of a towering waterfall or a dangerous storm. Her hair is a bright red that seems to shimmer like flames, glowing brighter as her emotions run higher. Her eyes are a uniform blue that glows when she casts spells. Her skin is covered in blue woad designs.
She rides out at night with her retinue of nymphs and hags on great faries steeds like giant elk or stags searching the countryside for girls to add to her coven of witches and for clerics that honor gods of the sun to kill.
Might tweak her a bit. Have a couple books on Scottish folklore I'd like to go over again. Plus I want to work out her relationship with Scáthach. Likely Nicnevin is a daughter or something similar.
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This is awesome! I needed her in my Hool Marsh near Keoland in my Greyhawk Campaign
Do you have the link to the mini?
Yes! Here you go.
Thanks she is so cool 😎 🎲
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