Friday, September 8, 2023

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 9, Room 8

 At the end of the hall of Room 7 is a large circular chamber. There is a large dark, circular pit in the center of the room.

Room 8

The floor of the ring slopes down and the center ring rises up four feet from the floor.

There is ancient writing on the surface of the center ring. The words, if anyone can speak Draconic, tell of an ancient creature, the Gravlok Ka Varnash.

The pit can be opened and the creature released if the rituals are followed on the side of the pit.

Gravlok Ka Varnash 

Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 13 (8hp per HD)
Attacks: 12 × tentacle (2d6 each) + poison
THAC0: 10 [+9]
Movement: 120’ (40’)
Saving Throws: D4 W5 P6 B6 S8 (13)
Morale: 12
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 1,200
Number Appearing 1 (1)
Treasure Type: Nil

This creature is a mass of writhing tentacles. Each tentacle can attack on its own and hit a separate target. Doing 8 hp worth of damage destroys a tentacle.

The creature is immune to mind affecting magics like sleep, charm, hold, and ESP.

The wizards here had been studying the creature until it ate too many apprentices.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Knight City: Trials of the Teen Witch!

 I love shared universes. I love shared multi-verses. But anytime I can see a collaboration of various creatives to bring new life to something old or bring to life something new, then I am all for it.

Last week, I shared how both TTim Knight over at Hero Press and Pun Issac over at Halls of the Nephilim brought to life my evil villain, The Refrigerator for their respective Superheroe universes. 

I'll play a little in their sandboxes, too and bring over one of my iconics to their worlds. Today I am visiting Knight City with one of my favorite superheroes Taryn, the Teen Wtich.

Tim is using a modified version of Villains & Vigilantes. I am not 100% clear on all his house rules, but I can't go wrong with a by-the-book super. 

Taryn "Nix" Nichols
Taryn and Mojo, created in ePic Character Generator

To recap, Taryn is the teen daughter of my witch Larina. I wanted a character specifically for supers that had a magical background. My comics reading through the 1980s was largely Teen Titans and X-Men ( everyone else) and I wanted a character that would fit into those sorts of tales. 

Her father is a faerie lord, and his relationship with Taryn and Larina is...complicated. He will feature in other plots, but I am working hard NOT to make this a Trigon-Raven retread right now. Scáthaithe would not really be interested in taking over the Earth. Bringing more magic to it? Yeah, that might work. But really, I think his issue would be for Taryn to stay in the Faerie Realms.

While I always considered Taryn a Millenial/GenZ girl, she is named after "Taryn" from the Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Which is my favorite of the series. She is pretty much equal parts Raven from Teen Titans, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service. She has a thing for flying fast and dating guys with fast Japanese motorcycles.

This is an update/revision of her Mighty Protector stats.

Taryn Nix, student and crime fighting witch
Teen Witch
Taryn "Nix" Nichols

Power Level: 6
Age: 17; Ht: 5' 3"; Wt: 114lb; Gender: F
Basic Hits: 3
Side: Good

STR: 9
END: 12
INT: 15
AG: 12
CHA: 17

Hit Points: 7
Power Points: 48
Carry Capacity: 110 lbs
Basic HTH Damage: 1d3
Healing Rate: 0.9/day
Move: 33"

Damage Modifier: +2
Accuracy: +1
ATT: +2
DEF: ??
Detect Hidden/Danger: 12% / 16%


WITCH BOLT: Power Blast, Range 54, 1d20 dmg
HEIGHTENED SENSES: Detect magical auras
MAGIC SPELLS: Takes a full action to prepare


Broom. Prop, needed to fly.

Cat. Her black cat is named Mojo.

LEGAL STATUS: Minor of the United States with no criminal record.

What is Taryn doing in Knight City? No idea! Maybe Tim will let me know!

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 9, Room 7

 Going back to Room 2, and taking the first exit on the right leads to another long hallway. 

Room 6

This hallway is long and magical lights spring to life as the party walks by. 

There are many open rooms to both sides of the hall, eight (8) on each side. The rooms are about 40' by 40' each. Whatever these rooms were in the past they are empty and long since looted and destroyed.  

There are some rats of the normal sorts and large spiders, but there is a distinct lack of any animal life here.  

The end of this hallway is open with an eerie glow.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Is Alignment Outmoded for D&D?

If I had to make a guess on what was one of the most controversial topics in Dungeons & Dragons games since the beginning, I would not say it was the inclusion of demons, devils, or monsters that you can just randomly kill, or who contributed more; Gary or Dave, or even TSR's early litigious past. 

No. Going back, the most hotly debated topic then and now is Alignment.

Reading some old Dragon magazines, Usenet posts, or modern social media, people still love to argue about alignment. I have read a lot of self-proclaimed experts on D&D that get alignment completely wrong both in terms of use and how it should be applied. 

I have used alignment in D&D and some other games, but most games don't even have it and they are not less off for it. 

And of late, I am thinking that D&D doesn't need it either.

I am not saying that "Evil" and "Good" do not exist in the game in some moral gray space. There is alignment as an idea, a universal moral concept, and alignment as a game mechanic. As a game mechanic, that time has now passed.

Cases in point.

I played a Lawful Good paladin in the AD&D 1st ed days. That's redundant because the only paladins were lawful good. However, he traveled with a Neutral Evil Assassin, which was explicitly against the rules. We solved that issue by having a prophecy that these two had to travel and adventure together because their fates were linked and they could not kill each other. What were their fates? Well we only found out later on (and there may have been some retconning) that the Paladin's son and the Assassin's daughter would fall in love.  In this case, the rule about alignment got in the way of a good role-playing opportunity. 

As time went on, the assassin was less and less evil. I eventually concluded that he was Chaotic Neutral with some evil tendencies. And my paladin became more and more Lawful Autocratic than anything. Rules have to be followed because they are The Rules.  Alignment never served them well despite the restrictions both classes had on alignment. Yes, the hard-core rule lawyers will point out I wasn't playing them right or some other nonsense to justify their memorization of rules, but that is the same problem my Paladin had. Rules for the sake of Ruling and nothing else. 

Another issue. I am playing the Baldur's Gate 3 video game now and I love it. While there is a Detect Good/Evil spell, nothing in the game is alignment-specific. 

There is a Hobgoblin named Blurg, a member of the Society Of Brilliance, an order of sages who want to study and bring culture and civilization to the Underdark. Talk to him about it, and he is obviously intelligent and wants to study the rich ecological conditions in the Underdark and it's vast richnesses that could allow everyone to live together harmoniously.  He even has a friend, a Mindflayer named Omeluum, who wants to help the PCs. Both are from "evil" species, yet they do not perform an evil action. Indeed the actions they do perform can best be described as good or at worst self-serving. So maybe Chaotic Good? Neutral is what the Forgotten Realms Wiki has him as.


What about Karlach the tiefling? She has killed, but yet she is one of the nicest, happiest characters in the game. Shadowheart worships the evil Goddess Shar, she should be evil by D&D rules, yet she dislikes needless violence and has a soft spot in her heart for kids and animals. And SPOILER: You can also convert her to the Goddess Selûne, effectively changing her cleric's alignment with no loss of powers. Granted Shar and Selûne have a complicated relationship.

At no point in character creation did I list an alignment. 

Even in the image above, the representative characters don't fit all that well all the time. Darth Vader was redeemed in the end. The Doctor has murdered millions even entire species. Captain America though might fit Lawful Good most of the time.

D&D 4 added the Unaligned alignment and made Succubi Lawful evil. D&D 3 made Orcs Chaotic Evil. D&D has published entire books where NPCs never had an alignment listed. 

I use alignment, but I am seeing less and less need for it in my games. Spells like "Know Alignment" and "Protection from Good/Evil" now will rely more on hostile intent.  

Now, Ill likely keep the Outer Planes as they are and will have to figure that out someday, but for now I am content ditching the whole system.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 9, Room 6

 The double doors are locked and magicked. To open a thief will need to pass a successful open locks roll and a dispel magic or knock spell must be employed.

Room 6

Inside is a treasure store of magic items.  The number of magic items remaining is determined by 2d6+1. 

Use Table X to determine the sort of magic items found.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

September Updates

September is here, and every year at this time, I say, "how in the hell did that happen???"

I have a snowblower to fix, veggies to harvest, and family to visit this month, so posting might be light.

I also want to get in some Old-School game reviews and discussions, plus I have some other things I want to clear off my plate before October hits.

This year I am joining in the 31 Days of Halloween Movie Challenge from Pun Issac over at Hall of the Nephilim

31 Days of Halloween Movie Challenge

Here is the text version:

Daily Prompt

  1. First Time Watch
  2. Reanimated
  3. Mother Nature Strikes Back
  4. Foreign Language
  5. What A Twist
  6. Anthology
  7. Teen Angst
  8. Horror Comedy
  9. Slow Burn
  10. Body Horror
  11. For The Kiddos
  12. Black and White
  13. Inspired By True Events
  14. We Are the Weirdos Mister
  15. Pretty Blood Suckers
  16. Something Fishy
  17. Underrated
  18. Clown(s)
  19. Folk Horror
  20. Monstrous Blood Suckers
  21. Summer Camp
  22. Howl at the Moon
  23. Best Soundtrack
  24. Slasher
  25. Found Footage
  26. New Movie
  27. Favorite Horror Director
  28. Sci-Fi Horror
  29. Man is the Real Monster
  30. Remake Is Better Than the Original
  31. All Hallows Eve


  • Torture Porn
  • Blaxploitation
  • Video Game Movie
  • Cults
  • Best Gratuitous Nudity 

A few of these might end up being re-watches.  I wanted to do all Spanish language horror this year, but I might not get to that. I am not as far along in my Spanish as I would have hoped, to be honest.

Speaking of October, Horror and Halloween.

Here is some new art for my next book, I need to get a move on it to get it done.

Billy Blue Art

Best get back to writing.

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 9, Room 5

 This Gallery has four major exists, two on the right and two on the left.  Taking the first on the left takes the party down a slightly down-sloping hall.

Room 5

This long hallway has many magical sigils that glow every 10 feet on the ceiling.  Stepping into the light of a sigil has a random effect.

The following effects occur unless the character makes a save vs. Spells.  Roll a 1d20 for the effects of each sigil. There are 10 total sigils.

  1. The character is granted the power to cast a spell of their choice once.
  2. The character is granted a +2 bonus to all saving throws for 1 hour.
  3. The character is healed of all damage.
  4. The character is surrounded by a protective aura that grants them resistance to all damage for 1 minute.
  5. The character is cursed with a -2 penalty to all attack rolls for 1 hour.
  6. The character is blinded for 1d4 rounds.
  7. The character is deafened for 1d4 rounds.
  8. The character is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
  9. The character is poisoned for 1d4 hours.
  10. The character's non-magical equipment is destroyed.
  11. The character is trapped in a magical force field for 1d4 hours.
  12. The character is attacked by a swarm of insects.
  13. The character is attacked by a pack (1d4+1) of wolves.
  14. The character is attacked by a group (1d6+1) of goblins.
  15. The character is attacked by a troll.
  16. The character is attacked by a dragon (this is actually an illusion, a second save vs. Spell to disbelieve).
  17. The character is granted a limited wish.
  18. The character is granted the power to fly for 1 hour.
  19. The character is granted the power to understand all languages for 1 hour.
  20. The character is granted the power to see in the dark for 1 hour.

A successful save means nothing happens, positive or negative. 

This hall ends in a large double door.