Showing posts with label Featured Artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Featured Artist. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Featured Artist: Clyde Caldwell

Doing this one a day early. This one, again, might feel like a cheat, but it really isn't. Not to me anyway.

Maybe even more so than Elmore, Caldwell has been responsible for some of my all time favorite covers of D&D books and of Dragon magazine.  Between his contributions to the Mystara / Known World Gazeteers to the covers of Ravenloft products.

This one from the cover of Glantri Gazeteer is one of my absolute favorites. I have to think that the red-headed spell-caster had some influence on my own Larina.

Not from any book but I do love this image.

Now, this is from a book, the Celestial Steam Locomotive by Michael Coney, and one of my favorite books to be honest.

One of my favorite adventures.

One of my favorite covers of Dragon.

Larina certainly got her name from Laurana. I came up with her while reading the Dragonlace books.

And of course Strahd himself, from the cover of Ravenloft and Ravenloft: House on Gryphon Hil.

Great stuff really. I love his work.

You can find Clyde Caldwell on the web.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Featured Artist: Hope Alexandra

I met today's Featured Artist, Hope Alexandra, in the D&D Fantasy Art Facebook Group. She is new to me artist but I really like her style.

Here is hope in her own words.
My name is Hope, and I've been an artist for the last 20+ years. I've always loved bringing characters to life for people to see, as it seems to make people really happy. I always try to incorporate the character's personality into my art to truly bring it to life. I've been mostly experienced in traditional art, though lately I am becoming better every day with digital art. I stream my art live on twitch at SheGamesHeGames, and you can find me on DeviantArt by the name littletzili. Thank you for taking the time to learn about what I do, and please don't hesitate to contact me on either platform for commissions.
Excellent! Here are some of her works.

This dark elf reminds me of a character I have, a drow necromancer.

This one is so cute. I just love the freckles on her face.

This dark elf reminds of my youngest son's warlock character.

Great stuff.

You can find Hope on these sites:

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Featured Artist: Claudio Pozas

I got the chance to meet today's Featured Artist when he put out a notice for commissions.  Once I answered him and I got the details over to him I remembered where I had seen his work before.
Claudio Pozas has done some great work for Wizards of the Coast for both 4e and 5e.

Getting a commission of my witch Larina gives her a certain air of authenticity in the D&D 5 art style.

Here is Claudio in his own words,
Claudio is a fantasy illustrator from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A gamer since 1987, Claudio worked in Advertising before switching careers to pursue his art, which he has been doing for almost 20 years. He did art and design for D&D 4th edition, and has been illustrating D&D 5th Edition since its launch in 2013.
He has done some really excellent work.

You can find Claudio Pozas on the internet here:

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Featured Artist: Luigi Castellani

Hello and welcome to my first Featured Artist post of 2019.  If you are new to this then the purpose here is simple.  I find an artist I really like and I share some of my favorite pieces with you.   The hope is you find some new artist to like and maybe buy their prints or subscribe to their Pateron or whatever.  But at the very least we all find someone whose art we can enjoy.

Today it is my pleasure to introduce you all to Luigi "Artkid" Castellani.

Luigi is an artist from Rome, Italy (where I do believe art was actually invented, but don't quote me on that! ;) ).  You will recognize his work from several of my own witch books. But most likely you will recognize him from his stock art packages or the books that use them and his art.

His art is very reminiscent of the old-school style D&D books and it could be that is the reason he is so popular with the OSR crowd.  His work has appeared in books and games by Joseph Bloch's BRW Games, OSRIC, Carcosa, and Peter C. Spahn's Small Niche Games among others.

Here is Luigi in his own words.
Like so many artists I started drawing before I got in primary school, my reference material consisted of Marvel Comics with Buscema and Kirby being the foremost inspirational artists. I first made contact with D&D, Call of Cthulhu and Traveller in 1980, and my love for gaming endures to this day. Over the years I've played or GMed a variety of systems (Shadowrun, SW D6, Pendragon, CP 2020, TORG, Bushido, Flashing Blades, Hero, MERP/RM to name a few). I'm mostly a "trad" and Old School gamer but I never liked fences and walls, gimme dice and I'll play (almost) anything. My favorite gaming artists ever are Erol Otus, Dave Trampier and Keith Parkinson.
Here are some of my favorite pieces.

You can Luigi at the following sites:

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Featured Artist: Anna Marine

I am not sure how I found my next Featured Artist, I am just glad I did!

Anna Marine is from Prague, Czech Republic and is an amazing talent.  As you can expect from me she loves to draw witches and demons.

Here is a commission I had gotten from her for my Swords & Wizardry White Box Witch.
She was so great to work with that I am now looking for any excuse to get to do it again!

It's a young Larina flying to her sabbat sky-clad.  She does some really wonderful stuff.

Her newest is "Yule".

You can buy all these prints from her Big Cartel or Etsy stores.

You can find her on the net at:
She is available for commissions as well.

Thanks so much Anna!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Featured Artist: Larry Elmore

This one might seem something like a cheat or a dodge. I mean the idea behind Featured Artist is to share with you artists I enjoy and want you to know more about.  Let's be honest EVERYONE knows who Larry Elmore is.

But in truth, there might not be my witch class and thus not this blog had it not been for Larry Elmore.  Well. That might be overstating it since I was working on my witch rather early.  But it was his art that gave me inspiration.  I do know I would never have published my first "netbook" of witches had it not been for his art.

This week is my "anniversary week" and Elmore has had an inordinate influence on my writings. It seems only fair to give him his due here.

I have to be 100% honest.
I love his witches.

This witch appeared in the famous Dragon #114 version of the witch class and she was the "face" of my witch character ever since.  My goal is to get this as a print to put up in my game room.

Equally as influential was the Dragonlance character Laurana, which is not a great mental leap to my own Larina.  Though really only in name.  Laurana went from spoiled princess to warrior to one of the main heroes of the Dragonlance saga.

Though this next one was more influential.
"Early Snow" was one of my favorites. So much so that at Gen Con 2010 I bought the mini from Dark Sword and a signed print from Larry himself.

Larry admitted he loves drawing women and witches in particular.

He is pretty famous for his clerics too.

Aleena should have been working with Avalyne! She might still be alive.

And of course, there is this one, maybe his most famous painting ever.

But on Earth-2 they got this one as the cover.

I have to say, I like this one better.  Maybe not as epic as "one man vs. dragon" but it is more "D&D" with a fighter, magic-user and what could be an elf or halfling. I am going with halfling.

There is so much art out there that I could spend days talking about it and him.

You can find Larry on the internet at: