Monday, October 7, 2024

Review: Van Richten's Guide to Vampires

Van Richten's Guide to Vampires
 The 1990s brought something of an existential crisis to AD&D and TSR. For the first time ever, there was a real competitor for RPG sales, and that was White Wolf's Vampire The Masquerade.  I know a lot of AD&D gamers dismissed WW and Vampire at the time, but we all know that was a mistake. Vampire:TM was a phenomenon that still has an impact today. It was felt in the halls of TSR as well. Granted, doing a book on Vampires for Ravenloft was a no-brainer; their premier inhabitant was a vampire. But there is a little more going on here. 

Van Richten's Guide to Vampires

Nigel D. Findley, 1992
PDF. 96 pages, color cover by Den Beauvais, Black & White interior art by Stephen Fabian.

For this I am considering the PDF and Print on Demand versions.

One of the best Vampire supplements ever for a game was the Chill 1st Edition Vampires book. This book is for the AD&D 2nd Edition game, and it has the same utility to me.

First, a bit about these Van Richten's Guides. Rudolph Van Richten is Ravenloft's resident Vampire hunter and expert on the supernatural. He was Ravenloft's answer to Van Helsing, and he was not really all that different. If you read about him and picture Peter Cushing, you will be excused.  The conceit is that they were all written by Van Righten himself and left for other hunters to find. There were several of these Guides, and all had quite a lot of utility for me. They were a good mix of "crunch" (game mechanics) and "fluff" (narrative material). I would LOVE to say I used them outside of Ravenloft when I was playing AD&D 2nd Ed, but in truth my AD&D 2nd experience was all about Ravenloft. I will point out that a lot of the "innovations" of these books would later find a home in D&D proper post AD&D 2nd Ed. But I am getting ahead of myself.

Chapter 1 is the Introduction and sets the tone for the book. This is all from the point of view of Van Richten himself. Game applications appear in text boxes throughout.

Chapter 2 covers the background of vampirism, including how it is spread and how vampires think. Here we learn that a vampire's blood can cause damage to the living much like holy water does to the undead. 

Chapter 3. Here, I want to point out that none of the chapters use "1, 2, 3," but rather just the titles. The feel is that of a journal or a quasi-academic treatise.  Chapter 3, Vampiric Powers, is a good one. It covers all the powers normally associated with the AD&D 2nd Edition Vampire and adds more.  Most importantly is the idea that vampires get more powerful as they age. This was not a new idea; it was sort of implicit in all the retellings of Dracula and other popular media. It had also made it's way into other games before this, but for AD&D this was new stuff. Less revolutionary and more evolutionary; that is, it was going to happen sooner or later. It is an idea that has been adopted for D&D ever since for all vampires, in one form or another. I certainly used it in all my AD&D games going forward, even applying it to my 1st Ed and Basic-era games. Vampires also gain control over lesser undead.

Vampire Powers by Age

Chapter 4. Covers the way new vampires can be created. Here, Van Richten moves away from Van Helsing and more into Professor Hieronymus Grost from "Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter." Detailing all the then known ways the vampiric curse can be passed on. Throughout the book, this information is presented as Van Richten's personal experiences and those of trusted colleagues, with the caveat that there may be other means and ways they do not know yet.

Chapter 5. This covers the various weaknesses of the Vampire. This includes all the classic ones and how they are altered by Ravenloft's unique environment.  

Chapter 6. This covers all the means to destroy a vampire, including the classics: Stakes, running water, blessed items, and sunlight.

Chapter 7. Magic and Vampires is the most "D&D" of all the chapters really. It not only covers how vampires are affected by magic but also how they can use magic items. Want to polymorph a vampire? Great, if it gets past their magic resistance, and they fail their saving throw, they will be come what ever it was you wanted. For one round. Then, they can shift to one of their alternate forms. 

Chapter 8. This chapter is called "Life-Blood: Vampiric Feeding Habits" and is the one that takes the vampire further away from the AD&D model of the vampire. In particular the vampires of Ravenloft drain blood, not really levels, though there is an option for that. This was great because frankly I never liked level drain as a mechanic. We have seen blood drain in the Core Rules and Feast of Goblyns introduced us to a vampire that drains spinal fluid. Again the parallels to "Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter" are there. 

Chapter 9. Covers the "Sleep of the Dead" and how vampires sleep. We learn through other sources (and put into game terms here) that Strahd sleeps the sleep of the dead during the daylight hours and can't be woken. Other vampires like Jander Sunstar are very light sleepers. Note: Neither of these vampires are mentioned here as examples. They are detailed in other contemporaneous products. 

Chapter 10. Akin to sleep in Hibernation, something all vampires do after a certain number of years. Hibernation is an extended sleep all vampires go through and as a means to keep 1,000+ year old vampires out of the game. OR at least out of Ravenloft.  The previously mentioned Jander Sunstar is thought to be 700+ years old (as a vampire) and Cazador Szarr is also believed to be very old. Both are elves. I bring these two up in particular because rules laid down in this book continue to effect their 5th Edition versions.

Chapter 11. Relationships between vampires is our next chapter. As (mostly) Chaotic-evil creatures vampires rarely work together, save for a master-thrall relationship. There are also vampire "brides" and "grooms" (see Dracula) and they are little more than elevated thralls, albeit ones with more free-will. One wonders how this book might have been different if a movie like "The Only Lovers Left Alive" had been out then.  

Chapter 12. This covers vampire psychology. How a vampire thinks and how they deal (or not) with immortality.

Chapter 13. Related to the previous chapter is this chapter on "The Facade." As the most human and living looking of all the undead (odd exceptions aside) the vampire has the best chance of blending in. But their immortality and their altered psychology often prevent a full integration into any society. 

Chapter 14. In a largely mechanical chapter, this deals with the vampires of certain classes and the powers and skills they can retain. Honestly, I think this one would have been a better Appendix since this chapter lacks a lot of the Van Richten notes and would have given us a nice 13 chapters. 

At 96 pages this is a wealth of information about vampires. Just as I extended it from Ravenloft to all my AD&D 2nd Edition games, you can also use ideas (and even some mechanics) to extend this form AD&D 2nd edition to other editions of D&D. Indeed, some of that was already getting baked into post AD&D rules. I have also used ideas from this in other games outside of D&D.

The interior art is all by Stephen Fabian and gives us a great visual connection to the core rules. There is some repeated art here from the core and other products, but only someone who has all the books and read them all over and over would notice.

A word about the PDF and PoD

I had this book when it was first published, but I unloaded it from the time I was in grad school to when I bought my first house. I kinda regret that. The PDF, though is easy to read and bookmarked. 

The POD version is also nice, but the interior text is a bit faded, and the red text is more pinkish. It is 100% serviceable for gameplay and reading. It just reminds me I wish I still had all my originals. 

Van Richten's Guide to Vampires POD

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