Friday, October 25, 2024

October Horror Movie Challenge: Land of the Minotaur (1976)

Land of the Minotaur (1976)
As longtime readers will know I am a fan of Greek Mythology, it was my "gateway drug" to D&D. So to find a movie that combines horror, Greek Myths, and stars such luminaries as Donald Pleasence and Peter Cushing, all before the Monster Manual was published (1976) sounds like solid gold for this year's theme. And it could have been...but I could not find on any streaming service under this name of the longer cut titled "The Devil's Men."

So today I was weeding through some of my boxed sets of questionable horror DVDs when I found it. Donald Pleasance even has top billing on the cover. Sadly the movie itself doesn't hold up the search I have been on for it.

Land of the Minotaur (1976)

I mentioned it is also The Devil's Men, was a Greek/British production starring Donald Pleasence and Peter Cushing. In a turn around, Pleasance plays the good guy Father Roche and Peter Cushing plays our bad guy, cultist Baron Corofax.

The movie centers around the idea that a Minotaur is still somehow alive and worshipped as a god. OR it is really demon. OR it is just a statue what has jets of fire coming out of it's nose. Hard to say really.

A group of Archeology student go missing and Father Roche calls up his friend private detective Milo Kaye (Kostas Karagiorgis) to help him and survivor Laurie Gordon (Luan Peters) investigate.

They discover a cult lead by Cushing who sacrifices outsiders to the minotaur.

Standard cult fare really. There is confusion as to whether or not this minotaur is a minotaur or some manifestation of the Devil. Father Roche is able to keep the cultists (most of the village) at bay with a cross. Note: Father Roche is an Irish Catholic priest, but uses what looks like an Eastern Orthodox cross. 

They find the cult, and Father Roche blows up the minotaur (stone on the outside, soft squishy guts on the inside) using holy water.

Yeah it is not great, but not a bad little cult movie. The American version is 8 minutes shorter than the European version, as can be expected really. There is a whole scene I guess where Milo and Laurie have sex that is not on my DVD.

Drive-Inn Cult Classics

Featured Monster: Minotaur

The Minotaur of Greek myth was a unique creature. Thus it had certain gravitas or even a god-like quality about it. It was the monster in the labyrinth, whom sacrifices had to be made. Multiple minotaurs in a game make them just ogres with bull horns.

BUT the thing this movie does do well is show how terrifying a single minotaur can be to a group 0-level Humans. The factor in the whole Minotaur as a god thing and getting damaged by holy water, just make him into Baphomet. Now suddenly the movie makes much more sense.


October Horror Movie Challenge 2024
Viewed: 37
First Time Views: 17

Monster Movie Marathon

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