Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 30 July Log of the Demeter (Cont.)

The Demeter nears England, but so few crew remain.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

30 July.—Last night. Rejoiced we are nearing England. Weather fine, all sails set. Retired worn out; slept soundly; awaked by mate telling me that both man of watch and steersman missing. Only self and mate and two hands left to work ship.


Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent

Dracula must be absolutely gorged at this point. 


Anonymous said...

Hi! A question on a subject unrelated to your latest blog entry: Puh-leeze can we have some information on your "Darker Stars" setting? I understand if you don't want to give away any spoilers on "Thirteen Parsecs", but maybe a little stuff? I'm assuming it's not quite in the Star Trek universe any more, but probably a setting like it - one in which there are "things" out there in the dark?


Timothy S. Brannan said...


Absolutely! I will have some posts coming up on that later this month and into September.

Anonymous said...

Great, thanks! Just a suggestion - perhaps there could be a crew role akin to "Ship's Chaplain", which would give a reason for an Aquarian Sister to be on a "Star Fleet"-like ship?
