Monday, April 1, 2013

A to Z Blogging for April and Introduction

Hello and welcome to The Other Side!  My little home on the internet.  I will have a proper post up later today.  I wanted to post an introduction to me, my blog and the various people that are likely to be here.

This blog is the "reincarnation" of my old The Other Side website from the dawn of the Web.  I like to write about role-playing games, particularly old-school ones, D&D and horror games.  I post a lot of character write-ups, I love witches and magic.

I am participating in this blogging challenge for the same reasons I am blogging to begin with; to help improve my ability as a writer. Challenges like these help stretch those creative muscles and hopefully get me to write about stuff I might not normally do.

This year I am writing about Demons.  I am going to talk about them from the point of view of a game author and a fan of horror.  I am planning to "stat-up" as many as I can.  By that I mean work out the Role-playing Game stats for the creatures so you can use them in your own games.  I am also going to try and focus on creatures that have not been seen before in any of the games I play.

So with that in mind welcome to the A to Z challenge!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Timothy .. enjoy the A-Z .. and have fun - the concept sounds very interesting ..

Cheers Hilary

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

That should be a great A-Z challenge for you. All the best with it!

Keep Calm and A-Z
An A-Z of learning English
Round the world from A to Z

Donna L Martin said...

Good luck with the challenge! I participated last year and had a blast!

Donna L Martin

Unknown said...

I've played a lot of role playing games over the years.
I was going to do Script Frenzy this year, but I think that participating in this challenge will be quite enough, thanks!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I used to play D&D and look forward to your demon descriptions.

Jules said...

Ooh, Demons! I feel a supernatural moment coming on! Sounds very interesting. Best of luck :)

Arlee Bird said...

Nice kick-off intro. Good move in posting the list. Can you believe it! What a great start. Thanks for all your efforts so far.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog