Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Looking Forward to 2012: White Dwarf

This week I am going to continue some posts of things I want to do in 2012.

I have a stack of White Dwarf magazines sitting here at home.  They cam in handy to stop the purge of many D&D related articles on Wikipedia a while back and I generally get a big kick out of them.  There is something so British about them to me.

So in 2012 I am going to try to do "White Dwarf Wednesdays".  I am going to go through issues #1 to #100 each Wednesday and pull out what is good.  Less of a review or a "Where I Read..." type post.  But we will see.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Looking Forward to 2012: Reviews

In 2011 I wanted to get 400 new reviews done and up at DriveThru RPG.
The trouble is that 400 products take a long time to do.  I did get about 200 in all said and told.

So this year I'd like to get some more reviews up.  I want to share what I like with you all and hope that you return the favor and tell me what you like, or don't like.  Sometimes this is the best way to learn of a new product.

Most of my reviews, the vast majority really, will be on DriveThruRPG / RPGNow.  Though I'll continue doing longer reviews for RPG Net and Amazon.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Looking Forward to 2012

This week I am going to be posting a series of posts on what my plans are for 2012.

2011 and 2010 were big years here at the Other Side and I want to keep that up.  So stayed tuned all week and post your thoughts!

You can expect to see more Zantannurdays and of course my take on what is going on in the OSR and other areas of the hobby.

Of course we have have some great movies coming up that go to the very heart of our hobby, "John Carter of Mars" (now just John Carter) and the first part of "The Hobbit" (not to mention the new Dark Knight movie too).

Here are my new year's resolutions for this blog and gaming in general:
1. Play more with my kids.
2. Try more new games.
3. Get more reviews done.
4. Get more of my works in progress done.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Hexmas!

Great Christmas day!

My boys got me the Dresden Files RPG!  Yeah!
My wife picked up "Hammer Glamour" for me.
This was a great gift.  While the rest of my friends growing up were lusting after women with names like Farrah and Cheryl, my first serious lusts were Ingrid Pitt, Pippa Steele, Caroline Munro, and Madeline Smith.

Hope your holiday was equally as good.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Return of the Dragonslayers

I got home early from work today and my boys wanted to play some D&D.  Like a good Daddy I agreed.

We continued going through the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, the Lesser Caverns, and they got to the stairs to the Greater Caverns.  I pulled out my 3.0 version of the Book of Vile Darkness to up the "demonic" content a bit.  I figure that caverns are a stopper for the forces of the Abyss, so the boys are bound to run into the worst types of demonic scum.

The original adventure had the Greater Caverns were protected by a gorgimera.  Today it was the largest abyssal chimera ever seen (well by them).

It was a great time today.  Looking forward to the Greater Caverns and the search for Iggwilv's greatest treasure.

What are you getting this year?

To all the good little boys and girls (and to the bad ones too!) what are you getting for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Solstice/Yule/Festivus this year?

I am hoping for The Dresden Files RPG in print and maybe some fudge dice to go with it.
I'd also like one of then Kim Harrison books.
But mostly I am hoping for some time to do some gaming with my kids.  That would be best of all.

What are you all hoping for?