Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monster Monday round up, part 2

I think I will wait till Tuesday next week to do the monster round up.  Plenty more were posted since my post yesterday.
So 17 18 19 22! total entries for the first unofficial Monster Monday!  Not too bad really!

Can't wait to see what everyone is doing next week.

Monday, October 1, 2012

October Challenge: The Woman in Black (2012)

The Woman in Black (2012)

I wanted to start off my October Horror movie Challenge right.  I wanted something with a good actor and a pedigree.  I choose the 2012 version of The Woman in Black.  Starring Daniel Radcliffe and CiarĂ¡n Hinds (good actors) from Hammer Films (pedigree).

I am never sure how much to put into these reviews.  They are not reviews in the fullest sense but I think recapping the entire movie would be a bad thing for others participating in this Challenge.  I don't want to spoil the ending for anyone.

So I will say this.  Daniel Radcliffe never once reminded me in word or deed that he was Harry Potter in this.  He is a great actor and has a great carrier a head of him.  I went into this film expecting only a nice period piece haunted house movie and that is what I got.  The story is one we have all seen dozens, if not hundreds, of times before, but that did not make it less enjoyable. On the contrary I rather enjoyed this movie a lot. It also goes to show you that there is no such thing as a simple ghost story.

Not that the movie is perfect either, it had it's own issues. But all in all this is a great start to the Halloween season.

Tally: Watched 1, New 1

What are watching?

Monster Monday round up

The first unofficial Monstrous Monday just happened (don't worry, you are only required to post on Monday October 29th for the bloghop) and we have some great monsters here at the Other Side and elsewhere!
Did I miss any?  I thought about trying to pick my favorite, but these are all so good.

I am so pleased with this turn out.   While these are mostly RPG-focused I do want to remind everyone that your post doesn't have to be RPG related to be in the bloghop.

Looking forward to more!


Wine Nymphs

This monster comes from the "Play with This" series from Shon Richards, aka Erotiterroist.

Given that this is the time of harvest and the wine should pour, this little fey would be fun for my first October Monday Monster.

Wine Nymph

Armor Class:  9 [10]
Hit Dice: 1d8+1* (5 hp)
No. of Attacks: Special
Damage: nil
Special: intoxication, charm
Movement: 30’
No. Appearing: 2-4
Saves As: Elf 1
Morale: 8
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral

Wine Nymphs are a special sort of fae that only live in the bottles of very fine wine.  Not all wines have these nymphs, but the one that do are especially coveted.
The nymph spends her time swimming and frolicking in the bottle of wine.  They appear to be tiny pixie like creatures; exceptionally beautiful but no wings.
As the bottle is drained the nymphs inside shrink.  One the bottle is empty the nymphs are gone as well.
They have no attacks and cause no damage. Their dancing and semi-disrobed flocking though act as a weaker Charm Person spell (victims gain a +2 bonus to their rolls).  Once charmed the victims have only one desire, to drink the bottle of wine.
While the antics and stories of the wine nymphs feature in many tales from bards and skalds, some occult scholars believe that wine nymphs are actually a form of imp or demon, compelling us to drink and partake in wanton revelries.
One thing the scholar and the poet agree on is more, much more, research needs to be done.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Auction time

Going through all my games for the upcoming Games Plus auction.

Made some deep cuts this year.  I am enjoying playing all sorts of D&D and still love my horror games, but I have so many games that I could never, ever play them all.

So gone are my Cortex books (kept a few) and True20 ones.  Unloaded a few modules and a few older D&D books that I had duplicates of. A few other games.

I might end up regretting it all, but right now I feel it was all the right choices.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Zatannurday: MachSabre Superwomen

One of my favorite artists is MachSabre, aka David Reynolds.

Long time readers here might recognize the name or at least his art.  David was one of the two Davids of the ShadowGirls fame and I have featured his art here many times.  I am doing that again today. Mostly because I like his art and Dave loves Supergirls.

So to celebrate the announcement that David is part of a new comic, Shadow of the Black Banshee, here are some of my favorite pieces, featuring of course Zatanna.

Zatanna by ~MachSabre on deviantART

Raven by ~MachSabre on deviantART

The Scarlet Witch by ~MachSabre on deviantART

Ms. Marvel vs. Power Girl by ~MachSabre on deviantART

Hawkgirl by ~MachSabre on deviantART

Kim Possible 02 by ~MachSabre on deviantART

Last Daughter of Atlantis by ~MachSabre on deviantART

Starfire by ~MachSabre on deviantART

Wonder Woman by ~MachSabre on deviantART

Wonder Spin by ~MachSabre on deviantART

This one of all the Batgirls was my desktop bitmap forever.

Chiropteras by ~MachSabre on deviantART

And of course you have all seen this one,

Commission - Tara and Willow by ~MachSabre on deviantART

But imagine my surprise when I found this one!

Willow and Tara Cuddling by =AstronSoul on deviantART

AstronSoul is just another fan like me that had D Rey make this.  I think it is cool.

Friday, September 28, 2012

October is coming...

Ok everyone.  October and Halloween is coming.
This like Thanksgiving, Christmas and the Fourth of July all rolled into one here at the Other Side.
There is a lot going on here this next month so here is what is on tap.

First and foremost I am anticipating the release of The Witch and Eldritich Witchery.

Keep an eye open here for more details!

To celebrate the release, I am joining this bloghop.


I am joining a bunch of other Halloween themed giveaways (mostly paranormal erotica, but hey) and I am going to give away a PDF copy of "The Witch"  to one lucky winner.

I am also participating in a few other bloghops/blogfests you may have heard. ;)
There is Monstrous Monday, which you can post something about your favorite/least favorite monster on October 29th.  I am going to be participating every Monday!

This is being cross promoted with the Savage Afterworld's Mutated Mondays.

There are a wide variety of sites that have joined, so please consider it.  It should be a blast!

And again this year I am joining Krell Labs in participation in the October Horror Movie Challenge.

The central site for this year seems to be the Facebook site.

Hope I am not biting off more than I can chew.