Friday, November 5, 2010

The Dragon and the Phoenix: Episode 11

Episode 11: Shadows in the Rain

Dark Willow/Nox: Are you going to kill me lover?
Tara: Not if I don’t have to.
Dark Willow/Nox: That’s why you are going to fail.

- Willow and Tara: The Dragon and the Phoenix, Episode 11 “Shadows in the Rain”

Episode 11: Shadows in the Rain by ~WebWarlock on deviantART

May 7, 2003. Wednesday

Willow becomes physically ill on the anniversary of Tara’s murder. Her magic has an effect on the weather. The Cast finds the weapon they need, but it is in the hands of the last person they expected. Tara, Willow and Dawn combine their power for the first time to retrieve it, but their attempt pulls the cast into a magically-dead (no magic for Willow or Tara) world where Dark Magic Willow (now called "Nox") was not defeated. Willow discovers the wages of her sins. Dawn gets a nasty surprise when she sees herself as a vampire.
Story Arc Elements: Show why the stupid “crayon speech” never could have worked. The cast finds the Spear of Destiny, the weapon they need to kill Yoln.
Game Mechanics: Push the “magic boost” rules to an illogical point and never use them again.
Note: This episode had an unintentional side effect in creating the prototype for my new Mutants & Masterminds villain, Nox.
Soundtrack: The Police “Shadows in the Rain”

Notes and Comments:
The basic idea of this episode, Dark Willow having to face Tara, is actually one from my WitchCraft based Willow & Tara game from the Summer of 2001. Yeah, I had Dark Willow two years before anyone else. But no magic-as-drugs metaphor here, this was pure desire to control the things around her. In Shadows in the Rain, I get my cake and eat it too by pulling the Cast into an alternate world were DMW went on unchecked, or as AU-Faith tells us, that after getting talked down by Xander, Willow just bides her time till she can power up again and this time control the world rather than destroy it. In the original it was Tara and Faith as the only survivors in a bleak future where Dark Willow (then called “The Queen of Darkness”) rules. Here in this adventure, Tara is replaced by Xander, who is nothing more than a puppet of “Nox” aka Dark Willow.

I sat this on the anniversary of Tara’s (though now Kara’s) murder for symbolic reasons and to make a point. You don’t get over something like your lover being killed and then hop into bed with the next person that looks at you. I worry about anyone that can honestly think that is true. Ok, sure, random sex I understand, but not “love” by any means. So on this day Willow is violently ill. Her grief, even though Tara is alive again, is causing her to be physically sick. In the AU the same thing is happening to Nox, only there Nox has enough power to make the whole world feel her pain. The other issue with this one is Willow needed to come to terms with what she had done. It’s like that old saying, “you can’t shake the devil’s hand and say you are only kidding.” Tara forgave Warren, now it was time for Willow to forgive herself.
The battle is complicated by the fact that no one can approach Nox’s fortress and AU Xander is actually working for Nox and not the cast. AU Faith is happy to see Buffy, whose death at the hands of Nox she took particularly hard (yeah AU Faith is bisexual). Matters are made worse when the Cast learns that the Government is going to nuke Sunnydale as a way to deal with Nox.

We also wanted to showcase Dawn’s power one more time. This episode takes us to Nox’s world which is magically dead. So Willow and Tara have no powers here. Their magic is gone (more symbolism since it was magic that brought them together). But Dawn’s powers do work. Speaking of Dawn, the cast gets a nasty surprise in the form of “Dusk”, the AU Dawn turned into a vampire by Nox. Dusk is still stuck in “whiny little kid” mode, the same place she was when she was killed. Dawn on the other hand gets to show her maturity and growth here. She is not the helpless kid sister anymore, she has a part to play.

The vampire Dawn pic was made by a guy named Zahir that used to hang out over at the Kitten Board and was into Willow and Tara based role-playing games of all sorts.

So. Why are they even here? Well the back in episode 5 we saw the spear fall into the same astral portal as Yoln, his sword and a bunch of other items. The spear ended up here. The cast tries to retrieve it with magic, but instead of pulling it to them, it pulls them to it. Why are they going for this weapon? Well the cast is convinced they need a weapon that can kill a god, the spear is one of four weapons in my myths that qualify.
In my other games this is also the Spear of Cú Ċulainn. He obtained it in the 1st Century and it was later lost after his death but before Fionn Macumhail was born.

The deal was at this point I less and less interested in what Buffy, Spike and Xander and all had to do or were doing, becoming primarily focused on the “stars” of the story, Willow and Tara.

The Cast fights the bad guys, and girls. My Spike player gets to kill Dusk because he really hated Dawn. And Willow and Tara have to face off against Nox. Willow finally gives Nox her Ankh charm from Isis. Since it’s job is to drain off dark magic it kills Nox, but she finds peace. She asks Tara if she could forgive her and then asks Willow if she can forgive herself.   All the magic in the world is gone though too and Willow and Tara are still powerless. Dawn opens a portal using the Spear and AU Faith comes with them since there is nothing left for her to do in this world.

The Cast walks out of the portal and not into Sunnydale, but a desolate landscape. In front of them in a valley below an outcropping of rock are thousands (40,000 in fact) demons. They notice the cast’s arrival and begin to shout “Slayer! Slayer!”

There are other issues too.
Willow and Tara both independently discover passages referring to the death of “Returned One”, which they both interpret as Tara. Anya (an NPC) keeps throwing out that after this is all done Tara may have to go back to Heaven still. (side note, at one point we even considered this to be true and tried to figure out how we could do it).

Then there are the two important questions.

1. Why kill Faith only to bring her back?
Honestly I felt the character of Faith was broken beyond repair, nothing the writers had her doing made any sense. It’s part of the “bad girl fetish” as my writing partner Garner put it. They were so in love with Evil!Faith and could only keep upping the ante on her behavior. Now I happen to like bad girls and I liked Faith (once upon a time), but the only way to fix the character was to start over. Yes there was the added benefit of having a new Slayer that Yoln could kill, but that was an afterthought in the “Faith Dies” plot. This Faith is based on the WitchCraft version of her I did long ago. While the stats are the same as the Buffy book, this Faith is different. She has done some bad things sure, but she has atoned and feels guilt and remorse.

2. Why kill Dawn, I thought you liked her?
I do, but the rest of my writing team did not. Plus, and let’s face it, the show writers had no clue what to do with her. I gave her psychic powers to represent her new maturity while vampire Dawn (“Dusk”) was still stuck in the mentality of a whiny high-schooler. Now personally I would have rather had Dawn kill Dusk with a snappy quip of “will you shut the hell up!”, but my Spike player got to kill her instead. Sometimes that’s just the way it goes I guess.

In my original WitchCraft AU (and remember Buffy was still dead at this point) Faith had taken on the role of raising Dawn. It was hard for both of them, but it seemed to work well in the game.  In the original WitchCraft version of this game it was Faith and Tara alone fighing against Nox and Xander was the vampire. In the end Faith and Dawn lived and were still "sisters" 

The cover here is a fantastic bit of art by Div, the same artist that gave us Episode 5’s cover. I felt it was symbolic to feature only Willow instead of Willow and Tara. In the original series Episode 19 was always a Willow centric one, here we felt the second to the last one of our series would be the Willow centric one.  We did that again in "Season of the Witch".

Next time. Nothing left to burn…

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dragon and the Phoenix preview

Ok. So this totally self-indulgent but this may very well be the only time this will ever see the light of day.

Back when we were working on the game I wanted to do a "comming soon" video for the "Sweeps Week" episodes. So there was one for Episodes 4 and 5 and then another for 11 and 12.
I never got the one for 4 and 5 started in time, but for 11 and 12 I did write the outline and even gathered up a couple people who's voices sounded like the casts enough for voice overs. I had the whole Macromedia suite at the time so I figured I'd do a video. Trouble was, never could find the scenes I wanted from external media and I discovered I also had no desire to watch Buffy anymore to even mine it for scenes. Plus life was getting REALLY busy again since we had a new baby in the house again (that was Connor).

So. Like role-playing you are just going to have to use your imagination on this one. ;)


Everything you know is about to end...

Tara (Voice over, Sinéad O’Connor’s “Drink Before the War” plays in the background throughout): I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake. The sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became as blood… (fade out)

Buffy (talking to her friends): This ends. We sit here and wait for these maniacs to come to our homes to end the world (Flashbacks of the Master, Angeleus, the Mayor, and Glory). They threaten me, they threaten to kill my family (Buffy holding Dawn at the end of “The Gift”) my friends (Tara/Kara getting shot, Spike getting burned in “Will We Burn in Heaven?”). No more.
I am taking this fight to their ground, I am going to stop this before it starts. I am going to get that Spear (scene of Faith wielding the Spear of Destiny to kill a pack of vampires) and I am going to Leviathan’s plane (the Cast standing in a desolate gray plane, emptiness as far as the eye can see).

Dawn: What do you plan to do?

Buffy (after a beat): I’m going to kill a God.

Scene: An army of demons led by Buffy attacks Yoln’s army. Yoln swings his Hellforged blade but it is stopped by Buffy’s spear.

Yoln: So Slayer. You brought an army to defeat me? (another swing)
Buffy: No. (a parry. Then, wielding the spear with both hands, she swings and knocks Yoln back.) I brought two.
The army of demons continues running while a legion of angels flies up and over them to join in the attack.

An armored angel swoops down with a flaming sword, she removes her helmet to reveal Tara’s face.

A younger Willow looks up with the black magic eyes.

Yoln’s voice over while the following scenes playout in rapid succession.
Yoln: This has all been planned. You are not heroes. You are sacrifices.

Tara standing in a cemetery waiting while vampires attack her.

Yoln lifting off his helm with two hands.

Dawn’s eye’s glowing with green fire as she holds a portal open.

Spike (carrying an injured Anya): It’s a trap!

Willow and Tara holding hands jump into a gapping maw.

Silence. Then a titanic seven headed dragon approaches the cast and roars.

Darkness, then back to Buffy’s home.

Xander: So I guess the revolution won’t be televised? (laughs to himself)
Spike laughs with him and they fall silent realizing they just “shared a moment”. They uncomfortably move apart.

Coming soon…
Episode 11: Shadows in the Rain and double sized series finale Episode 12: No Other Troy

Soon. There will be nothing left to burn.


Excited yet? I am!

Pygmy Tarrasque

The Pygmy Tarrasque

The Tarrasque in D&D is colossal monster that pretty much no character has any right to stand against. It is the primal force of destruction made physical. It is the Godzilla of the D&D game. It is also based on a monster of myth and legend known as the Tarasque. While they look similar and act similar, the Tarasque was once defeated.

I can recall one time while watching some TV, likely a nature show but it could have been Star Trek the Next Generation too. I was reading my Monstrous Compendium and someone had mentioned the Pygmy Tarsier. I thought that at the time a Pygmy Tarrasque would make for a great monster.

The idea here is a Tarrasque that the characters can actually and defeat.  Build up the rumors in either direction; the tarrasque is an unstoppable killing machine created to kill gods OR it's just an armored dragon like beast that a group of French villagers can kill.  Which is true?  Don't know and neither will your players till you spring this on them.

Fluff:  Let's say the regenerative powers of the Tarrasque is such that sometimes big hunks of it's flesh are torn out.  Typically this would only happen if it was in a fight with a titan or demon lord. These hunks either regenerate into smaller versions of the creature or maybe this is what happens to other monsters when they consume this flesh.  Or one could even say that these smaller ones are the result of the breeding of the Tarrasque with dragons.  Or it along with the Great Tarrasque are the offspring of Leviathan (as in the myths) or even Tiamat.   One should not discount this angle on the story.  Given the Leviathan connection it sorta behooves me to stat it up for Cinematic Unisystem.

In the village of Tarascon they still celebrate the defeat of this great monster. I am happy that we have never seen such a beast in England.
- From the Journal of Tamara Swift.

Name: Tarrasque,  Pygmy
Motivation: Eat
Creature Type: Monster
Attributes: Str 18, Dex 7, Con 10, Int 2, Per 6, Will 3
Ability Scores: Muscle 40, Combat 20, Brains 10
Life Points:  750
Drama Points: 2

Special Abilities: Additional Actions +2 (3 total), Armour Value 9, Attractiveness –5, Cause Fear, Increased Life Points, Regeneration (Con per Hour), Resists Magic 3 (can deflect automatically any spell PL 3 or lower)

Name  Score      Damage    Notes
Claw x2     
- stinger  

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gnomes for Basic D&D

I guess this one is for my brother who loves gnomes. First in a batch of various "Basic" D&D things I have been thinking about.

Gnomes for Basic era FRPGs

Gnomes have long been a staple of various fantasy role-playing games, but surprisingly there were never any core rules for gnomes in the Basic-era (1974-1991) of the Worlds First and Largest Fantasy Adventure RPG.


Gnomes are small humanoids that live in the same general areas as do elves. While elves prefer the open spaces, Gnomes live underground in elaborate burrows and underground cave systems. They share many similarities with dwarves, which maybe something of a racial cousin, they are their own race with a long history.

The typical gnome stands 3' to 3½ ' tall, and weighs about 40-45 lbs; About the same size as a Halfling, but not as stocky. Their skin color ranges from dark tan to woody brown, their hair is fair, and their eyes can be any shade of blue (from a light ice blue, to brilliant cerulean to a deep midnight violet-blue). Gnome males prefer short, carefully trimmed beards. Gnomes generally wear leather or earth tones, though they decorate their clothes with intricate stitching or fine jewelry. Gnomes reach adulthood at about age 40, and they live about 350 years, though some can live almost 500 years.

A gnome character must have a score of 9 or higher in both Intelligence and Dexterity. Gnomes are similar to Elves in terms of play, they can act as fighters (though not as good as true fighters or Dwarves) and can cast spells as do Magic-Users, though in the form of Alchemy.

Sages disagree on the origins of the gnome as a species and their name. Some point to the word "gnomic" meaning "to know" or "the wise". Other point to "gnomus" meaning "earth" or "from the earth". Both seem to be apt.

Some occult sages and scholars suggest that gnomes are off-shoots of dwarves, halflings, or even goblins. They do have some connection to the lands of Faerie, as do the elves. Other have suggested that gnomes are in fact some sort of earth spirit or even an elemental. Gnomes themselves say they simply are and leave it at that.

Gnomes are inherently magical, many excel in areas of alchemy and other magic, and most gnomes know at least a little magic. Adventuring gnomes can cast wizard spells as indicated below. Gnomes though use their magic via Alchemy. Gnome spell books are full of arcane recipes and formulae. To "cast" a spell then the Gnome either drinks, throws or otherwise invokes the potion as needed. For example a Clarivoyance "spell" might require the Gnome the spread an oily poultice over their eyes, a Fire Ball spell could be a potion that is thrown. In any case these would not require a roll to hit any more than any other magic-user or elf.

Gnomes tend to be Neutral in alignment, but quite a few are Lawful.
Gnomes hate kobolds and will try to attack them on site.

There are Gnomes that also known as "Deep Gnomes" that have well defined infravision to 90'.

Prime Requisite: A gnome has two Prime Requisites: Intelligence and Dexterity. If either of these Ability scores is 13 or greater the character gains a 5% bonus to Experience Points earned every adventure. If both are 13 or greater, the XP bonus if 10%.

Weapons and Armor: Gnomes may use any weapon, but it needs to "sized" to fit them. Typically any weapon sized for a Halfling character. Gnomes may not use "two-handed" handed weapons such as two-handed swords, long bows, battle axes, and other larger weapons.

Gnomes may wear any type of armor, but most prefer "natural" armor such as leather or hide. Halfling armor must "taken in" in order to properly fit a Gnome.

Gnomes may use any magic item that is useable by Magic-Users and any magic weapon.

Special Abilities

A gnome has a number combat advantages, due to it's size and familiarity with various terrain.

Combat: Gnomes use a combination of melee weapons and magic in combat situations. All gnomes gain the following bonuses when in combat.

-2 bonus to Armor Class when attacked by creatures larger than man-size.
+ 1 bonus to initiative rolls.
+1 bonus to "to hit" rolls against Kobolds and Goblins.

Hiding: Gnomes are difficult to spot. In their natural habitat, dense wooded areas, low hill lands and natural (not man-made) underground formations a gnome can only be detected 15% of the time (GM rolls). In man-made dungeons this increases to 25%. The gnome must remain still and not be carrying any type of light.

Languages: In addition to the common and alignment languages Gnomes may also speak gnome, dwarf, kobold and goblin. Additionally a gnome may speak to animals 1/day as per the Spell of the same name. Animals are limited to burrowing animals (badgers, rabbits,

Vision: A gnome can see twice as well as a human in low-light conditions (starlight, moonlight, torchlight and a "light" spell, but not "Continual Light").

Spells: As mentioned, Gnomes can use Magic-User spells like an elf. These spells are usually in the form of an alchemical mixture that must either thrown, drank or applied as needed. There is no penalty for performing this action since it is considered to be part of the "casting time". The gnome can only prepare the number of alchemical agents ("spells") as per the chart below. The gnome then must prepare a new batch the next day. Gnomes use natural ingredients that are usually readily available and carry others with them. These materials are small and light and typically weigh no more than a ounce per level of spells. So a 3rd level spell would weigh about 3 ozs.

For example the Gnome may wish to cast a Light spell. This may require them to mix two reagents together that produce a glow.

Gnomes may advance only to 9th level ("Gnome Adeptus"). This is balanced by the gnome's magical ability and their ability to also fight better than a same level magic-user. At 9th level a gnome may settle in area and attract other gnomes to form a clan, or gather their family together for a clan as it's Chieftain. All burrowing animals within the area (a radius of 5 miles) will be friendly to the gnomes of the clan and can speak to them. These animals will warn the clan of approaching intruders or strangers, carry brief messages back and forth to other clans.

Hit Die
1Gnome Neophyte
2Gnome Apprentice
3Gnome Theoreticus
4Gnome Practicus
5Gnome Philosophus
6Gnome Major
7Gnome Magus
8Gnome Magister
9Gnome Adeptus

Death Ray or Poison
Magic Wands
Paralysis or Turn to Stone
Dragon Breath
Rods, Staffs and Spells

Gnomes use the same attack to hit rolls as do fighters, dwarves, elves and Halflings.

Target's Armor Class

Section 15 Copyright Notice

Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Liber Mysterium: The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Copyright© 2003, Timothy S. Brannan and the Netbook of Witches Team.

Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2008. Chris Gonnerman.

Labyrinth LordTM. Copyright © 2007, Daniel Proctor. Author Daniel Proctor.

"Gnomes for Basic era FRPGs" Copyright ©2010, Timothy S. Brannan

History of Halloween

post removed at request

Monday, November 1, 2010

October Stats

Needless to say, but October was a very busy month over here at the old Other Side.
Watching horror movies, blogging about old school, new school and horror brings in some traffic.

I made 53 posts this month which resulted in 9,494 visits. Of that, 1,315 came directly to this site (with 82.21 % of those being unique),  and 5,585 from referring sites.

So, to thank those referring sites, here they are.  See what they are doing also! (Eden's board)

Thanks for sending so much traffic my way!

Something New!

I have recently been inspired and might have something new here in a bit.

No details yet other than I am excited and hope to have something soon.