Reading the Orange version with knowledge of the Green is an interesting experience and one that almost always leaves the Orange one coming up a bit short. Not that the Green version, with edits by Basic Game guru Tom Moldvay, is a stellar module, it does have it's moments.
B3 holds a special place for me since it is the first module I ever bought specifically to run and not play in. There was a lot for a neophyte DM like myself in 1981 to like. The programmed adventure in the beginning was a nice touch to kid just learning how to also program the computers in Jr. High. Arik of the Hundred Eyes was an awesome sounding bad guy and one I had hoped would make another appearance one day. And it was easy for me to place this all in Glantri from the Expert Set, it seemed to fit well with other things I had going on at the time.
Reading over the Wizard's site this past weekend got me thinking. I have wanted to use B3 in my kids' game for a while now. Thanks to the maps (linked below) from the Vaults of Pandius and the update to D&D 3.0 version of the monsters and encounters I could run this is as-is for them now. Of course I'll want to bump the encounters up a bit to make them more challenging. Course the maps are for the Green version and 3.0 update is for the Orange version.

I doubt I will drop any hints here to the upcoming 4e adventures or even the on going Dragonslayer's plot. So Arik is not really another name for Tharizdun, and I doubt I'll make the Eye of Arik a part of the summoning ritual they need for Tiamat. Just a little side adventure to amuse me and them while I build them up to the big finale. Though the Knights of the White Drakes from the Green version allays interested me. Maybe once the adventure is over I'll have the Knights send them their thanks and offer them a great gift, a Drake (a riding dragon) for them to use in their battle against Tiamat. My son would LOVE that. Of course that only works if the the guy on the dragon that everyone thinks is evil is actually good and the characters help clear his name. I do like that idea.
- Wizard's page for the Orange version,
- Grognardia reflects on B3,
- As does Emerald Lich,
- Acaeum overview,
- Cool maps from the Mystara uber-site, Vaults of Pandius,
- d20/3.0 conversion at ENWorld,