Showing posts with label #RPGaDAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #RPGaDAY. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 23

Day 23: Perfect Game for Me

Kind of a no brainer really. The perfect game for me is the one I wrote.

Ghosts of Albion!

Again it is everything I have ever wanted in a horror game, everything I want in a fantasy game and one I can run with zero prep time.

It's a period I love, with rules I love and characters I adore.  What else could be more perfect?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 22

Day 22: Perfect Gaming Environment

I have spent years working on my game room.

I like nice comfortable chairs, plenty of light, access to my books when I need them.

And I like to have access to Frankencomputer.

Friday, August 21, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 21

Day 21: Favorite RPG Setting

Hard call. It really is a toss up between my home brewed Mystoerth campaign world for *D&D or Victorian England.

Mystoerth grew out of a need for my then DM and I to merge our worlds.  He was a huge Greyhawk fan (as was I, but less so) and my world was the known world of Msytara.

Map by Rich Trickey aka chatdemon

We did not call our world Mystoerth. That name as far as I can tell came from +James Mishler and +Rich Trickey.  Rich made that nice map.

It has worked well for me over the years.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 20

Day 20: Favorite Horror RPG

Ah.  This now like choose amongst my children.  I love Horror RPGs, more so than fantasy or supers really.

There are a lot of great choices Chill, WitchCraft, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire, many.

But if I am going to have to choose then I choose...myself!

Ghosts of Albion!

Not to be to blunt, but it is everything I have ever wanted in a horror game. I poured blood, sweat and tears into this game.  But that means nothing to Joe or Jane Player out there.  It is also a fun game, with a great setting, some great monsters and, in my opinion, one of the best magic rules I have ever used.

If I never publish another game or book I will be content because I wrote this one.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 19

Day 19: Favorite Supers RPG

There have been a few over the years. Marvel Super Heroes, Villains and Vigilantes and DC Heroes.
But the title of favorite has to go to Mutants & Masterminds and of course it's close cousin DC Adventures.

The rules have always just jelled right with me and the way I like to play supers games.

Plus my supers games tend to be fairly DC focused or DC influenced so having one system that works for everything I want to do is great for me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 18

Day 18: Favorite SF RPG

This one is harder since I have yet to find that perfect Scifi RPG. Traveller came close, but in the end it has to be Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space and it's spiritual forefather FASA's Doctor Who RPG.

Monday, August 17, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 17

Day 17: Favorite Fantasy RPG

No question.  Dungeons and Dragons.



Hail to the King baby.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 16

Day 16: Longest Game Session Played

Back in college I went over to my High School DM's house.  He had come down to college where I was because I had talked the place up so much.

We co ran a Ravenloft game, "Dreams of Ravenloft" where basically one of us ran I6 and the other I10.  Anytime the characters fell asleep they would wake up in the other reality.  Not know which one was real or not.

I went over on a Friday afternoon and we played straight to Sunday night.  This was back before cell phones so my roommates had no idea where I was.  So it was only about 56 hours, but it was 56 continuous hours, minus some time for naps.

Can't do that anymore.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 15

Day 15: Longest Campaign Played

I would have to say my Dragonslayers game which began with my oldest son around 2005 or so.  This year it will 10 years in.  Even my current Order of the Platinum Dragon game is a continuation of it.

Though technically it is a continuation of my Mystoerth game I began in 1980.

But let's just call it 10 years.

Friday, August 14, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 14

Day 14: Favorite RPG Accessory

I have had a lot I have sworn by over the years.  Many of those are now forgotten.

But there is one that has had staying power due to it's utility.
Dice Trays.

When you game with little kids two things tend to happen with dice.  They get lost and rolls get fudged.  It is what it is.

With these all rolls are made in the open and dice are not rolled off the table.

Plus my oldest son loves dice made from metal and those things will destroy a table top.
These trays have been great.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 13

Day 13: Favorite RPG Podcast

Hmm. Ok. I don't really listen to a lot RPG Podcasts...or podcasts in general.

I do like Dr. Lewis "Lew" Pulsipher's Youtube channel  +Game Design which is audio only so it could be a podcast.

Check it out!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

RPG a Day 2015, Day 12

Day 12: Favorite RPG Illustration

Why do I have to choose!

Actually this one it pretty easy. I love the cover for WitchCraft by George Vasilakos at Eden Studios.
I just love it.