Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It was on this day...

12 years ago that I stayed home from work so I could be at my FLGS to buy a copy of the new D&D 3rd Edition Player's Handbook.

Sorry if I choose to be selective on how I remember this day.

In truth 9/11/2001 was also a watershed date for me personally.  I had just gotten laid off from my "Dream job" in the Dot Com world (they had laid off 65% of their workforce that day).  So I was home with a new baby when all the events went down.

I then spent the next few months (before I swallowed my pride and went back to teaching) working on various RPG products.  One, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG, lead to many, many other projects that eventually landed me Ghosts of Albion.

Since 9/11/2001 was 11 years ago, it was also a Tuesday when it happened (perpetual calendars are 11 years long), so to me the "big anniversary" of something is not 10 years, but 11.  Weird I know.  But that is why it is on my mind more today than say this time last year.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Genre Blogfest

I enjoy these blogfests.  Mostly for the community building and to see what other people have to say.  But I also enjoy them because they help me get out of the posting rut.

Alex J. Cavanaugh, who has run so many blogfests, presents another.
The Genre Blogfest.

I will be participating in this one, it looks fun!

Kickstart your week!

Another Kickstarter that I thought looked cool.

Invasion of the Saucer People - Card Game

A cool looking card game from Popcorn Press, the same folks that are bringing us Cthulhu Haiku next month.  Check them out and see what they have!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Zatanna: !nmad .?ydaeR.

Err. I am not quite ready really.

Normally I like to work on these ahead of time.  But my week was busy at work and my Saturday is already lost.

Ok. I will be ready next time.

Friday, September 7, 2012

More Monster Images

Since I want to make this more inclusive here are some more image fro you to use to link back.

There's a Monster in my Blog!

I have had a couple of questions about the MONSTROUS MONDAY Blogfest.

Again, here are the rules.
  1. Sign up below
  2. Grab a button and link back to my site
  3. Post your Monster on Monday October 29th 2012!

That's it!

What can you post?
Lots of things.
- Monster stats for your game.
- a description or story of the monster from your new book
- the monster you love/hate the most

I am even considering some other ideas.  But the key here is it has to be a monster.

So lets see them!

3.5 Reprints

The 3.5 reprints are hitting the shelves soon.

They look nice, very evocative of both the 3.0 and 3.5 covers. Though they lack the "old tome" feel the originals went for, and were often imitated during the entire d20 boom.

I am not sure I will get them though.

I have my 3/3.5 books.  I even have the leather bound deluxe 3.5 books. And Pathfinder.

How about you all?