Two more characters from the same campaign as Pathon and Torr Addingdale III, I am doing two again because I want to show off the flexibility of the classes in Wasted Lands / NIGHT SHIFT. How can I use the same class to achieve different results.
I don't know much about Tyl III, but I know Tali. Tali was a Ranger in my games back in the late 1980s, she was Grenda's character when I ran him through the Ravenloft elements of our Great War / The Dragon War. She became trapped in Ravenloft with a bunch of other characters and had to find a way out. Tali, like her daughter Tali II, was a ranger, but more than that she was a Swanmay; a Swan Maiden. Kind of nice to see her again. A bit like running into an old friend from College and discovering she is happy and has a grown daughter now going to the same school you both went too. Swan Maidens have been a lot on my mind recently too, having just reread "Three Hearts and Three Lions" for the first time in decades.
Tyl II died as a child, so this Tyl III is not his son. I'll have to dig up a family tree somewhere to figure out where he fits.
Tali is a Ranger with some magic. Tyl is a Theif-Acrobat/Illusionist. Both are going to be Renegades. Also, we are dealing with another New Human in Tyl, but I am going to ignore that for now.
Tali Earlingstar II
Class: Renegade/Warrior
Level: 8/8
Species: Human
Alignment: Light
Background: Cult
Strength: 17 (+2) N
Agility: 16 (+2) A
Toughness: 15 (+1)
Intelligence: 14 (+1)
Wits: 17 (+2) N
Persona: 17 (+2)
Fate Points: 1d10
Defense Value: 1
Vitality: 80 (d4/d8)
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0
Check Bonus (A/N/D): +4/+3/+1
Melee Bonus: +3 (base)
Ranged Bonus: +3 (base)
Saves: +3 vs Death effects (Renegade)
Renegade Abilities
Improved Defence, Ranged Combat, Stealth Skills, Climbing, Danger Sense (1-3 d6), Perception, Vital Strike x3, Read Languages, Stealth Skills
Warrior Abilities
Combat Expertise, Improved Defence, Melee Combat, Master of Battle, Supernatural Attacks, Spell Resistance, Tracking, Masters of Weapons, Extra Attacks (x2), Extra Damage
Heroic Touchstones
Level 1: Favored Weapon: Sword (+1 to hit, +2 Damage)
Level 3: Luck Benefit
Level 5: Level 1 of Sorcerer
Level 7: Favored Enemy: Undead
Level 9: Level 2 of Sorcerer
Level 11: +1 to all checks, attacks, and saves
Level 13: Level 3 of Sorcerer
Level 15: Bestow Blessing
Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Protection
Sword ("Shadowbane"), leather armor
Tyl Addingdale III
Class: Renegade/Sorcerer
Level: 10/10
Species: New Human
Alignment: Twilight (Evil)
Background: Sorcerous
Strength: 17 (+2)
Agility: 18 (+3) A
Toughness: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 18 (+1) N
Wits: 16 (+2)
Persona: 17 (+2) N
Fate Points: 1d12
Defense Value: 2
Vitality: 60 (d4/d4)
Degeneracy: 4
Corruption: 0
Check Bonus (A/N/D): +5/+3/+2
Melee Bonus: +3 (base)
Ranged Bonus: +3 (base)
Saves: +3 vs Death effects (Renegade)
Renegade Abilities
Improved Defence, Ranged Combat, Stealth Skills, Climbing, Danger Sense (1-3 d6), Perception, Vital Strike x3, Read Languages, Stealth Skills
Arcane Powers
Detect Thoughts, Enhanced Senses, Psychic Power Suggestion, Subtle Influence
Sorcerer Spells
First Level: Chill Ray, Night Vision, Command, Extinguish Light, Summon Familiar
Second Level: Invoke Fear, Invisibility, See Invisible, ESP, Beguile Person
Third Level: Blinding Speed, Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Oily Cloud of the Deeper Dark
Fourth Level: Black Tentacles, Improved Invisibility, Protection Against Death, Serpent Arrow
Fifth Level: Shadow Armor, Injure, Commune with Deeper Dark
Familiar: Bald Parrot "Jubilex"
Heroic Touchstones
Level 1: Psychic Ability: Psychokinesis
Level 3: Luck Benefit
Level 5: Favored Weapon: Short sword (+1 to hit, +2 Damage)
Level 7: Psychic Ability: Bio-feedback
Level 9: +1 to all checks, attacks, and saves
Level 11: Additional 1st level spell
Level 13: Additional 2nd level spell
Level 15: Additional 3rd level spell
Level 17: Additional 4th level spell
Level 19: Additional 5th level spell
Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Trickster
Short sword ("Shadewalk"), leather armor
All the characters from this campaign appear to be cousins, some twice or more removed, and all descended from the Addingdale lines.
It appears, reading over the notes with the characters that Tali and Tyl were once close but are growing apart as Tali becaomes more good and following in her mother's footsteps to become a Swanmay (maybe she has been gifted her mother's cloak?) and Tyl went from trickster rogue to more evil in his intent.
You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.