Saturday, August 31, 2024

Dracula, The Hunters' Journals: 31 August Letter, Arthur Holmwood to Dr. Seward.

Arthur calls on an old friend.

Dracula - The Hunters' Journals

Letter, Arthur Holmwood to Dr. Seward.

Albemarle Hotel, 31 August.

“My dear Jack,—

“I want you to do me a favour. Lucy is ill; that is, she has no special disease, but she looks awful, and is getting worse every day. I have asked her if there is any cause; I do not dare to ask her mother, for to disturb the poor lady’s mind about her daughter in her present state of health would be fatal. Mrs. Westenra has confided to me that her doom is spoken—disease of the heart—though poor Lucy does not know it yet. I am sure that there is something preying on my dear girl’s mind. I am almost distracted when I think of her; to look at her gives me a pang. I told her I should ask you to see her, and though she demurred at first—I know why, old fellow—she finally consented. It will be a painful task for you, I know, old friend, but it is for her sake, and I must not hesitate to ask, or you to act. You are to come to lunch at Hillingham to-morrow, two o’clock, so as not to arouse any suspicion in Mrs. Westenra, and after lunch Lucy will take an opportunity of being alone with you. I shall come in for tea, and we can go away together; I am filled with anxiety, and want to consult with you alone as soon as I can after you have seen her. Do not fail!


Notes: Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous

More insight into the background of our three Victorian gentlemen. Even though Seward was once Lucy's suitor, Holmwood trusts him enough to have him look in on her. Alone with her no less.

Good thing too, this is the start of the sequence of events that brings in Van Helsing to our tale.

#RPGaDAY2024 Game or gamer you miss

 This one is very easy, and hard. In fact I am sitting here drinking a Mt. Dew (though now a Zero sugar one) in his honor.

My friend and old DM Michael Grenda, died last year. It was a rather sudden and unexpected death. We had not talked in years (jobs, marriages, kids), but we had met up about this time last year, and we fell right into old patterns. 

I was very happy that his life had turned out happy. Maybe not exactly like we used to talk about in High School, but really who can say that.  I still feel sorrow for his wife and daughter.

I have been working on an adventure that I want to get out dedicated to him and based on his version of the "Mad Archmage" archetype. No, it's not a mega-dungeon, but it's certainly closer to a funhouse dungeon.  He, his wife, and his daughter all used to work at this haunted house, one of the largest in the state of Illinois. I was comforted in seeing that there were so many of these "Boo Crew" folks at his funeral. It seems right that the adventure should be a large haunted house-like deal.

Tim and Grenda
Me and Grenda at Dell Rhea's Chicken Basket on Rt. 66 in July 2023

Yeah. I wore that Radio Shack shirt on purpose. We bonded over our love of the TRS-80 Color Computer.  I still have his old computer.

It was his birthday a couple of days ago. To be perfectly honest I am still coming to terms with the fact that he is gone. Weird. 


And that is all for Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August, 2024!


Friday, August 30, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: GEAS Role Playing System

 I have not done one of these in a while. While the new 5e D&D (5.5 I am now calling it) is on the horizon, we must not forget there are other games, some really good ones, out there.

Here is one that looks promising and it from Roderic Waibel and Izegrim Creations who has given us some great content in the past.

GEAS Role Playing System

GEAS Role Playing System

From the campaign:

"GEAS is a high fantasy role-playing game designed with a core mechanic that's easy to learn yet offers tremendous flexibility and options and fosters player agency. Best yet, the core rules will be Creative Commons so YOU have control over your creations."

Ok that doesn't tell us a lot, but there are some good things here.

For starters you grab the GEAS Quickstart Guide for free and this gives you a much better feel for the game.  It is fantasy, but not D&D.

Emphasis is on ease of play and giving the players plenty of options to explore their characters.

I like this bit to be honest and I think that is one of the (many) reasons why D&D 5 has been so successful. 

On the design side, the art looks great and Roderic Waibel is making a No AI art pledge here. That's good. It is also being released into the Creative Commons, also a nice touch.

The game *reads* well, but the proof is in the playing. So I am looking forward to trying it out and will certainly feature it sometime next year. Though if I know Roderic, the game is already done and he is working on the final layout now.

#RPGaDAY2024 Person You'd Like to Game With

 Hmm. That is an interesting one. I am not entirely sure, to be honest.

I do think playing a game where Matt Mercer DMing would be fun. I would also would love to sit in on a session with Todd Stashwick or Deborah Ann Woll because they just always look like they are having an absolute blast when they play.

Critical Role

But in truth I'd rather just play a game with some of the guys I used to game with. More on that one tomorrow.


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 


Thursday, August 29, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 Awesome app

 Ok, this one is a bit of a cheat, but I enjoy the Google dice roller app.

Dice Roller

I can be anywhere and have access to all sorts of dice. It is not as nice as real dice and really only pseudorandom, but it works in a pinch.


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 Great Gamer Gadget

 I think following up on yesterday's post I have to go with HeroForge as a Great Gamer Gadget. 


Even if you never get a mini from them (and you should get at least one, they are great) their mini designer is one of the better Character design tools out there.

Come to think of it. I don't have a mini of Omar yet!


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 Marvelous Miniature

 This one is rather easy. I am completely in love with the miniatures from HeroForge.

HeroForge Minis
These all sit on my desk.

I was an early backer, and backed it again for their color print process. Since then I hove picked up quite a few. What can I say, I love them.

Me and Johan

Here is my "mini-me" and my alter ego Johan.


I have a few Larinas. A printed one and few I did on our home printer.

Sinéad, Karlach and Shadowheart

Some to commemorate my best Baldur's Gate 3 run, Sinéad, Karlach and Shadowheart.

Duchess & Candella

The mini standees of Duchess & Candella. I wanted to try it out.

Willow & Tara

And Willow & Tara. Because of course I did.

Not to mention all the screen shots I have used over the years.

Likely not long before I get an itch and want to make another one.


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 
