Every night was devoted to the Against the Giants adventure. We didn't get as far as we wanted, we only got through G1 The Hill Giants and +Thork Hammer aka R.C. Pinnel's G4 The Stone Giants.
They encountered their first drow of House Eilservs from Erelhei-Cinlu.
Since I am running this all under D&D 5e I am making the Drow of House Eilservs all partially Warlocks of Tharizdun, whom they know as the Elder Elemental God. The G4 module played into this rather nicely.
I bought some things of course. Mostly stuck to Castles & Crusades books.
Can't wait to dip into Victorious!
Went to the ENnies. I didn't win, which I will admit was disapointing.
I'll post more later on this.
I did get a chance to meet +Zak Sabbath, Stoya and Charlotte Stokely at the ENnies and that at least was cool. Zak took home 3 of the 5 ENnies he was nominated for, that was also cool. My son loved his speech thanking Satan. My son threw up some horns for that. I also got my copy of Maze of the Blue Medusa signed by Zak and Stokely.
Opted to play a lot of different types of games this year. Played a great game of Castles & Crusades.
Played some Exploding Kittens (really fun) some Munchkin (also fun), got into a board game at the Mayfair group, but didn't really care for it. Tried to find a board game we all liked, but no success there.
I got some more art for my game room from Wayne Reynolds. I think I want to get one of those frames that holds three pictures at once.
Wonder how much he would charge to do some art of Larina....
I picked up a copy of Gettysburg for a friend. Picked up some more dice. Signed up for the Star Trek playtest. Was going to pick up Pathfinder Horror Adventures, but there wasn't really anything new in it for me. I might grab it later at my FLGS.
Loved all the Cosplay. My son went as Jacob from Assassin's Creed and found a like-minded friend.
There were tons of "Harley Quinn"s but also a lot of "Rey"s from Star Wars. I thought that was cool.
Ate and spent WAY too much.
Not sure if I can make it next year. It is later in August and my kids' school starts before Gen Con.
All in all a great time.