Monday, August 8, 2016

Gen Con 2016 in Review

I am back from Gen Con.  As always we had a great time. I am on my lunch so I thought I would fire off an update.

Every night was devoted to the Against the Giants adventure. We didn't get as far as we wanted, we only got through G1 The Hill Giants and +Thork Hammer aka R.C. Pinnel's G4 The Stone Giants.

They encountered their first drow of House Eilservs from Erelhei-Cinlu.
Since I am running this all under D&D 5e I am making the Drow of House Eilservs all partially Warlocks of Tharizdun, whom they know as the Elder Elemental God.  The G4 module played into this rather nicely.

I bought some things of course.  Mostly stuck to Castles & Crusades books.

Can't wait to dip into Victorious!

Went to the ENnies.  I didn't win, which I will admit was disapointing.
I'll post more later on this.

I did get a chance to meet +Zak Sabbath, Stoya and Charlotte Stokely at the ENnies and that at least was cool.  Zak took home 3 of the 5 ENnies he was nominated for, that was also cool.  My son loved his speech thanking Satan.  My son threw up some horns for that.  I also got my copy of Maze of the Blue Medusa signed by Zak and Stokely.

Opted to play a lot of different types of games this year.  Played a great game of Castles & Crusades.
Played some Exploding Kittens (really fun) some Munchkin (also fun), got into a board game at the Mayfair group, but didn't really care for it.  Tried to find a board game we all liked, but no success there.

I got some more art for my game room from Wayne Reynolds.  I think I want to get one of those frames that holds three pictures at once.

Wonder how much he would charge to do some art of Larina....

I picked up a copy of Gettysburg for a friend.  Picked up some more dice. Signed up for the Star Trek playtest.  Was going to pick up Pathfinder Horror Adventures, but there wasn't really anything new in it for me.   I might grab it later at my FLGS.

Loved all the Cosplay.  My son went as Jacob from Assassin's Creed and found a like-minded friend.

There were tons of "Harley Quinn"s but also a lot of "Rey"s from Star Wars. I thought that was cool.

While the con is still dominated by middle-aged, bearded white guys I am seeing a lot more families and kids.  This is a great thing.

Ate and spent WAY too much.

Not sure if I can make it next year.  It is later in August and my kids' school starts before Gen Con.

All in all a great time.

Just a test

This is just another little test.

RPGaDAY2016: Day 8

Do you prefer hardcover, softcover, or electronic books? What are the benefits of your preference?

In truth it sorta depends on the game.  I love my softcover old-school books, my hardcover books and my PDFs.  In general, I do like physical books, but I also love the convenience of PDFs.

I have put my PDFs on various cloud systems I have access too so being able to get to my collection at anytime is great.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 7

What aspect of Roleplaying Games has had the biggest effect on you?

The writing really.  I wanted certain books or content to play and it was not out there, so I had make it myself.  In the process, I had to write and I had to get better at it.

Never thought I would be in a place where I am writing every day because I wanted to and even other people wanted me to.

Also, I have to admit the friendships I have made over the years have made a huge impact on my life and my kids love playing.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 6

What is the most amazing thing that you know a game group has done for their community?

Hmm. I have seen a lot of game groups online give to charity. I organized some charity give aways with my game groups as well.  DriveThruRPG gives a lot to charity and that is nice.

I have seen gamers donate their time, money and books to children in need. Volunteering for various groups.

I like to think that in general that gamers are good people.

Friday, August 5, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 5

What story does your group of players tell about your character?

If it is my witch character then it is about the time took out a couple of ghouls at 2nd level.  The best part of it all was she was the almost the last one standing.
Managed to get them all and save the party.

But I have not had many characters in a few years due to always running games.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 4

What is the most impressive thing that you can remember another player’s character doing in a session?

I think that would have to have been my youngest son Connor who made three called shots in a row with a bow and rolled three nautral20s in a row.
Damnedest thing I ever saw.