One of my all-time favorite adventures is S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth.
A solid two-level dungeon crawl, filled with new monsters, dangers, and the promise of great treasures. Additionally, there are rumors of an ancient witch/archmage and her battles with demons and even the threat that some of those demons are still around. There is plenty of wilderness area as well. A wide expanse with a gnome community nearby and a raging blue dragon.
With its "Booklet 2" filled with new spells, magic circles, and demons it made me think that a witch class with ritual magic could be something that would work for D&D.
There is so much great stuff in and around this adventure it is hard to know where to begin. So let's start with the adventure itself.
S4 The Lost Caverns of TsojcanthThe adventure, S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, was published back in 1982 by TSR. It was written by none other than Gary Gygax himself. It is listed as "S4" and was the last of the labeled "S series" or Special modules. This includes some of the most popular adventures ever written; S1 Tomb of Horrors, S2 White Plume Mountain, and S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks.
The adventure itself is comprised of two 32 page booklets. The first book is the adventure itself, which I will get into detail in a bit. The second booklet covers all sorts of new magic, monsters, and more.
Book 1: The Adventure
The adventure is of the classic sort; the rumor of treasure and a vague threat coming from an area of the map known as Iggwilv's Horn. The adventure is designed for characters level 6 to 10. I have found over the last 40 years that it can be adapted to a variety of levels, though higher levels are better. Though the original tournament adventure featured slightly lower levels. Likely due to the addition of the wilderness adventure.
The wilderness adventure is actually well put together and not the older crazy random monster encounters. The encounters make sense for the area. Among the encounters are the Hermit, and I could not help make this the same hermit from Keep on the Borderlands (also a Gygax creation) and the Blue Dragon. The Blue Dragon, in particular, became so much a hit the first time I ran this that in future runnings of this I changed the dragon to Korbundar from CM2 Death's Ride to have a reoccurring villain. A lot of adventure is packed into 12 pages.
The second part of the adventure covers the Lost Caverns themselves, which includes the Lesser and Greater caverns. This features a large variety of new monsters, some living here, some just wandering around. Even encounters such as "The Garden of One Thousand Earthly Delights" have a good (enough) reason to be there.
The final encounter is in the center of the Greater Caverns and it is not for Iggwilv's Treasure, but rather against Iggwilv's Treasure; the vampire Drelnza. She is a bit more powerful than your average vampire and she has magic to help her out. Eventually, she will succumb to heroes and the treasure will be found including the infamous Demonomicon of Iggwilv, Daoud's Wonderous Lanthorn, and the Prison of Zagig.
Book 2: Monsters and Magic
This second booklet, as I have mentioned, grabbed my attention as much as the first, if not more. Listed inside were new monsters, only some appeared in the adventure, including new demons and demon lords. There were the mysterious Xag-ya and Xeg-yi, the Derro and the awkwardly named (for the early 80s) Valley Elf. All these creatures would later be reprinted in the Monster Manual II for 1st Edition. This is fitting since the original tournament adventure introduced monsters that would become part of the first Monster Manual. There are some magic items including some wonderful artifacts mentioned above. Of these The Demonomicon of Iggwilv capture not just my imagination, but that of hundreds of others. The Demonomicon became a feature in Dragon Magazine and even a 4e book of the same name. Iggwilv went from a "long-dead archmage" to "The Mother of Witches" and the premiere demonologist in D&D. This little booklet also contains plenty of new spells.
This was classic AD&D at the end of its 1st Golden Age.
The adventure is extremely playable and I have adapted it over the years for AD&D 2nd ed, D&D 3rd, and 5th Editions as well.
If you want to play it for 5th Edition D&D then the team over at Classic Modules Today has made a 5e conversion.
There are also maps you can print out with DM's notes.
And other realistic maps also for printing.
The Sequels
The first true sequel to this adventure was WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (though no WG1-3 were made*). This was published the same year and dealt with a Temple of Tharizdun. It was designed to be played right after S4 and used the same wilderness map. The adventure fits in well enough. I justified in my games by saying that Iggwilv, like Tsojcanth before her, chose this area due to its arcane and eldritch properties. The adventure also has a wealth of information on the World of Greyhawk and Tharizdun. All of these will be explored later in Gary Gygax's novel series about Gord the Rogue.
S4 and WG4 would also get a review in White Dwarf #44 and both get 9/10 from Jim Bambra. He calls them the last of the Golden Age adventures.
*The rumor is that WG1 was Village of Hommlet, WG2 Temple of Elemental Evil and WG3 was The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, or Tsojconth in the original.
Another sequel of sorts was The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. Published much later in 1995 for 2nd Ed AD&D and written by Lisa Smedman, this adventure was labeled "S5" but it never appears in any of the classic reprints of the S Series adventures. While the connection is little more than any of the other "S" series, there is the connection of Iggwilv, then Tasha as the adopted daughter of Baba Yaga. Lisa Smedman would also work on Ravenloft and ShadowRun. Some Ravenloft monsters make their way into this adventure.

Yet again another sequel, this time for 3.5 D&D, was published in 2007. Iggwilv's Legacy was published in Dungeon Magazine in October 2007 and appeared for free on Wizard's of the Coast website well into the 4e era. Sadly no longer available, it added another level to the caverns to explore, The Hollow of the Horn, the areas left behind by Tsojancth himself with the implication that even Iggwilv was afraid of these areas. The adventure and the additions were converted and updated to 3rd Edition. I ran this version for my family at their first Gen Con in 2009. Here we meet the half-demon archmage Tsojcanth and his vile witch mother Vilhara.
The Reprints
As part of the much-loved S-series, the Lost Caverns of Tsojanth has been reprinted twice. Both times bundled with the other three S-series adventures.
The first reprint was called Realms of Horror and it was all the S-series adventures combined into a loosely tied together "Super Module" that was all the rage in the late 80s. All the maps were reprinted in a small booklet and personally, I found them harder to read.
The second reprint was the more faithful reprint from Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons of Dread, in 2013.
The Original Tournament AdventureThe original tournament adventure, the Lost Caverns of Tsojconth (note the spelling) appeared at the Wintercon V game convention in 1976. This would have been akin to a playtest version of AD&D. Also Iggwilv is described as being dead, and male.
While the adventure does not feature the wilderness areas, the caverns seem to have a more mystical bent to them, with the center "nexus" described as the connection point between worlds to help explain all the new and weird monsters in it. It would make sense, to be honest, and help explain why Tsojcanth and later Iggwilv possessed it.
Paleologos at the
OSR Grimoire talks a lot about the
original Lost Caverns of Tsojconth.
The era of 1976-1978 was an interesting time and lead to some interesting styles of play. We had the Holmes Basic Set and the
B1 In Search of the Unknown (1978) adventure out and we had the AD&D Monster Manual. This Holmes + Monster Manual actually became the game of choice for many. I would later play this same hybrid of D&D/AD&D in 1979.
Likely as a way to replicate that
Demos Sachlas/Paleologos over at the Vaults of Pandius recreated the original tournament adventure, along with some descriptions from the full 1982 S4 adventure and reformated it to fit the style of B1 to give us a "Holmes version of
the Lost Caverns of Tsojconth." This adventure is a tight 16 pages with two more pages for maps. It feels like a late 70s offering. Reading through it I do get the feeling that B1 and S4 could be bookends of a classic 70s adventure series. All it is missing a nice monochrome cover. I might need to mock one up someday.
If you want to buy your own
Noble Knight Games has one on sale for only $7,195.50. If you are worried that is overpriced it does come with the original zip-lock bag.
Playing in HyperboreaNormally at this point in my Revisted posts I would talk about using this adventure with other games. But instead, I think I just want to focus purely on Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea.
A while back I posted about HS4 The Lost Caverns of Acheron, a Hyborian Age reskinning of S4 from the Hyborian Age site dedicated to the d20 Conan RPG. They have a lot of adventures including some reskinned ones on their Adventures in the Hyborian Age page. But it is S4 that interests me today.
Combining this idea with the Holmes flavored Tsojconth above you could have a perfect game for AS&SH. The idea came to me while reading Eric Fabiaschi's Swords & Stitchery blog. He even pointed to me that he had done exactly this.
The pulp sensibilities of Gygax's adventures comes through in S4 with vampires in lost temples, ancient eldritch forces, and strange creatures from beyond. Pairing this with AS&SH and the Lost Caverns of Acheron turns it up to 11 as it were.
With its history of magic, archmages, witch queens, vampires, and demons it is no wonder that this is one of my favorite adventures. Like B1, it is one I like to come back to again and again.