Here are the links of what people are saying today.
TL;DR. OBS pulled James "Grim" Desborough's latest game, a card game based on "Gamer Gate".
You can see OBS' comments here:
I don't want to spend a lot of time on this. But here it goes.
1. I support OBS' stand on their right to pull any game they choose. It's their store. They can choose what they want to sell or not.
2. I support Grim in making and selling any game he wants. I do not agree with his stance on Gamer Gate, but I also feel the guy is often accused to saying and doing things he actually never said. He says on his own blog, posts and everywhere else that if we have a question just ask him. Turns out that works great. I do think it sucks that his game was tossed out pretty much sight-unseen.
So my issue is not really with OBS or James.
My issue is with the publisher that forced OBS to make a decision. They used their own market power as a bullying tactic to get a game they, or rather one person in particular, did not like. It was a dick move.
This is not the first time this particular publisher has pulled some rather dickish stunts. In fact it is the third I have heard of in the last year.
I am not getting into details. I have no desire to challenge this publisher and no power whatsoever to have them address their own bad behavior. All I can do is not play or promote their games here.
If you want to buy the Gamer Gate card game, then please head over to Postmortem Studios I have no interest in it myself, but maybe I'll buy something to show support. Machinations of the Space Princess is a good choice.