Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blogger+ integration

I see you can now integrate Blogger and Google+ now.  This move has been coming for some time I think.
Not sure what it means for me or even your the reader, but I have them all connected now.

I know quite a few people in the OSR and Gaming blogs are doing this, so I guess this means it is a good thing.  I have been looking for ways to use Google+ more.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all all my American readers, happy Thanksgiving!

To everyone else, Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Giving the Gift of Adventure: Patriot Edition

I was dropping off some donations today at a local women's charity; toys and the like really.

While grabbing some old kids games from my basement I could not help but think that a good way to help others out this holiday season and spread the word about gaming would be to give out some gaming sets; 4e, Pathfinder, OSR, didn't matter, just as long as someone who needed it got it.

But giving is only half the issue really, with kids you need to be able to game with them and it is a not a cheap hobby.  I know myself better, I can't donate time really, not working full time with kids of my own.  So giving to these places would not have the full impact I would like.  So I'll keep donating clothes and toys to needy charities, but my desire to spread the word about gaming though still needs to be addressed.

While unloading I think I came up with it.

Donate new RPG games to our men and women in service overseas.

I'd pick up a couple of boxed sets of something a donate, but I don't want to be alone and I don't exactly know where to give these things.

So help me out.  How can we do this this year?  Give the gift of gaming AND let the men and women that serve for us know we still care?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thanks to Stuffer Shack!

With the end of August nigh (gods, I used"nigh") I'll no longer be the site of the month over at Stuffer Shack!

It has been great fun and I am looking forward to seeing which site is the site of the month for September.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Lack of brain

There were a lot of things I wanted to post over the last week or so, but my brain is mush.

To top everything of I worked 14 hours today to get ready for the Fall term that starts next week.
I am still not done.

So what do I know?

Well DriveThru is celebrating H. P. Lovecraft's birthday with some sales on Lovecraft inspired games.

Not sure if I am going to get to play Pathfinder next week cause of all the work I still have to do.

I did the math the other day and the DragonSlayers don't have enough gear, spells or HP to take on Tiamat yet.  Especially if I play her right.

I have about 12 started, but unfinished posts.  I hope to get some of them out to you all soon.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Turning off Anonymous Posts for a while

I am turning off anonymous comments for a bit.

I have too much spam and too many people wanting to use my blog as a place to snipe at others from behind a veil.

I do not like to or want to delete comments. But I also don't have much of a choice here.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Respect My Authoritah!

Well according to at least one obscure website I am an authority on the criminology of Elizabeth Bathory.

My Elizabeth Bathory page, designed to be used with an RPG mind you, was linked out by Criminal Justice, on their site of the 15 worse female criminals.

Of course this site is nothing more than a means to get people into a name collection system that many online degrees use.

Now my Bathory page gets about 1,500 hits a month with about 1,000 of those being new visitors, and so far this one has only contributed about 24 this week.  But I still had to laugh.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Woo Hoo. I leveled up!

According to Trey over at The Sorcerer's Skull I just leveled up to Level 7 Pundit!

Thanks all!

(file under: Silly)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Horror RPG Blogs

So putting out a request to all the RPG bloggers out there.

What Horror RPG blogs do you all read?
I have some, but not as many as I'd like.

Looking for some reading suggestions.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hey all.

Blog posting will be a bit slower this week.  We are going through some virus here at home.  I am sick and so is my youngest.

Thursday, March 10, 2011