Showing posts with label #RPGaDAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #RPGaDAY. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 23

Share one of your best 'Worst Luck' stories.

I mentioned this one a couple years ago for "Most Memorable Character Death" but it also falls under best "Worst Luck" since the poor guy was at the receiving end of some truly diabolic dice rolls.

I have played exactly 1 ninja my entire  gaming life.  His name was Oko-nishi (horrible I know).  My lame attempts at a Japanese sounding name.  In my defense at what I knew was a bad name, I made him a half-orc; because I could then blame his orc parent.  It must have been around 1984-5 as I made him using the Oriental Adventure rules.  My then DM and I had worked up a D&D combat simulator on the Color Computer 2 and we plugged him in with 9 other characters.  He was attacked by a Black Dragon (or Red, cant recall) and killed. The dragon kept attacking him and only him.  We had not worked out all the errors. In the end, he had been reduced to something like -70 hp.  My DM offered to let him be ok, or keep him dead. We enjoyed watching it so much and getting the mental image of this dragon jumping up and down on my dead ninja that I felt it was a waste to say it never happened.

I never played a ninja or a half-orc again.

Monday, August 22, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 22

What are some random events in your games that keep happening?

We have been going through the "Greyhawk Classics" series of modules and other adventures from about the same time.  There seems to be an inordinate number of wealthy elvish princesses captured in dungeons.  Yeah I know it has a lot to do with the time the books were written (late 70s early 80s) and the audience they were geared too (teenage boys), but it is getting silly enough that even my youngest is like "who is keeping an eye on these girls? not their parents, that's for sure".

Appearing almost as much is the "helpless captive, who is really a thief".  So much so that I have taken to use the same mini for this character in a half-baked idea that it is in fact the same thief that keeps getting captured.  Just need to come up with a name a little bit of a back-story for her.  She has managed to steal quite a bit of loot from the characters already.

I am thinking something like Autolycus the Prince of Thieves, played by Bruce Campbell on Xena. Pure comic relief.

Could be fun really.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 21

What was the funniest misinterpretation of a game rule in your group?

Funniest?  No idea really.

The only rule misinterpretation I recall was back in the days of Basic I saw the wizard XP and thought ok, he needs 2,500 to get to level 2 and then 5,000 to level 3. So I got 2,500xp, went to level 2 and erased the XP and started at 0 to work to level 3.  By the time I was level 3 I had already earned close to 8,000 XP.

Not really fun I know, just kind of youthful misunderstanding.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 20

What is the most challenging but rewarding system have you learned?

I don't find many systems to be very challenging to be honest.

Back in the day I would have said Chill or Call of Cthulhu just because they were so different than what I have used in the past.

Friday, August 19, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 19

What is the best way to learn a new game?

No shock or surprise with this answer.
The best way to learn is to play.

That's not just true for games, that's true for lots of things. Almost everything in fact.

Sure you can get more detail reading, but doing is the best.

Let me ask you this.  Are you going to get into a airplane with someone that actually has flown and landed an airplane or someone that has only read about it?

Thursday, August 18, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 18

What innovation could RPG groups gain the most benefit from?

Hard to say since I don't know exactly what other groups are doing.

The biggest obstacle or complaint I have seen is being able to find a time everyone can meet to play.
But for this situation I have seen some great tools online that allow people to meet when they can.

I have nothing profound here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 17

What fictional character would best fit in your group? Why?

Hmm. Too much like the last question really.


If could relive your gaming years so far, what would you want to do more of?

I am pretty happy with the way things went in my gaming career.
Right now I am doing all the things I wanted to do then and then some more.

But I suppose that when growing up in the 80s I would have tried to play with more different groups.
I think part of that is really thought kind of a "the grass is greener" phenomena.  Not that those groups were in fact doing things better, just different.

My desire is to experience that difference as it was and appreciate it for what it was.
Which of course is the problem, I want to experience it as a kid, but appreciate it as an adult!

Best to just do the things I want now.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 16

What historical character would you like in your group? For what game?

This is an odd question.  I like history and I like reading about it, but there isn't anyone from history I want at my gaming table really.

I have used plenty of historical people as characters in games though.

As a former psychologist I would love to have a game where Sigmund Freud makes a cameo appearance.  That would be a lot of fun.

Monday, August 15, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 15

What types or source of inspiration do you turn to most often for RPGs?

I have mentioned it before, and if you hang out here for any length of time it is obvious, but music and horror movies are my primary sources of inspiration for games.

Yes. I am a voracious reader and I devour fantasy, horror, history and psychology books to feed my game ideas.  But those ideas usually come from a place when I am listening to music or watching a horror movie.

Many of my games even have a "Soundtrack", often known only to me, but they do.
For my "The Dragon and the Phoenix" Buffy game I posted many of the songs here. The Dragon Slayers also had/have a soundtrack.

Ghosts of Albion was written on a steady of diet of Hammer Horror films and Black Sabbath.
The Witch was written with a playlist full of "witchy" songs, from the obligatory Stevie Nicks, to Garbage, Third Eye Blind, and Love Spit Love.

I pretty much lay my muses bare for all to see.

This is going to be a fun one to read from others!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 14

Who would be on your dream team of people you used to game with?

I don't know. I love the people I game with. I would not want to change it in any way.

I have had the chance over the years to play with some really great people.  I can't imagine that someone else out there would be so much better.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 13

What makes a successful campaign?

All the prep, research and planning in the world won't matter if the players are not invested in the world.

The thing that makes for the most successful game is investment and enjoyment by the players.
That is the only thing that matters.

Friday, August 12, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 12

What game is your group most likely to play next? Why?

My current group, my kids, love D&D and D&D-like games. They love the old school feel, but prefer new-school mechanics.  So D&D 5 has been perfect so far but it is also very likely we will try some Castles & Crusades next.

My youngest doest care really. As long as he can play his half-elf ranger with an animal companion he is good.  My oldest will play anything, but he likes to play Dragonborn. So if we do C&C I'll need to figure out how to convert the Dragonborn race over.
It would be perfect for my "Second Campaign".

We have also talked about an ACKS/Basic mash-up.
If I do limit my "War of the Witch Queens" campaign to just 13 levels then that is my choice.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 11

Which gamer that you have played with has most affected the way that you play?

Hmm.  I know it sounds cheesy but I am going to have to say my kids.
They have changed how I prepare adventures and structure games.  I have played some really long games/campaigns in the past, but what I have had to do to keep them involved and away from the siren song of video games and the Internet has really challenged me.

Yes. I let them play video games and get on the net.  But what I do has to be just as entertaining to them, or more so, to keep them wanting to do this.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 10

What was the largest in-game surprise you have experienced?

Wow. I need to think about this one.

I think it would have been how well the flashback episodes worked with my kids.
I had done flashbacks during the run of the Dragon and the Phoenix campaign for Buffy, but it never felt like it did with my sons playing Come Endless Darkness for D&D 5.

I mean I knew it was going to work and work well, but I had no idea that the kids were going to enjoy it as much as they did.   It was so satisfying that I want to figure out ways to do it in other campaigns.

Anytime my players can surprise me with their cleverness is also a great time.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 9

What things are a part of your ideal session, other than the actual game?

I prefer to sit at a table with a good chair, but one that will also let me stand up a lot; so one that won't knock over or not slide easily.   I like to have a lot of really sharp pencils, plenty of paper to write notes and of course something to drink.  Not alcohol, I learned a long time ago that drinking and D&D don't mix with me, but something to keep my throat from getting dry.  It used to be Mt. Dew, but these days it is more likely to be water or tea.  And plenty of light.

One of the things I am happiest about is to be at a point in my life to be able to afford the game room of my dreams.  I have shelves where all my books are easy to get to, I have a nice table and cool art on the walls.  Plus my kids my love it and I often find my son down there just working on characters or adventures.

I also love having people are that there to play.  I don't mind table talk or the inevitable Monty Python quote storm; that's all part of the game really.

Monday, August 8, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 8

Do you prefer hardcover, softcover, or electronic books? What are the benefits of your preference?

In truth it sorta depends on the game.  I love my softcover old-school books, my hardcover books and my PDFs.  In general, I do like physical books, but I also love the convenience of PDFs.

I have put my PDFs on various cloud systems I have access too so being able to get to my collection at anytime is great.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 7

What aspect of Roleplaying Games has had the biggest effect on you?

The writing really.  I wanted certain books or content to play and it was not out there, so I had make it myself.  In the process, I had to write and I had to get better at it.

Never thought I would be in a place where I am writing every day because I wanted to and even other people wanted me to.

Also, I have to admit the friendships I have made over the years have made a huge impact on my life and my kids love playing.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 6

What is the most amazing thing that you know a game group has done for their community?

Hmm. I have seen a lot of game groups online give to charity. I organized some charity give aways with my game groups as well.  DriveThruRPG gives a lot to charity and that is nice.

I have seen gamers donate their time, money and books to children in need. Volunteering for various groups.

I like to think that in general that gamers are good people.

Friday, August 5, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 5

What story does your group of players tell about your character?

If it is my witch character then it is about the time took out a couple of ghouls at 2nd level.  The best part of it all was she was the almost the last one standing.
Managed to get them all and save the party.

But I have not had many characters in a few years due to always running games.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

RPGaDAY2016: Day 4

What is the most impressive thing that you can remember another player’s character doing in a session?

I think that would have to have been my youngest son Connor who made three called shots in a row with a bow and rolled three nautral20s in a row.
Damnedest thing I ever saw.