Been a bit since I have done one of these. Looking at my notes I started this in June and just getting around to finishing it. Ah. Well, I have been kinda busy with real life stuff. So lets go back in time, not to an ancient land or a galaxy far, far away, but to the end of the 1980s. June 1989 to be exact. Let's see I had just ended my second year at University. I had settled in on my majors and was getting straight As. I picked up the new AD&D 2nd Edition Player's Handbook three month prior and had just grabbed the AD&D 2n Edition Dungeon Master's Guide. Likely I saw this issue on the stands. "Rock On" by Michael Damian, cover of the Glam Rock hit by David Essex was number one on the airwaves. In the theaters we were in for a treat, our movie choices were Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Star Trek: The Final Frontier (who I saw with my best friend who I would later marry in just 6 years), Batman, and Ghostbusters II. And on our shelves along with the new AD&D 2nd Edition was Issue #146 of This Old Dragon.
My issue is missing the cover, but I do want to talk about it. The cover lets us know this is the 13th year of Dragon Magazine! Rather nice milestone. If Dragon had continued we would have celebrated its 48th year. Our cover is by none other than Keith Parkinson himself.
Since this is the anniversary issue and it the late 80s early 90s we can expect a themed issue about dragons, and that is exactly what we get.
This is that odd in-between time of Dragon were both AD&D 1st Ed and 2nd Ed are supported. Leading many of us at the time to just treat them as the same game despite some differences.
Up first, big ad for the Science Fiction book club. I still have a lot of those books.
This is followed by a big two-page spread ad for the SSI AD&D Computer games. This is important later one. BTW you can still get these game cheap on Steam and Gog.
Following that in the Editorial, Roger Moore asks if traditional Pencil & Paper RPGs are dead due to advancements in computer games. The editorial ends with the question "Will computer RPGs eventually replace 'paper' RPGs?" And then adds, "The future will tell. And DRAGON Magazine will be around to find out." Well...the answer is a lot more complicated than "yes" or "no." The successes of D&DF 5e and Baldur's Gate 3 (note at the time of writing Baldur's Gate 1 was still 10 years away) seems to show that there is not just room for both, but both are welcomed now by a lot of the same people. Sadly Dragon was not around to address BG3 but future issues did cover a lot of video games.
Letters asks for some new features like tech items in Bazaar of the Bizarre and requests to send fan mail to artists. Forum wants to know if the glory days of D&D are now in the past.
Sage Advice now has to differentiate between 1st and 2nd Edition books. Where discrepancies occur, 2nd Edition takes precedence.
Wings of Doom begins our featured section on Dragons.
David E. Cates is up first with Dragons are Wizards' Best Friends, a guide to new small dragons to be used as familiars. These fall under the sub group of dragons known as drakes. We ware even treated to a Crystal Drake art by the late Jennell Jaquays. We get Crystal, Demon, Faerie, and Shadow Drakes. These are al 1st Edition stats.
The Dragon's Bestiary has many new dragons, also in 1st Ed versions. These are the Cobra Dragon, the Obsidian Dragon, Gray Dragon, Rainbow Dragon, Draken, and Minidragon.
Jean Rabe and Skip Williams are up with The New Ecology of Dragons. This is designed for the AD&D 2nd Edition game.
All three articles are a must read for anyone that love dragons (like my son) and plays AD&D.
The Hatching Magazine by A.D. Young is a look back at the predecessor to Dragon, The Strategic Review. Now like many I knew about the Strategic Review and its place in TSR/D&D history, but I had never seen any copies. That would not be until 10 years later when Wizards of the Coast released the Dragon Magazine CD-ROM with scanned PDFs of the everything.
It was a wonderful insight to an age right before the time I started playing and only knew a little about.
The Ever-After is our short story from eluki bes shahar. Yes that is how it is spelled and it the original name of Rosemary Edghill. I do love how many successful authors and artists got their start with Dragon and TSR.
The centerfold is giant Buck Rogers poster. No need to go over how that went for TSR.
TSR Previews tell us what is hot for the late Spring of 1989. Among the choices, lots of Forgotten Realms, AD&D 2nd Ed DMG and the "All New Dungeon! Family Game."
Marvel-Phile covers some "Sage Advice" like questions for the Marvel Super Heroes game.
Not to be out done, there is an add for the DC Heroes 2nd Edition game, focusing mostly on Batman. Batmania is in full force.
Gamma World is not forgotten, well, at least not yet with Dan Salas' Dangerous Terrain. It looks like it could work for any version of Gamma World.
The Lessers are back (Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk) with the Role of Computers. Chuck Yeager's A.F.T. 2.0 is featured. I had a roommate that played all the flight simulator games on his DAK 386. That was the shit for the time. This article also shows off the differences between the IMB-PC compatibles and the Amiga. I always low-key liked the Amiga. The girl-friend I had at the time had one and I thought it was really great.
Ad for West End Game's Star Wars. Despite my love for Star Wars, I never played this one.
Arrows of the East gives us some new arrows for the Oriental Adventures book. David Kloba gives us a new selection of arrows including how to find them.
Gamers Guide small ads are up. Many old favorites are here with more about computers and computer RPG help.
Kevin Murphy has a fun article on wishes in If You Wish Upon a Star... AD&D focused, but could be used with any FRPG. It is a pretty comprehensive article.
Convention Calendar for June to September 1989 is next. There are some local to me ones that sadly no longer are running.
Dragonsmirth has our comics including Yamara. One day I need to make good on my promise to read those all in order.
So. If you love dragons then this is a good issue to find. It is also typical of the issue for the next year or so until the Powers that Be focus completely on AD&D 2nd Ed; even to exclusion of the BECMI line.