Showing posts with label community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 28: Character you will never play again

Day 28: Character you will never play again

I actually have a few.  I never really need to play a fighter again. I had a few back in the day, they don't interest me all that much.  Never really had the desire to play a barbarian.
Specific characters, well there is my thief Roscoe that will stay safely retired as well most of my characters from the 2e version of AD&D.
Actually there are a lot more than this since I like making characters and usually only run games these days.

Friday, September 27, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 27: Character you want to play in the future

Day 27: Character you want to play in the future

Not sure how this is different than Day 9.
There are a couple, Justice and Taryn are two I have created and would love to play.  I would love to play a witch in Pathfinder right away to be honest.  That is what I want to do the most at the moment.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 26: Favorite Non-magic item

Day 26: Favorite Non-magic item

Not sure about this one.  I think the list maker was seriously running out of ideas at this point.
Weapons maybe??

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 25: Favorite Magic Item

Day 25: Favorite Magic Item

So many.
I always had fun with a Staff of the Magi, AD&D's closest thing to a magical shotgun.
So much so that I knew I had to do an equivalent staff for Witches.

Witch’s Staff: This staff of hawthorn wood is topped with a rough-faceted crystal. It is a potent magic item that allows the use of the following spells:
  • command (1 charge)
  • sleep (1 charge)
  • magic circle against chaos/law (1 charge)
  • polymorph other (1 charge)
  • veil (1 charge)
  • bestow curse (2 charges)
  • eternal sleep (2 charges)
Additionally, the wielder of a witch’s staff has a +2 bonus to AC and all saving throws. The staff itself is a +2 quarter staff and can be used as a weapon in mêlée combat.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 24: Favorite Energy Type

Day 24: Favorite Energy Type

Again the post 3.x bias of this list is showing.
Energy...I guess Radiant or Necrotic.  Opposite ends of the same spectrum.
I think the question author was running out of ideas here.

Monday, September 23, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 23: Least Favorite Monster Overall

Day 23: Least Favorite Monster Overall

Maybe Drow.  They have been so fetishized and munchkinized over the last couple of decades I feel that they are completely over used.  Not that I couldn't have some fun with them, but I would want to do something very different than anything I have done before.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 22: Favorite Monster Overall

Day 22: Favorite Monster Overall

Wow. No idea.  I love using Undead and Demons, Devils and all that.  But for me the best monster to use is one that has a connection to the characters. Someone they can really hate and not just want to defeat but NEED to defeat.  That works for nearly any monster, as long as I work on that connection.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 21: Favorite Dragon (Color/Type)

Day 21: Favorite Dragon (Color/Type)

Another interesting one.
I always liked the Silver Dragons, felt they were custom made for AD&D Paladins.  One of the things that was great moving from "Basic" D&D to AD&D were the "good" dragons. I also liked the black and blue dragons. I liked that they had acid and lighting weapons, which I thought were pretty cool.

My favorite unique Dragon comes from my son.  The dragon is Aži Dahāka. Here he is for both Pathfinder and Basic stats.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 19: Favorite Monster (Elemental/Plant)

Day 19: Favorite Monster (Elemental/Plant)

The classifications here show a really strong 3.x bias.  Elementals orplants never really impressed me much.  But I do rather like Effrit. I talked about them a bit in April with my A to Z of demons.  I touched on them under Iblis and Jann.  Though this is really a cheat since I treat them like a type of demon.  Truthfully if I were rebuilding the D&D cosmos I'd make all the elementals closer to demons.  At least very, very chaotic.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 18: Favorite Monster (Immortal/Outsider)

Day 18: Favorite Monster (Immortal/Outsider)

This one should be another obvious one.  Demons.  I have always been fascinated with them both as a subject and as a monster in *D&D.  Unrepentant engines of destruction or vile schemers and tempters.  What's not to love?  When I am playing a Paladin then I love nothing more than to fight against them. When playing a witch I love summoning them and binding them to gain infernal knowledge and boons.
Plus, as they say, they are legion I will never run out of ideas or uses for them.

There is the argument that sometimes they are played like nothing more than high-level goblins with magic, I think there is room for those kinds and other kinds of demons as well.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 17: Favorite Monster (Animal/Vermin)

Day 17: Favorite Monster (Animal/Vermin)

I am not sure I really have a favorite Animal or Vermin type.  I do recall a character getting into a fight with a large bear back in the AD&D days and he was a lot tougher to kill than some so-called "monsters" I had faced up to that point.  He even clawed the face of my character and he got a permanent reduction in Charisma.

Monday, September 16, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 16: Favorite Monster (Aberration)

Day 16: Favorite Monster (Aberration)

The 3rd edition of the D&D game describes an Aberration as "(a creature that) has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any combination of the three."
Given that my favorite are the Mind Flayers or Illithids.
I loved their weird alien looks and quasi-Lovecraftian origins.

Back when 3.0 was just getting going I wanted to resurrect an idea I came up with back in college.  I wanted to run a campaign based around the idea that the Illithids and the Vampires have joined forces to blot out the sun.  Again, based on something I had read in Dragon.  In this world all the humanoids joined forces to defeat this threat.   I still might have to do this one some day.
Eventually I figure that the vampires will betray the illithids, cause that is just the way things happen.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 15: Favorite Monster (Undead)

Day 15: Favorite Monster (Undead)

Again this one should really be no surprise to anyone here.  While I like all types of undead there is only one that is my favorite; Vampires.

A little known fact, my interests in D&D and in horror was originally all about vampires. So before I was "the Witch guy" I was "the Vampire guy".

While the game had some great ideas in the games and books, some of the best material for the game came from Dragon Magazine.  I still have my print copy of Best of Vol. 2 with the Varieties of Vampires and issue 126 with various Silver Age ideas on how to play vampires.

I think that was the one of the things that makes me, despite my age and when I started playing, puts me more in the mind set of the Silver Age gamer.  I liked it when vampires stopped being just monsters and became a fully realized NPC type.  You can see this in how vampires were stated out:
Palace of the Vampire Queen: No name, just stats in her encounter area.
Vault of the Drow: Has a name, Belgos, a picture, and even a girlfriend.
Ravenloft: Strahd gets a name, a writeup even before the adventure starts and motivation.
He got more detail in his one shot than most gods or demons got before this.

In 3e I liked the templates on paper but when it came to stating out a new vamp it was a pain in the ass.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 14: Favorite NPC

Day 14: Favorite NPC

My favorite NPC has to be Omar, the celebrated Dwarf merchant of Crazy Omar's.
I loved the idea of this supposedly crazy dwarf walking around his warehouse/shop wearing silk pajamas, singing in dwarven opera and wearing a fez (before fezs were cool).
Omar though is best in very small doses.  Too much and he becomes a cartoon character or at worst an ex dues machina for my players to get the exact thing they need.
Still though, after all these years he is still fun to play.  I just wish I knew some good Dwarven Opera to sing!

Friday, September 13, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 13: Favorite Trap/Puzzle

Day 13: Favorite Trap/Puzzle

I love making my players think so there are a lot of these I love.  But mostly I enjoy the riddles or word-play.  I don't need "Save or Die" poisonous darts, but a puzzle or a maze between where you are and where you need to be?  That stuff is golden in my book.  Combining the two (mazes and word play) is a great way to baffle my players.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 12: Favorite Dungeon Type/Location

Day 12: Favorite Dungeon Type/Location

I love cities.  From the shops, to the homes, to the back alleys and the sewers Cities are always the best dungeon crawls as far as I am concerned.  Plus there are so many ways for the characters to get into trouble and so many new things they have to do.  They can't kill that merchant in broad daylight or even carry weapons!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 10: Craziest Thing

Day 10: Craziest Thing that's Happened that you saw

I have shared this story in the past, but it was too funny not to share it again.
I have played exactly 1 ninja my entire  gaming life.  His name was (horrible I know) Oko-nishi.  My lame attempts at a Japanese sounding name.  In my defense at what I knew was bad I made him a half-orc.  It must have been around 1984-5 as I made him using the Oriental Adventure rules.  My then DM and I had worked up a D&D combat simulator and we plugged him in with 9 other characters.  He was attacked by a Black Dragon (or Red, cant recall) and killed. The dragon kept attacking him and only him.  We had not worked out all the errors. In the end he had been reduced to something like -70 hp.  My DM offered to let him be ok, or keep him dead. We enjoyed watching it so much and getting the mental image of this dragon jumping up and down on my dead ninja that I felt it was a waste to say it never happened.

Monday, September 9, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 9: Favorite Character I Haven't Played

Day 9: Favorite Character I Haven't Played

That's easy.  My character Astra Kent, aka Justice.
I have stated her up in a number of systems but I have not had the chance to play her at all.  Ok ok. So she is technically not a D&D character.  But she is the one.
I have wanted to play my witch Larina under Pathfinder (closer to D&D) but I have not found a good group for that yet.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 8: Favorite Character I Have Played

Day 8: Favorite Character I Have Played

So many really. My favorite goes against my normal type. Nigel Blade aka Death Blade was a dual classed fighter/assassin in AD&D. I have played him in other games as well, notably Gama World and StarFrontiers.
I have also enjoyed playing my regular witch character Larina.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

30 Day D&D Challenge, Day 7: Favorite Edition

Day 7: Favorite Edition

How does one choose this?
I really have enjoyed all editions of D&D.  Basic was my first, Advanced my most played, 3rd the most flexible in terms of how to play...

I guess in the end I will say AD&D 1.  I played it the most, I have some great old and new memories of just having a blast.  And it is still one that ignites those fires of imagination in me.