Wednesday, February 1, 2012

White Dwarf Wednesday Issue 4

Welcome back to another White Dwarf Wednesday.  Today we will be looking into Issue #4.

This issue covers Dec 1977 to January 1978.  So still not quite to the point where I was playing yet.  But getting there.

The editorial this month is bemoaning the lack of good British publishers of war games and minis.  Funny, I chose to read White Dwarf and review again now because they were British.

An interesting adventure of Alice in Dungeonland from Don Turnbull, years before Gygax would do something similar.  Lew Pulsipher continues on his series of D&D campaigns.
An interesting article about Hyboria follows.  Author Tony Bath explains how he took the REH country and made it into a world he could use. The article reads like a good blog posting about world building.  There is a lesson here. That it is still very true you get from the game what you put into it.

Skipping over most of the reviews I am going to focus on a product reviewed that is near and dear to my heart, TSR's Dungeon! Reviewed by Fred Hemmings he gives it an overall score of 8, noting that the artwork was a bad point and it was expensive (listed at £7.95).  Having bought a rare first edition of Dungeon at a auction some years back I have to concur about the price.  He does call it a D&D board game (even if he gives it bad point for the folding board/map).

Don Turnbull is back giving us a few new monsters that more concept than stats.  We are introduced to the likes of the Glitch, Droll, Smoke Creature, Smoke Demon, the Black Leech, the Black Orc (which I have used in my own games) and the Black Monk.  The creatures are given basic HD, AC and attacks and a Monster Mark score.

The first "real" new class is presented in the Treasure Chest, The Barbarian.  There are some similarities between this one and the one that would later appear in the Unearthed Arcana, but they are still different enough.  For example no rage like ability, but there is a Ferocity ability.

We end the issue with Fred Hemmings look into Competitive D&D and the letters and classifieds.

This issue really felt like it was on the way to becoming the White Dwarf I remember.  Gone are the silly classes to be replaced by something quite usable.  Monster Mark is now being used in practice, not just in theory, even if just a little.

Looking back at this I am sure I must have merged a lot of this material into a whole when stating out my own D&D world.  I even have "Black Orcs" in my world as the fiercest orcs. Like Hyboria they are from the north.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ghosts of Albion: Sold Out!

I just heard from Eden Studios yesterday that the first print run of Ghosts of Albion has completely sold out!

Of course I am thrilled to death about this.  But then there is sad fact that it is not in stores for new people to buy.

So the great thing is DriveThruRPG and RPGNow has you covered.  Their Print-on-Demand service produces the same books you get in the stores.
So stop by and buy!

I am hoping to take one of my Ghosts adventures from Gen Con and put it up here.  Failing that, maybe a conversion sheet on how to play Ghosts of Ablion: Ravenloft!

Jean Wells 1955-2012

Jean Wells, one of the early pioneers of gaming and long time TSR developer has passed.

Here are some of the links that can better explain her contributions than I can.

Among her other contributions to the game and to the hobby she was also famous, or even infamous, for her original B3 Palace of the Silver Princess module.

B3 was one of the first adventures I bought to run as a DM and read and reread that adventure 100s of times.
A sad day in gaming indeed.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blogging A to Z here I come!

Ok I am going to do this again this year.

Right now I have no plan and no idea what I am going to do, but I am going to do it.

Here are our hosts for the event, each one a great blogger in their own right.

And they are doing that Facebook thing too.

I think this a great way to get to a wider audience, and I encourage any and all to give it a try.
Here who is entered so far. Please join us!

Post 1000!

This marks my 1000th post here at the Other Side.

That's a lot of text. ;)

I hope you all have been enjoying this as much as I have.

This has been a great ride and more emotionally satisfying than I would have thought it could have been.  So here is to my next 1000 posts!  I hope they are every bit as fun to do and I hope you enjoy them as much.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Dragonslayers vs. The Lost Caverns of the Tsojcanth, Finale

Last night the Dragonslayers (aka my kids) finished up the Greater Caverns to discover Iggwilv's greatest treasure and fight Drelnza.  I was considering to bring her back, but she was so completely destroyed that I just can't imagine how she would do it.

The boys did great really, I am very pleased how they played.  I was amazed how well my youngest did.  He figured out the secret of the central doors really fast and had a really good sense of direction.  We used minis of course, but not for the entire dungeon, just the battles.  They got the Lanthorn, the Prison, and all her books of magic.  Everyone leveled up one level.

Of course the boys had a  great time and we even got to play past bedtime. They woke up today and wanted to get right back into it.  That is the sign of a good adventure.

Now I need to figure out what the guys are going to do next.  I'd love to move on to the Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun, but I am anxious to get them to the big battle against Tiamat.

For that I am considering using the old H4 Throne of Bloodstone, but not sure yet.

Here are the previous posts in this series.

Tomorrow. Something special!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Drive by posting

Can't spend a lot of time here I have kids that willing got off the Xbox and Skyrim because they want to play some D&D with their Dad!

But I wanted to point a blog today that has absolutely NOTHING to do with writing, games or horror or anything like that.
My friends Jody and Beth used to be suburbanites with my wife and I till they decided to pack it all up and go live off the land.  Please have a look at their blog,

While my experience with farm life is a vague idea that is where my food comes from, my wife grew up with Jody and Beth, so I get what they are trying to do out there.

So stop by for something different and leave a comment or two to encourage them to post more.