Saturday, August 24, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 Acclaimed Advice

 Acclaimed Advice. I have had so much over the years it's hard to remember what was advice and what was things I learned on my own.

But I do know one that is pretty recent. Characters should not be perfect from Ginny Di.

Ginny Di

She wasn't the first to say it. Not by a long shot. Nor was what she was saying particularly original (which was also her point), but it is solid advice all the same. 

Her advice in a nutshell? Build the character to be fun. For you that might mean optimal builds, or min-maxing. For me it cool magic and a bunch of other things.

Regardless of hearing it in 2024, 2014 or 1984 the advice is still good. 


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 


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