Day 12
Another d6!
Day 5
Ah the green ones! These must be the witch's brew. Nice d20 too. They are a little larger than the dice I used to buying.
Day 3
This is a semi-opaque purple one with glittery bits on the inside. I rather like it. Matches yesterday's d6.
As a New Moon rises on October I have a new tradition here at the Other Side. Last Gary Con I picked up an Advent-ure Dice Calendar from Black Oak Workshop. They were right next door to us (Elf Lair Games) and they had lots of great stuff. But I had to have their "Advent-ure Calendar 9 Witch's Brew."
Since it has 31 days and so does October, it is a perfect fit! It says there four complete dice sets, so lets have a look.
According to the website, the dice here are Cat's Grace, Spider's Venom, Cauldron's Bubble, and, the Witch's Brew.
Day 1
Ok! I had one fall out, a d2, not sure from where and behind door #1 is an orange d4 with spiders on it! So this is the Spider Venom dice. It will go great with my Halloween-themed dice.
I grabbed a spare dice bag and will collect them every night.
This is rather fun. Looking forward to seeing what I get next. Join me all month long.
Links to Black Oak Workshop