Friday, August 16, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 Quick to Learn

 Not sure how Quick to Learn is different from Easiest, but I will pick one I had to teach to others. One of the quickest to learn has to be NIGHT SHIFT


Maybe I am biased because I am one of the co-authors, but NIGHT SHIFT's O.G.R.E.S. (the game system) makes it easy to learn.

Combat? Roll a d20, add and subtract the modifiers on your sheets; try to hit a "20."

Skills? Roll a d%.

Unsure? Roll a d6.

That's pretty much it. The rolls fall to the background as we say and you can focus on what you like, playing your character or running the game. That easy.

I got my family up and running in minutes and they loved it. I have people at cons play it going from zero knowledge to full on fans in no time.


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 


1 comment:

PT Dilloway said...

Quick and easy definitely works for me.