Showing posts with label kickstarter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kickstarter. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Adventures in Teaching and Learning with TTRPGs

 Here is one that combines my professional life with my hobbies. I think they are going to so great things.

Adventures in Teaching and Learning with TTRPGs

Adventures in Teaching and Learning with TTRPGs

This group of TTRPG professionals and educators are getting together for this new startup, Tabletop EDU, to provide the tools of TTRPGs to educators.

I can't even tell you how excited I am for this. 

While many of the Kickstarters I cover are aimed at gamers, this one is aimed at educators (teachers, curriculum experts, instructional designers) to work with the tools we play with everyday. I think it is great.

Check out what they are doing and back them if you can!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Shadowy Victorian Space Witches?

Nice eclectic bunch this week!

Gaslight Victorian Fantasy Revised and Expanded for 5E

Gaslight Victorian Fantasy Revised and Expanded for 5E

This one is special to me. It was something that Jonathan M. Thompson was working before he died. We talked a bit about, and I contributed some material. No idea if that material will show up in this book or not, and that is fine. His brother Adam is working on getting Battlefield Press back going.

This is Victorian-era so I am going to buy this. It looks fun and I need some more Victorian games in my life. Plus it would be a nice tribute to Jonathan's memory. 

The Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition

The Expanse Roleplaying Game: Transport Union Edition

I mentioned this one briefly yesterday. I love the Expanse and the AGE system, so this should be fantastic. I need more Belter love in my life. And more Mars. A lot more Mars!

Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose: The Vampire of Halloween

Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose: The Vampire of Halloween

Another new from Friends of the Other Side Jim and Holly Balent. Halloween is a great time for the Tarot comic and Jim and Holly are the hardest working couple in comics. This time they are featuring Rowan's "evil" sister Raven (she isn't evil, she had some very reasons to do what she does!).

Anyway lots of goodies, lots of stretch goals. This is the true spirit of Kickstarter, two highly motivated creatives working their assess off to get you all their labors of love.

Shadow City Mysteries: Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Shadow City Mysteries: Tabletop Roleplaying Game

I have seen this one advertised a lot and it looks really cool. Has a Pulp Noir meets Call of Cthulhu meets Cyberpunk vibe to it and I really like it. The art is rather amazing too.

Have a great start of Autumn weekend!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: GEAS Role Playing System

 I have not done one of these in a while. While the new 5e D&D (5.5 I am now calling it) is on the horizon, we must not forget there are other games, some really good ones, out there.

Here is one that looks promising and it from Roderic Waibel and Izegrim Creations who has given us some great content in the past.

GEAS Role Playing System

GEAS Role Playing System

From the campaign:

"GEAS is a high fantasy role-playing game designed with a core mechanic that's easy to learn yet offers tremendous flexibility and options and fosters player agency. Best yet, the core rules will be Creative Commons so YOU have control over your creations."

Ok that doesn't tell us a lot, but there are some good things here.

For starters you grab the GEAS Quickstart Guide for free and this gives you a much better feel for the game.  It is fantasy, but not D&D.

Emphasis is on ease of play and giving the players plenty of options to explore their characters.

I like this bit to be honest and I think that is one of the (many) reasons why D&D 5 has been so successful. 

On the design side, the art looks great and Roderic Waibel is making a No AI art pledge here. That's good. It is also being released into the Creative Commons, also a nice touch.

The game *reads* well, but the proof is in the playing. So I am looking forward to trying it out and will certainly feature it sometime next year. Though if I know Roderic, the game is already done and he is working on the final layout now.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Fun and Games Special!

 I have a BIG Kickstart Your Weekend post here with lost of fun and games. Quite literally. Perfect since this is Gen Con weekend and I can't be there. So let's see what we have.

The African Boardgames Convention - AB Con 2024

AB Con

This is such a great Kickstarter. Yes there are rewards, but biggest reward is knowing you helped out a worthy cause and got some kids together to play some games. Check it out and support them if you can.

Damn It, Owen! Cartoons That Refused To NOT Be Drawn

Damn it Owen

Drawings from industry vets Stan! on the words and wisdom of Owen K.C. Stephens.

This one is great on it's own, but knowing it helps Owen in his fight against cancer is just a huge bonus.

Kitty Clacks - Halloween Treats Polyhedral Dice!

Kitty Clacks - Halloween Treats Polyhedral Dice!

This one is fun! I love the dice from Black Oak Workshop and have a BIG feature I am doing on them in October. So this is quite timely really. 

If you like cats, dice, and Halloween, then this seems like a no-brainer.

D6 System: Second Edition

D6 System: Second Edition

I like the D6 system. There are a lot of really fun games out there that use it and honestly I have never given it the attention it really deserves. Looks like I might get to change that with a new version/edition coming out from Gallant Knight Games and West End Games. 

This Kickstarter is doing well and I hope this is the start of a new era for the D6 system.

80's Adventures: 5e Supplement & Adventure Modules for DnD

80's Adventures: 5e Supplement & Adventure Modules for DnD

Ok this one is just silly and I love it. D&D Adventures set in the 1980s. I mean really, this has my name written all over it. Way of the Crane Monk, Path of Dance Barbarian? Yeah this will be fun.

Couple of comics featuring witches are next!

Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose: The Vampire of Halloween

Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose: The Vampire of Halloween


Jim (and Holly) are friends of The Other Side and of course I am a fan of all witches.

This one is not live yet, but they are seeking sign-ups for when it is launched next month. I will also repost this one then.

SKYCLAD: Graphic Novel by David Campiti & Michal Dutkiewicz

SKYCLAD: Graphic Novel by David Campiti & Michal Dutkiewicz

This one is new to me and seem cut from the same cloth as Tarot. Real witches in the real world. This one has witches running a strip club. Maybe it will give me some idea for my Mayfairs.

Not for everyone, but it looks fun.

Quite the round up. Have fun!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: The Mosidian Temple: D&D 5th Edition Conversion

 I just turned in my last bit of content for Thirteen Parsecs and finished up two other projects, so I am back at it today.  Almost.  I wanted to get you some reviews up of some adventures I bought recently, but time ran out. I'll do them next week. Make a week of it I think! 

One of the adventures I am going to review is David Flor's The Mosidian Temple. In the meantime, he is running a Kickstarter for the 5th Edition version of it and it is worth checking out.

The Mosidian Temple: D&D 5th Edition Conversion

The Mosidian Temple: D&D 5th Edition Conversion

Like many of us, David Flor wrote D&D adventures as a kid. He happened to save this one, and honestly, from what I have read of it so far, it is a lot of fun.

This is the 5e conversion, so perfect for when the new Player's Handbook drops in a bit. 

It's fun. It's nostalgic, and you help out an independent publisher. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Working the (Other) Night Shifts

 Creating an RPG is hard work. You need to figure out what it is about. Choose the right mechanics. Write thousands of words, edit, re-write. Get art. Pay for all of that AND then figure out the publishing details.

But the hardest part? Finding a good name that hasn't already been used!

Take these two, for example; both began with the name "Night Shift." 


This game began as "Nightshift" but it was so close to ours that everyone involved believed that a name change was the best course of action.

Nightbound does a lot of the same things that NIGHT SHIFT does, but it uses the "Powered by the Apocalypse (PBTA)" engine, so it will attract a different group of players than our NIGHT SHIFT. OR it is just as likely that there will be fans that play both games. 

There is certainly room on my table and shelves for both games.


This one is so different (and spelled differently) that we felt there was no chance of brand confusion. Plus, it looks like a lot of fun.

The designer is a former dancer and now an online personality, so she brings authenticity to the game and a solid artistic vision. 


I am backing both games. 

So yes. Please expect a future "Plays Well With Others" to feature these two with our own NIGHT SHIFT.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Last Chance to support Thirteen Parsecs!

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs

We want this game to be your sci-fi RPG of choice, so help us make that happen.

This uses the same O.G.R.E.S. as NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands. 

Much like NIGHT SHIFT, there are core rules for playing in all sorts of Sci-Fi genres; Space Opera, Action, Comedy, Horror (of course!), and more.

There will be "Solar Frontiers," mini-settings you can use to start your game (much like the Night Worlds for NIGHT SHIFT). My Solar Frontiers will be "Space Truckers" and the currently titled "Dark Stars," my "aliens and horror in space" setting.

Jason will provide the bulk of the core rules and his two Solar Frontiers, and our long-time collaborator (and demo game GM extraordinaire) Derek Stoelting will also add his Solar Frontiers. We are all working on adding rules and expanding what worked best in NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands. We have over 75 years of game design experience for a couple dozen different companies/publishers.

Speaking of our other games, Thirteen Parsecs is 100% compatible with NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands.  Do you want to play deeper, dark sci-fi horror? NIGHT SHIFT + 13P has you covered. Want to pilot your Time Ship back to after the KT extinction and find a world populated by the proto-human experiments of the Great Old Ones? Wasted Lands + 13P! Or combine all three.

I am planning an epoch-sweeping adventure that takes you from Wasted Lands to NIGHT SHIFT to Thirteen Parsecs, in the vein of one of my favorite books and movies, 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's not exactly the same, of course (I do not liken myself to a Clark or a Kubrick), but it's an echo of a time when I read both 2001 and Lord of the Rings one summer.

Help us make this a reality! We are going strong out of the gate but let's hit those stretch goals.

We are exactly the type of publisher these crowdfunding sites are really for: small professionals with grand ideas and the desire and skills to get it done; we just lack the capital for some art and printing costs upfront.

All of our and Jason's crowdfunding has met our goals, and more importantly, we have delivered on time. We are even offering some nice perks for early backers.

So please check us out!



Friday, May 31, 2024

Sci-Fi Month Final Thoughts

 This Sci-fi month was a lot of fun. I got to look into the history of Gamma World, reminisce a little on Star Frontiers and Star Wars, and finally spend some quality time with Alternity. 

All fun games that I enjoyed, but none really hit the mark I am looking for. Now to be fair, this is largely about me and not the games themselves.  Next year I am going to cover a bunch of d20 based games, but in the meantime I have a solution to my sci-fi game problem, and it is one I knew I had to do for a very long time.

I am just going to have to do my own. 

With Thirteen Parsecs, that is exactly what I am doing. 

Thirteen Parsecs

This game uses the same O.G.R.E.S. game system that you find in NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands. Also, like NIGHT SHIFT's "Night Worlds," this one has new "Solar Frontiers."

At least for me, I want to make a game to fill the hole in my life that Star Frontiers, Star Wars, and Alternity would have filled. 

Thirteen Parsecs will be hard sci-fi for people who like that (me!), Space Opera for people who like that, and futuristic military in space. It will also fill my need for horror in space. Something that Dark•Matter was also doing. 

You can combine Thirteen Parsecs with NIGHT SHIFT for all sorts of horror in space or even just horror sci-fi.  If you also like this sort of thing, I recommend the "No One Hears You Scream" pledge level. 

We are very close to offering hardcovers and leather-bound editions, and I really, really want to see that become a reality. 

If you want to know more, beyond the funding page information, then check out this Q&A Jason, Derek, and I did with Dan Davenport. 

I can even begin to tell how excited I am for this game and to get it into your hands.

Recently I saw copies of Wasted Lands at my FLGS and they told me it was selling great. Tim Kask gave us praise on his post-Gary Con wrap-up show. We have a lot of great things for you and can't wait to get them all to you.

Back Thirteen Parsecs if you can!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: SciFi Fun

Lets hit some stretch goals!

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs is funded!

We want this game to be your sci-fi RPG of choice, so help us make that happen.

This uses the same O.G.R.E.S. as NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands. There will be "Solar Frontiers," which are mini-settings you can use to start your game. My Solar Frontiers will be "Space Truckers" and the currently titled "Dark Stars" my "horror in space" setting.

And this one from my friend David Flor and Darklight Entertainment.

Atomic Age

Atomic Age

This is a new sci-fi post-apocalyptic d20-based game from David Flor and Dark Light Interactive. 

It looks like a lot of fun, and is going for that "Gamma World" vibe.  The core rules look fun, but the bestiary has me all kinds of excited. 

There is a Quick Start preview you can grab for free. 

So definitely check this one out!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Sci-Fi Month: Thirteen Parsecs is LIVE!

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs

We want this game to be your sci-fi RPG of choice, so help us make that happen.

This uses the same O.G.R.E.S. as NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands. 

Much like NIGHT SHIFT, there are core rules for playing in all sorts of Sci-Fi genres; Space Opera, Action, Comedy, Horror (of course!), and more.

There will be "Solar Frontiers," mini-settings you can use to start your game (much like the Night Worlds for NIGHT SHIFT). My Solar Frontiers will be "Space Truckers" and the currently titled "Dark Stars," my "aliens and horror in space" setting.

Jason will provide the bulk of the core rules and his two Solar Frontiers, and our long-time collaborator (and demo game GM extraordinaire) Derek Stoelting will also add his Solar Frontiers. We are all working on adding rules and expanding what worked best in NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands. We have over 75 years of game design experience for a couple dozen different companies/publishers.

Speaking of our other games, Thirteen Parsecs is 100% compatible with NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands.  Do you want to play deeper, dark sci-fi horror? NIGHT SHIFT + 13P has you covered. Want to pilot your Time Ship back to after the KT extinction and find a world populated by the proto-human experiments of the Great Old Ones? Wasted Lands + 13P! Or combine all three.

I am planning an epoch-sweeping adventure that takes you from Wasted Lands to NIGHT SHIFT to Thirteen Parsecs, in the vein of one of my favorite books and movies, 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's not exactly the same, of course (I do not liken myself to a Clark or a Kubrick), but it's an echo of a time when I read both 2001 and Lord of the Rings one summer.

Help us make this a reality! We are going strong out of the gate but let's hit those stretch goals.

We are exactly the type of publisher these crowdfunding sites are really for: small professionals with grand ideas and the desire and skills to get it done; we just lack the capital for some art and printing costs upfront.

All of our and Jason's crowdfunding has met our goals, and more importantly, we have delivered on time. We are even offering some nice perks for early backers.

So please check us out!

alternate link:


Friday, May 3, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Sci-fi month is here!

 It's May and that means Science Fiction here at the Other Side. This year I am doing D&D 50th Anniversary, so I want to focus this month on D&D-related Sci-fi.  For today I have a couple of great Kickstarters/Crowdfunded RPGs that are the spiritual heirs to the sci-fi games of the 1980s.

Atomic Age

Atomic Age

This is a new sci-fi post-apocalyptic d20-based game from David Flor and Dark Light Interactive. 

It looks like a lot of fun, and is going for that "Gamma World" vibe.  The core rules look fun, but the bestiary has me all kinds of excited. 

There is a Quick Start preview you can grab for free. 

So definitely check this one out!

And this one will launch next week. We are looking for more people to sign-up for this one.

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs is coming! Please sign up to get notified of our launch of the Backer kit.

We want this game to be your sci-fi RPG of choice, so help us make that happen.

This uses the same O.G.R.E.S. as NIGHT SHIFT and Wasted Lands. There will be "Solar Frontiers," which are mini-settings you can use to start your game. My Solar Frontiers will be "Space Truckers" and the currently titled "Dark Star" my "horror in space" setting.

Let's get these both funded!

Friday, April 26, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Horror and Sci-Fi!

 A nice mix today. Let's get to it.

Frightshow Classics

Frightshow Classics

Two new classic horror tabletop RPG adventures, "Vengeance of Bathory" and "Pine Barrens Devils," featuring the art of Jim Holloway.

I have two adventures out with Frightshow Classics and they are a ton of fun. This Kickstarter is really in the spirit of what Kickstarter is supposed to be. Not a pre-order system, but a means to get upfront funding for a great project.

This one also features the first Frightshow sequel! Because you just can't keep a good villain down.

These also feature the art of the late Jim Holloway, artist for Dungeons & Dragons and Chill (among many others).

So give these some support.

And this one launch soon! We are looking for more people to sign-up for this one.

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs is coming! Please sign up to get notified of our launch of the Backer kit.

We want this game to be your sci-fi RPG of choice, so help us make that happen.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Witches and Wizardry

 Ah. Two of my favorite topics. Let's see what this weekend has in store for us on the Kickstarter front.

The Witches of Oz #1 - A Mature Magical Queer Romance

The Witches of Oz #1 - A Mature Magical Queer Romance

The next comic in Kat Calamia and Phil Falco's "Ever After Verse" features two of my all-time favorite witches. The Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch.  I love this "Wicked" inspired cover too. The story should be fun and I am always here for a retelling of the Wizard of Oz story.

If it is half as good as their other entries into this shared universe then it should be a blast.

Can't wait to see it really.

Swords & Wizardry: Expansions, Monsters, and More!

Swords & Wizardry: Expansions, Monsters, and More!

Swords & Wizardry is back with a brand new edition...wait, I almost Vanilla Iced this. Starting over.  

Swords & Wizard had a great Kickstarter a while back a produced some really attractive books. This expansion set looks every bit as good and hopefully will be a viable option for folks wanting to try new games, other than D&D. 

This is the best version of Swords & Wizardry I have seen so far. I wish the game a lot of success.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook LAST 48 Hours!

 I am sharing this one again. Why? Well, mostly because I want to, but I also think there will be images of my little witch Larina in it! At least I saw some in the previews. So I am quite happy about that!

 A very special one today! This is from my very good friend Djinn and she has a new art book coming out.

Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

Djinn has been a good friend for a long time. She began doing illustrations of her D&D character, Solaine, a witch with a knack for all sorts of trouble, and they took off.

If you have seen her work in the past, you know what to expect here, and it should all be fun. She is in Italy, so the books will be shipped from there, which will cause extra charges for shipping and handling. 

I am hoping this is a big success. Djinn is a great person and we all want to support real human artists. Here she is!

Get on this one right away we are in the last 4845 hours.

Unless I am mistaken, this looks like a few of the images that will be included in the book.

Larina by Djinn

Larina Broom

Larina Bar fight

Friday, April 5, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Art Edition (with Bonus Witches!)

 Do you know how you said you wanted to support real human artists who are doing real human art? Well RIGHT NOW is your chance. Here are three Kickstarters, one starting, one ending and one getting ready to go and all need your eyes on them.

And yes, they do in fact all have witches.

The Pinup Book: The Art of Brian Brinlee

The Pinup Book: The Art of Brian Brinlee

Friend of the Other Side, Brian Brinlee, has a new pinup book he has been working on. It looks like a lot of fun and has a modest goal. I love Brian's art and really need to get him to do a cover or something for me. 

This one is a repeat, but ending in a few days.

Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

Djinn has been a good friend for a long time, and she has wonderful characters. She began doing illustrations of her D&D character, Solaine, a witch with a knack for all sorts of trouble, and they took off.

If you have seen her work in the past, you know what to expect here, and it should all be fun. She is in Italy, so the books will be shipped from there, which will cause extra charges for shipping and handling. 

I am hoping this is a big success. Djinn is a great person, and we all want to support real human artists; well, here she is!

Get on this one before it is too late.

The Witches of Oz #1 - A Mature Magical Queer Romance

The Witches of Oz #1 - A Mature Magical Queer Romance

I did promise witches. This is the new one from Kat Calamia and Phil Falco of Lifeline Comics. They have a lot of great titles out. I had featured "Beast and Snow #1" and "Nightmare in Wonderland #1" here in the past, and this one is part of the same universe. Plus it features the Wicked Witch of the West. So, how can I possibly say no?

This one does not start till next week or so. But sign up for notifications.

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

 A very special one today! This is from my very good friend Djinn and she has a new art book coming out.

Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

Djinn has been a good friend for a long time and she has wonderful characters. She began doing illustrations of her D&D character, Solaine, a witch with a knack for all sorts of trouble, and they took off.

If you have seen her work in the past,, you know what to expect here, and it should all be fun. She is in Italy, so the books will be shipped from there, which will cause extra charges for shipping and handling. 

I am hoping this is a big success. Djinn is a great person and we all want to support real human artists, well. Here she is!

Get on this one right away.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Kickstarter Overload!

 There were so many this week, and so many were good ones. Let's get going.

Tales of Voracious: Ragnarok

Tales of Voracious: Ragnarok

Kate Bullock is back with a new set of erotic horror monster tales.  This one covers the nine realms fo Norse Myths. If it is anything like her first book in this series then it should be a lot of fun. This one has the added benefit of a connecting theme.  

Kate is a great write and great person to boot, so I'd love to see this one do well.

Fey Earth

Fey Earth

I have been following this one for a while now, and their Kickstarter is live. It is set in the 19th Century and has Fey races, magic, and more. That sounds exactly like my cup of tea, to be honest.  Add in some witches and that makes it a must buy! 

So yeah, I know next to nothing about the system but the premise sounds good and the art is great. I also want this one to do well.

The tiers are nice and simple. Easy to figure out what I want.

THE EXPANSE Collectible Action Figures

THE EXPANSE Collectible Action Figures

Before it was a TV Series, or a Green Ronin RPG, or a Book Series, the Expanse was a d20 Modern game. I just learned that today.  This Kickstarter is for action figure line. Because really, you need Chrisjen Avasarala and Camina Drummer figures!

As of this writing this has not hit it's goals yet, but I am sure it will get there.

Gary Gygax's World Builders Archive

Gary Gygax's World Builders Archive

Troll Lords continues to add weight to their claim that Castles & Crusades IS the spiritual successor to AD&D. This Kickstarter brings new Gygax material to C&C.

There is so much here that I can't get into it. If the name Gygax means anything to you then click on this and see what they have.

BX Advanced Bestiary, Vol. 2

BX Advanced Bestiary, Vol. 2

More monsters are always great! The only I like more than making monsters is reading about them so this one is also a must-get for me.

Legend of Seven Golden Demons & Slime Pits of Sewer Witch

Legend of Seven Golden Demons & Slime Pits of Sewer Witch

Legend of Seven Golden Demons & Slime Pits of Sewer Witch

Mentioned this one last week, but it is worth repeating!

NOW some upcoming ones.

Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

Djinn Unboxed - NSFW Artbook

Djinn is a great friend of the Other Side. I feature her art here a lot. She is coming out with her own art book and it should be great.

Not live yet, but please sign up for updates.

Murders at Lorelahc Manor - a mystery campaign for D&D 5e!

Murders at Lorelahc Manor - a mystery campaign for D&D 5e!

This one is also not out yet. But a murder mystery for D&D? Hell yes!

There is also a pre-launch page for it on Backerkit.

Sign up for more details.

And of course, this one!

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs

Thirteen Parsecs is coming! Please sign up to get notified of our launch of the Backer kit.

We really want this game to be your sci-fi RPG of choice, so help us make that happen.

Friday, March 8, 2024

#FollowFriday AND Kickstart Your Weekend

 A special double feature today because I have a bunch I want to share.  Lets get to it.

#FollowFriday Oneiropolis


I mentioned this one yesterday, but I wanted to make it special today. Oneiropolis is the new Patreon from game designer Joseph D. Carriker. I worked with Joseph on Six of Cups for Green Ronin Publishing's Blue Rose. He was in charge of a product featuring various cities in Blue Rose's World of Aldea. I got the wonderful chance to put my little mark on Garnet. 

So yeah, Joseph knows his cities. He is now on Patreon and detailing cities in FRPGS. He posts about every two days so far, and he certainly doesn't lack inspirational material. I am coming back to this one for any and all Waterdeep lore.

I have always wanted to do a pure urban campaign. This is giving me more material to work with and use to make that real.

So, absolutely check it out. While you are at it check out his DMsGuild offerings.

Friday is settled, let's talk weekends and Kickstarters. I have one on both ends of their funding calendars.

Metanthropes: Introductory Zine


This is a zine-sized TTRPG where the characters are Metanthropes or "Beyond Human."  The author is building Foundry support and the mock-ups of the books look great. It has a super-hero vibe, but also something more akin to Exalted. The rules are easier though.

The PDF is only 10€ and the physical book is 20€. So, not a bad price, really.

It looks interesting and I think I'll give it a try.

Legend of Seven Golden Demons & Slime Pits of Sewer Witch

Legend of Seven Golden Demons & Slime Pits of Sewer Witch

Legend of Seven Golden Demons & Slime Pits of Sewer Witch

Does this guy or his adventures even need an introduction here anymore? Mark is back with FOUR adventures. Ok, and a mini adventure, but both for 1st Edition and 5th Edition. Which is perfect for me. One Kickstarter, an adventure for me (1st Ed) and one for my kids (5e).

Now he FINALLY is giving me a witch adventure AND it takes place in the sewers, so it ties into this week's mini-theme of urban adventures.

Mark's adventures are crazy, fun and rock solid. The only thing that runs better are his Kickstarters for them. He is a model of how to do Kickstarter right.  Grab these.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Wizards, Witches, Wonderland, and Whatever this is!

 Some fun Kickstarters this week and quite the random selection. So let's get to it.

Wizard Van: The Roleplaying Zine Where Rock Never Dies

Wizard Van: The Roleplaying Zine Where Rock Never Dies

James M. Spahn is one of the good guys. He has scores of titles and has worked some of the best games of the last 10 years. This 22-page zine is rather a modest release; it takes a short time to fund and has no stretch goals, but it looks absolutely fun.  Plus it is only $10 for both the print and pdf.

Looks fantastic.

Bellatryx #1

Bellatryx #1

This new indie comic is about a 300-year-old witch back to get revenge on the apprentice who betrayed her. This also looks fun and the witch makes me think of the daughter of Willow Rosenberg and Hermione Granger.  Not a bad mix really.

$5 for the PDF is also a good deal.

Morgana Le Fay #1

Morgana Le Fay #1

There are only a few hours left on this one, and it also looks like fun. Plus it is about Morgana Le Fay, so that is always a plus in my mind. 

Nightmare in Wonderland #1 - NSFW Queer Fairytale Romance

Nightmare in Wonderland #1 - NSFW Queer Fairytale Romance

Kat Calamia and Phil Falco are the creators who gave us "Beast and Snow," a retelling of Beauty and the Beast and Snow White as a werewolf and vampire. This is her next one and is part of the same universe. In fact this comic is the first of a shared universe, the EverAfterVerse.

If this one is half as fun as "Beast and Snow" then it will be great. 

Plus, like the Kickstarter for "Beast and Snow," you get an indie comics bundle that is absolutely huge. Tons of fun comics from various creators. 

And now for something completely different.

Sentai & Sensibility RPG

Sentai & Sensibility RPG

This is best described as "Power Rangers in Regency England."  Well, I am a sucker for any Regency or Victorian RPG, and this one looks like a lot of fun.

Replace the crazy Power Ranger tech with Steampunk and the proper society of the Regency era you come close to this game. 

It looks silly and it looks like a ton of fun.


Enjoy the weekend!