Friday, August 9, 2024

#RPGaDAY2024 An Accessory You'd Like to See

 An accessory I'd like to see? I think in general I would like to see some more ethically trained AI apps, both for art and text. I love the potential of AI. Despite all the time I have spent trying to find ways to deal with AI-based plagiarism in my day job, I still think there is something powerful here.

AI art

The problem I have with AI right now is largely two-fold.  The current databases are filled with material that is in reality owned by someone else and they never got paid for.

But even if you remove all the art or text from the databases the algorithms were trained on that data, so even that is somewhat tainted. This why you should never believe someone when they claim that they are using ethically trained AI, most people don't know enough to do that. 

I have used many AI products, but all of them have issues. I'll use them on my blog here, but not in any published product unless there is an ethical way to do so. 

Until then it is traditional art for me. 


I am participating in Dave Chapman's #RPGaDAY2024 for August. 



Derek Holland said...

You missed the other important issue- it is incredibly environmentally unfriendly. The heat, electricity and e-waste issues are astounding.

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Derek, yes that is absolutely correct.

Anonymous said...

The RPG Pundit stated that his game BAPTISM OF FIRE had AI art that imitated the style of classic artists who have already died and whose art slipped into the public domain. There is variation among different countries for when that is

Timothy S. Brannan said...

For the record, Tarnowski is full of shit. Unless he used an AI system trained only of PD art and has only PD in their databases then anything he produces with AI still has algorithms and training on all sorts of art, including art scraped from the Internet.
He is just hoping his readers know less about AI than he does.