Friday, August 2, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: Fun and Games Special!

 I have a BIG Kickstart Your Weekend post here with lost of fun and games. Quite literally. Perfect since this is Gen Con weekend and I can't be there. So let's see what we have.

The African Boardgames Convention - AB Con 2024

AB Con

This is such a great Kickstarter. Yes there are rewards, but biggest reward is knowing you helped out a worthy cause and got some kids together to play some games. Check it out and support them if you can.

Damn It, Owen! Cartoons That Refused To NOT Be Drawn

Damn it Owen

Drawings from industry vets Stan! on the words and wisdom of Owen K.C. Stephens.

This one is great on it's own, but knowing it helps Owen in his fight against cancer is just a huge bonus.

Kitty Clacks - Halloween Treats Polyhedral Dice!

Kitty Clacks - Halloween Treats Polyhedral Dice!

This one is fun! I love the dice from Black Oak Workshop and have a BIG feature I am doing on them in October. So this is quite timely really. 

If you like cats, dice, and Halloween, then this seems like a no-brainer.

D6 System: Second Edition

D6 System: Second Edition

I like the D6 system. There are a lot of really fun games out there that use it and honestly I have never given it the attention it really deserves. Looks like I might get to change that with a new version/edition coming out from Gallant Knight Games and West End Games. 

This Kickstarter is doing well and I hope this is the start of a new era for the D6 system.

80's Adventures: 5e Supplement & Adventure Modules for DnD

80's Adventures: 5e Supplement & Adventure Modules for DnD

Ok this one is just silly and I love it. D&D Adventures set in the 1980s. I mean really, this has my name written all over it. Way of the Crane Monk, Path of Dance Barbarian? Yeah this will be fun.

Couple of comics featuring witches are next!

Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose: The Vampire of Halloween

Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose: The Vampire of Halloween


Jim (and Holly) are friends of The Other Side and of course I am a fan of all witches.

This one is not live yet, but they are seeking sign-ups for when it is launched next month. I will also repost this one then.

SKYCLAD: Graphic Novel by David Campiti & Michal Dutkiewicz

SKYCLAD: Graphic Novel by David Campiti & Michal Dutkiewicz

This one is new to me and seem cut from the same cloth as Tarot. Real witches in the real world. This one has witches running a strip club. Maybe it will give me some idea for my Mayfairs.

Not for everyone, but it looks fun.

Quite the round up. Have fun!

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