Showing posts with label 5e. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5e. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2025

Monstrous Mondays: Monstrous Maleficarum #3 - Nymphs, Daughters of the Gods

 Today I release the next Monstrous Maleficarum! For Volume #3 I present 13 nymphs for use in the 5th edition of the World's Greatest Fantasy RPG.

Monstrous Maleficarum #3 - Nymphs, Daughters of the Gods

Volume #3 of Monstrous Maleficarum - Nymphs, Daughters of the Gods

Tales of the nymphs are as old as the Gods themselves. Semi-divine protectors of the natural world have also always been a part of the Fantasy RPGs since the beginning. 

With Monstrous Maleficarum #3 I return nymphs to the latest edition of the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game. Nymphs, Daughters of the Gods for the new 5th Era.

Herein, you will find 13 types of nymphs to challenge and wonder your games. The sylph, whose feet hardly ever touch the ground. The melinoĆ« who dance by the light of the moon. The mighty themeid, warriors among the nymphs. The underworld lampad, and the naiads, nereids, and oceanids, of their watery realms. 

Note: This product contains classical art that depicts some nudity.

One of the routes I came to Dungeons & Dragons was via Greek Mythology. I noticed a while back that the 5th edition of the game, both the 2014 and 2024 flavors, did not have nymphs as a creature type. I thought this was a serious oversight. So with Monstrous Maleficarum #3 I added them back.

I hope you enjoy!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Monstrous Mondays: Monstrous Maleficarum #2 - Return of the Orcs

 Today's Monstrous Monday is a special one, the return of my erstwhile series "Monstrous Maleficarum." In this new and revised version for "5th Era Fantasy RPGs" I am featuring the return of the Orc as a monster you can have as an antagonist. 

Just in time for tomorrow's new Monster Manual release. 

Monstrous Maleficarum #2 - Return of the Orcs

Volume #2 of Monstrous Maleficarum - Return of the Orcs

Orcs have been a staple of FRPGs since the dawn of the hobby. These creatures are as iconic as they are ubiquitous. 

With Monstrous Maleficarum #2 I present the return of the orcs to the latest edition of the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game. Orcs for the new 5th Era.

Herein, you will find the classic Pig-nosed orc, the mighty green and gray orcs, the blood-thirsty Blood Orcs, the violent Ghost-Face orcs, the noble and good Desert Orcs who call elves “brother,” and the intelligent and equally dangerous High Orcs.

What is Monstrous Maleficarum?

Monstrous Maleficarum is a series of smaller publications to feature new monsters for the 5th Edition of the World's Greatest Role-Playing game. Sometimes these monsters are from previous editions, brought into the new era via the Open Gaming License. Sometimes they are new takes on classic creatures of myth and legend. And other times they will be brand new creatures.

Each “issue” will feature a theme of related monsters.
Every issue will feature 100% Open Gaming Content text.

I will have more to say on Orcs and other "missing monsters" as time goes on.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

New Release: Dungeons & Dragons 5.5 Monster Manual

 I went to my FLGS yesterday and picked up the last of the new Dungeons & Dragons 5.5 core books, the new Monster Manual.

Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual

It was the original AD&D Monster Manual that got me into D&D originally, so any new Monster Manual has a long climb to impress me.

Yes, it is true. There are no orcs in this book, nor humans, halflings, elves, dwarves, duergar, dragonborn, or gnomes.

There are goblins, bugbears, and hobgoblins. Also, monsters still have alignments. So the oft repeated rumor that WotC/Hasbro was getting rid of alignments is not true. There are still plenty of purely evil creatures to kill. Note: Goblins are now chaotic neutral. I actually like this, more akin to how I have been playing them.

The art is gorgeous, as expected, and there is art for every monster and then some.

The stat blocks are mostly the same as D&D 5.0 (2014), they are a bit clearer to read. Saving throws are all listed now, even when they are just the same as the ability modifier. 

The new book sits at 384 pages. The 2014 Monster Manual was 352.

Monster Manuals

Following in the footsteps of every major "Even" release (2nd ed, 4th ed, and this as 6th ed) each monster fits on 1, 2, or 4 whole pages. This makes reading the monster stat easy while in game; everything is right there. It also follows the trend established by many OSR and D20 publishers. Lots of monster books have been doing this, going back to the Creature Collection from Sword & Sorcery Studios in 2000. While it does make reading easy, sometimes narrative text and lore takes the hit to make room for stat blocks. I am mixed on that. I love the layout, and I am generally a fan of one-page monsters, but I feel like some monsters get shorted.

My biggest pet peeve, though, is the alphabetical organization. For example, Blue and Black Dragons are listed under "B" right along with Balor. Red Dragons are under "R."  This continues for all groups, including Giants, demons, devils, and everything. 

An interesting little quirk of this and a logical extension from the 2014 MM, Succubi are now an independent fiendish creature and Neutral Evil. They are also distinct from the Incubus. They are no longer separated by gender, but by role. Succubi (male and female) drain life via physical touch and Incubi (male and female) drain via dreams. I like the split in roles and it allows us to have two creatures to fill the role of the mythological succubus.


You can see this movement away from "gendered" monsters throughout the book. The art for the dryad is androgynous, which is fine. I have had male and female Ginko Dryads ever since I learned that ginko trees can be male or female. There are female satyrs. Again, there is precedent for that in art.  Sphinxes are no longer Andro- or Gyno- but rather Sphinxes of Wonder, Secrets, Lore, and Valor. Ok, that I actually like.  But, there are no nymphs.  I came to the D&D Monster Manual by way of Greek myths, so this feels a bit odd to me.

Monster Manual 5.5e

Monster Manual 5.5e

Monster Manual 5.5e

Monster Manual 5.5e

Honestly. I have been moving away from Orcs as my big bads for a while now. Goblins have always been too much fun to make completely evil. Give me gnolls, yuan-ti, or beholders as my monsters, and I can slaughter them indiscriminately. 

Even Star Trek made allies out of the Klingons and, eventually, the Romulans, so why can't D&D grow in its nuanced takes as well.

While the book is plenty large, I am disappointed there are no named Demons and Devils here. No Demon Princes, no Lords of the Nine, no Slaad Lords.

Monster Manual

Dungeons & Dragons 5.5 core rules

This book completes the Dungeons & Dragons 5.5 aka 2024 version of the Core Rules. I am not 100% sure I'll get much more of this line. I am not playing D&D 5 in any flavor at the moment. But who knows. 

Friday, November 8, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: 5e Witch Content

 I mentioned before that one of the reasons I have not done a 5e Witch class myself is that I have wanted to have some joy in discovery of something new for D&D. If I make a 5e witch, then I am always comparing it to the new stuff to mine. 

So today there are two witch-related 5e Kickstarters I want to share. They are in their last days of funding, so get on these while you can.

Witchfyre: A Dark Fantasy RPG for 5E+ & Pathfinder

Witchfyre A Dark Fantasy RPG for 5E+ & Pathfinder

This looks like a lot of fun and has a great Folk Horror vibe. It is for 5e and Pathfinder, so that is really great.  And it comes with minis and a tarot set, so I am very intrigued. While the deluxe cover looks nice, I think I prefer the standard cover.

Any looks great, to bad I will have to wait a year to get it.

The Mystery of Witchhaven: A 5e Solo Adventure

The Mystery of Witchhaven: A 5e Solo Adventure

I admit a little trepidation to this one. First, I am generally not a fan of Solo adventures. Nothing against them, I just prefer to play with a group. Secondly I have my own "Witch Haven" but the name is so common I should not be surprised when a variation of it gets used.

But this does look fun and I'd be remiss if I didn't check it out.

ETA: Another one!

Wicked Echoes - Whispers of the Samodiva: A 5E Supplement

Wicked Echoes - Whispers of the Samodiva: A 5E Supplement

Folk Horror is pretty hot right now. And this one looks great.  This is more horror than Witch focused, but that is fine by me!


Both look great and hopefully ship quickly.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Mail Call and Review: Hexbound: A Witchy Supplement for 5e

Hexbound: A Witchy Supplement for 5e
 So this one was a bit of a surprise for me this week. I honestly kinda forgot I backed it over two and half years ago. But it came in yesterday and I thought I would share it.

Hexbound: A Witchy Supplement for 5e

There are a lot of reasons why I have never put together a witch class of my own for 5e. One of the biggest is I have wanted to see what others have done with their own ideas. You know, try and recapture that thrill of discovery that I had back in the 1980s and 90s when I'd find a new witch class. 

Hexbound is the first big 5e "Witch" class Kickstarter I have backed.  So how did they deliver?

I got the PDFs and STLs a while back and they looked great, but I have been waiting on the book.

Here is what I was sent.

The level I pledged at was for the  Collector's Edition cover of the Hexbound Hardcover, a set of Hexbound Reference Cards, two pins, four minis and digital files of the book and minis.

Hexbound set

The book is really nice. I love the art and in particular the Art Nouveau style cover. Really fits the vibe I want for my witches in 5e. 

Hexbound art

Hexbound art

Hexbound art

The add-ons are nice. I am a sucker for a deck of tarot-like cards for a game. I want to make a witch character for 5e JUST so I can use these cards.

Hexbound cards

And the minis are also nice. I am not sure I recall what that big one is, but it is in the book.

Hexbound minis

Hexbound: The Good

REMINDER: I am always sensitive when I am reviewing someone else's witch material. I am not aware of any RPG author who has written as much about witches as I have, so I need to be careful on how critical I could be. 

Like I said, the book is really attractive. The art is really nice I think I need some dice to go with it to fit the aesthetic (that should have been an option really.) The author of the book, Antonio Demico, is also the illustrator. 

What attracted me most to this book was there was not just one "Witch Class" but rather witch subclasses for each class. And there are some really fun ones here. All are considered "Witches" and they just have different ways of expressing their magics. This is the same idea I have witches but going in the opposite direction.  I have one witch class with a lot of options, aka Traditions which can be viewed as "subclasses." I rather like it to be honest and it would be a fun way to build a coven of witches in 5e. Everyone takes a class and then the witch sub classes. Each one has a lot of unique options to help keep the witches very flexible.

The classes and their witch subclasses are: 

  • The Intoner for Bards. I kinda love this one.
  • The Medium for Clerics. This one is so obvious that I am kicking myself for not doing it myself.
  • Circle of the Brew for Druids. Not how I would have gone, but it is certainly clever. 
  • The Witchblade for Fighters. File under "Why the hell didn't I think of that." Well, I guess I do have my Witch Knights.
  • Way of the Specter for Monks. Interesting, I'd have to play it to really understand it.
  • Path of the Coven for Paladins. Cool, different enough from my Green Knight to be fun.
  • Coven Conclave for Rangers. Similar to my Huntsman but more powers.
  • Duskwalker for Rogues. This one is interesting. I rarely mix rogues/thieves with witches. So I will have to try this one.
  • Coven of Spirits for Sorcerer. This one calls on the magic of family spirits. Pretty much exactly my Family Witch.
  • Witch Patron for Warlocks. This one is also pretty obvious, and likely one of the more popular ones that will get played. 
  • School of Witchcraft for Wizards. Now this one is both obvious and yet still a lot of fun. It also has conceptual roots going all the way back to the earliest editions of D&D. 
  • Path of the Witch for Barbarian. This one was added later on. In some ways it reminds me of my Cowan for the Pagan Witch, OR (better yet) this is how you can play CĆŗ Chulainn (with ScĆ”thach as his witch) OR even like the warriors on their dajemma with the Witches of Rashemen.

So yeah, if you have a witch concept then there is likely a subclass here that will fit your needs.

There are some new backgrounds for your new witch. All look great really. 

We also get some new familiars here too including a personal favorite, the Jackalope

There are some new spells, but only 10. That seems to be a bit, well, underwhelming to be honest. 

Part II of the book is for GMs.

This includes magic items (again, there should have been more), some wands (some really fun ones too), and some magical hats.

Part III is called "for the table." This discusses how to run and play a game filled with witches. There are adventure hooks, NPCs (lots of those), monsters, and some adventures to run. 

Hexbound: The Not So Good

While the book is great to look at, it is not without some issues.

I am not going to quibble about how long it took us to get this and how it may (or may not) sitll be compatible with D&D 5.5. That stuff happens and this is likely a one man show. They get a pass from me on that.

Hexbound cards

Some issues are like the cards above. Great idea, but I'd have to try them out to see how well they work in a game. And as you can see two of the cards went to press with their placeholder art and not the art for their NPCs.

Hexbound Minis

The minis are nice, but they are really too small. As you can see above compared to HeroForge minis; one I printed myself and one I bought color printed. 

I have the 3D printer, I can print new ones if I want to get them to 25/28 mm Not everyone has that option. OR I just redo the characters as halflings, dwarfs, gnomes and/or goblins.

There should have really been more spells. I know all to well that page count is all important when it comes to this Kickstarters fulfilments. But spells are important to the witch, and there should have been a lot more. 

Ok, so I do not know much about the creator Antonio Demico, but I think I have been writing about witches for longer than he has been alive. So I can't hold his work up to the same critical lens I would hold my own up too, but really. Ten spells is not even close to enough. Reduce the font size by a point and get at least 13 in there. Respect the source material. 

One last thing. Antonio Demico is a great artist and he certainly knows someone that is great at layout, there really should have been a redesigned witchy character sheet. I mean that cover BEGS to have a character sheet to match. I mean really, I do love that cover. 

Overall I am happy with the book and the cards. The minis are too small really and the pins, while nice, are largely forgettable. I mean I put them on my gamer bag and will I even remember what they were from next Gen Con?

At the end of the day, I am still happy to have another witch class and book for my collection. Since at last count I had, well, all of them.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Review: Ravenloft for D&D 5e

Curse of Strahd
We have now come to the most current versions of Ravenloft, and I have covered these in detail already but they are worth another look.

Curse of Strahd

This is the classic I6 Ravenloft adventure, updated yet again for D&D 5e. There are some interesting additions, and much like the 3e version, it adds some details and provides more for the players to do. Like many of the 5e adventures, this expands the adventure into a mini-campaign of sorts.

The hardcover adventure was later updated to a softcover book with Tarokka cards in a coffin-shaped box. Retitled "Curse of Strahd Revamped."

The changes are largely confined to making less racist remarks about the Vistani. Mind you, the text has changed, but there is no reason the townsfolk of Barovia and surrounding areas have changed their minds. 

The better change concerns Ezmerelda d'Avenir. Earlier, she had lost a leg and was hiding her wooden prosthetic leg. Now, she wears it openly as a testament to how she defeated a werewolf. Yeah, yeah, there is magical healing...but not always to the common folk and not always in Ravenloft.

We can now play "Castle Ravenloft" in every edition of D&D. Almost. For 4e you might need the maps from the 3e version with the board game.

Ravenloft for every version of D&D

Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft

This book brings the Demi-plane of Dread back to 5e. The obvious parallel here is to the AD&D 2nd Edition Campaign setting. There are some changes, but nothing I feel are game breaking. I spent a lot of time covering this one a while back.

Ravenloft has been embraced by the 5e players and has a lot of material on DMsGuild

Will there be a Ravenloft adventure for 5.5? I doubt there will be a repeat of I6, but there will be something I am sure. The producers of D&D have gone back to this well many times, and I don't see them stopping now.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

New Release: Dungeons & Dragons 5.5 Dungeon Master's Guide

 Went to my FLGS today to pick up the new D&D 5.5 edition of the Dungeon Master's Guide.

D&D 5.5 edition of the Dungeon Master's Guide

It's a big book at 384 pages. Love that my girl Skylla made the cover!

Certainly aimed at new DMs there is still a lot of neat things in this tome. 

D&D 5.5 Dungeon Master's Guide the Basics

D&D 5.5 Dungeon Master's Guide Bastions

D&D 5.5 Dungeon Master's Guide Lore Glossary

There are some cool tracking sheets that look like they would work with any version of the game. I hope they release those as PDFs. Granted many of these can be done on just plain notebook paper. 

Game ExpectationsTravel Planner

I can also see a world where both this and the 2014 DMG are used together. The 2024 has new and updated information, but I wonder what is not here from the previous one.

The art is great, lots of the magic items get illustrations. Even the spirit board from Ravenloft makes an appearance. Plus there are nice cameos of many familiar NPCs.


Minsc and Boo


 The coolest addition in my mind is the 30 pages dedicated to Greyhawk; both the Free City of and the world of Oerth. Including a fold out map attached in back of Oerth on one side and the Free City of Greyhawk on the other.


Greyhawk Map

Greyhawk Map

Greyhawk Map

The Lore Glossary at the end is a lot of fun. The D&D kids, Bobby, Diana, Hank, Presto, Sheila, and Eric are here as The Heroes of the Realm. There are entries here from all over the D&D multiverse of the last 50 years. 

Honestly I am more excited about this book than I was about the new Player's Handbook

I'll have to spend more time with this one. But that will wait till next year I think.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

New Release: Dungeons & Dragons 5.5 Player's Handbook

 It is Tuesday and my FLGS opened at midnight so we could get the new D&D 5.5 Player's Handbook. So here it is!

2024 Regular and Special Edition Player's Handbooks

It is a beast of a book really. 384 Pages vs. the 320 of the 2014 5.0 edition. Most of this though is given over to new art and introductions to the game.  This book is trying to set the stage for new players to D&D.

2014 vs 2024 thickness

Rules are covered in the first 30 or so pages which works out nicely. You are eased into it. Sure, I like starting with character creation, but sometimes it is nice to know a bit more about what is going on.

Bloodied is back. It is not exactly the same, but it is there. 

Creating a character is just 14 or so pages. This includes the mechanics of rolling the dice. 

Character classes cover the bulk, about 130 pages. There are the same 12 classes from D&D 5.0 (2014) with their subclasses. Most get four subclasses, some get five. There are a lot of little changes to classes. Fighters get a psychic variant, rangers feel nerfed, warlocks are a little cooler. I'll post more when I have had a chance to get into the details. 

There are backgrounds, like 5.0 though these seem to be a bit better defined.

Race is now Species and that is fine with me. We get Aasimar, Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Human, Orc, and Tiefling. No half-elf or half-orcs, though I will admit they might be taking the Pathfinder route here and folding them into the elf and orc respectively with some mods. This doesn't bother me. If I want to play a half-elf in 5.5 I can use the elf rules. Easy.

There are some feats from Tasha's here that I love, like Telepathic and Telekinetic. 

About 20 pages for equipment with great illustrations.

Spells take up the next bulk at over 100 pages. Spells are better explained and if is summons a creature that stat block is included with the spell.

Appendix A covers the multiverse. There are no changes here from 1st Ed.

Appendix B has some creature stat blocks related to class, ie Druid Wild Shape and the like. And YES monsters still have alignment. For example Imps are (still) Lawful Evil and Quasits are (still) Chaotic Evil. 

The changes here are less than the changes found between 1st and 2nd Edition. They are more akin to the changes between 3.0 and 3.5. I am going to keep calling this edition 5.5.

Visually speaking, they are closer together than some of the books of the AD&D 2nd Ed era were to each other.

2014 vs 2024 Player's Handbooks

2014 vs 2024 Player's Handbooks

2014 Player's Handbook

I picked this up just a hour or so ago. So I really have not gone into it in detail. Save to check on the Rangers and Warlocks. They are classes I have heard the most about getting worse and better respectively.



The art is generally better, with some "names" popping up among the nameless NPCs and characters. So that will be fun on a deeper read through.

Overall there is "less flipping" one would need to do through this book while playing. 

I am looking for some character sheets so I can make a new version of Johan for this game; Johan VII for the win!

My 2014 PHB is falling apart and I am not 100% sure how much I will play this edition, but I am glad to have it.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Dungeons & Dragons 5.5 at Midnight!

 I *may* have convinced my Favorite Local Game Store to open up at Midnight to sell the D&D 5.5 Player's Handbook.

Games Plus

They went back and forth a bit over this past weekend, and I woke up to this this morning.

I'll be picking up the new D & D 5.5 in about 14 hours.

If you want yours and you live in the Chicagoland area then head on out to Games Plus to get your pre-order.

Expect a mini-review after I pick it up!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Kickstart Your Weekend: The Mosidian Temple: D&D 5th Edition Conversion

 I just turned in my last bit of content for Thirteen Parsecs and finished up two other projects, so I am back at it today.  Almost.  I wanted to get you some reviews up of some adventures I bought recently, but time ran out. I'll do them next week. Make a week of it I think! 

One of the adventures I am going to review is David Flor's The Mosidian Temple. In the meantime, he is running a Kickstarter for the 5th Edition version of it and it is worth checking out.

The Mosidian Temple: D&D 5th Edition Conversion

The Mosidian Temple: D&D 5th Edition Conversion

Like many of us, David Flor wrote D&D adventures as a kid. He happened to save this one, and honestly, from what I have read of it so far, it is a lot of fun.

This is the 5e conversion, so perfect for when the new Player's Handbook drops in a bit. 

It's fun. It's nostalgic, and you help out an independent publisher. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Quests from the Infinite Staircase

 I picked up the new D&D 5 adventure omnibus, Stairway to HeavenQuests from the Infinite Staircase yesterday. It looks like it was well done.

Quests from the Infinite Staircase

Quests from the Infinite Staircase

The back cover has a "50" logo on the back which is nice, but damn, Wizards is really dropping the ball on this 50th Anniversary.

The adventures are some classics.

The Lost City

The Lost City

I have not looked to see how well this new version of the Lost City compares tot he Goodman Games version out a few years ago. I know there are a lot of tweaks to the older adventures in this new version.

Expedition to the Barrier Peaks

Expedition to the Barrier Peaks

The Expedition to the Barrier Peaks looks down right scary, which is great as far as I am concerned. 

The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth is an old favorite of mine and this new version looks like a lot of fun. 


It even has stats (as it should) for my old girl-friend Drelnza.

Beyond the Crystal Cave

Of all of these , Beyond the Crystal Cave is the only one I have not run or played in. As you can see, my old copy is a bit worse for the wear. 

Infinite Staircse and 13th Doctor

I also picked up the Thirteenth Doctor sourcebook for the Doctor Who RPG. It also looks great.