Monday, August 12, 2013

Gen Con Blues

I had mentioned earlier in the year that we (my family and I) were not going to go to Gen Con this year.
Partly due to expense, partly due to this being the busiest time of year for me at work (getting ready for Fall term to start).

Now I am thinking that was a bad decision.
My kids love to go and frankly so do I.  Not that there is anything special we were looking forward too this year.  Just the normally hanging out with gamers, playing some games, hitting the food trucks, seeing all the costumes and spending way too much money.

We are already set on going next year. In fact we might even go a day early to hit the zoo or the museum.
Can't wait for it!  But until then I will have to settle for hearing all about the fun you all have.


Rivetgeek said...

I have the same feeling - I'm going to be blowing into Indy the week after GenCon ends. It would have been earlier but it turned into a scheduling thing.

radio one said...

Sadly, I'm not going this year because of money either. To be truthful, I don't think I can afford to go each and every year. I'm hoping to be able to go next year. So once Jan 2014 hits, it time to start planning once again.