Saturday, October 19, 2024

October Horror Movie Challenge: Body Snatcher's Night

 Managed to squeeze in all three of a theme today/tonight. Now, I don't trust who anyone says they are.

You all know the plot. Alien pods rain down. People get caught and duplicated. As fun as these all are, I have seen all three. Though it has been a while.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)Body Snatchers (1993)

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

This one is a classic in every sense of the word. The pacing is a bit slow, but better than I remembered. Speaking of which I can't actually recall the last time I saw this one. Kevin McCarthy is great in this, and it quite possibly put him on the map in terms of character acting.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

It is rare that a remake does as well as the original. It is even rarer still when that remake can one up or do better. Well 1978's Body Snatchers does exactly that. I mean really is there a more iconic movie moment than Donald Sutherland's Pod person scream at the end? Or maybe when Harry and his dog are combined into one creature? That one always freaked me out. 

This one also features the talents of Jeff Goldblum, Leonard Nimoy, and Kevin McCarthy(!) in a cameo role saying the same line, "You're next! You're next!" from the first movie. I have to admit, I love it when they do that. 

Body Snatchers (1993)

A remake or a sequel? Or a bit of both? Hard to say, I am a bit tired now, and the sleepier I get, the more like a sequel I can see it. 

This was the first real big film roles for then rising star Gabrielle Anwar. The scene of her in the bathtub is the iconic one from this movie. Somehow it doesn't quite measure up to Kevin McCarthy's frantic warning or Donald Sutherland's alien scream.

Though this is the movie that my wife and I saw when it first came out that started us using the term "Pod People." As in "You know I have been replaced by a pod person when..."

Featured Monster: Doppelgangers

The idea of Doppelgangers goes way back. So there is no way, no matter how iconic the movie, that I can claim these movies had any influence on the AD&D Monster Manual. I can guess, but can't make the claim with any certainty. 

I can, however, claim that the Ravenloft AD&D monster, Doppelganger Plant, was.


Personally, I like having both sorts of doppelgangers in my games. The trickster fae types and the destructive alien pods.

October Horror Movie Challenge 2024
Viewed: 28
First Time Views: 14

Monster Movie Marathon

Advent-ure Dice: Day 19

  Day 19

Advent-ure Dice Day 19

Sparkly d10

Friday, October 18, 2024

October Horror Movie Challenge: Lemora

Lemora (1973)
I was on Tubi, which is hands down the best place to find old and obscure horror films, watching Messiah of Evil last night. When it was done, I was shocked to see that it was none other than Lemora, a movie I have wanted to see for years!  So I had to save it for tonight.

Lemora (1973)

Also known as Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural, The Legendary Curse of Lemora, and Lemora, Lady Dracula.

Lila Lee (Cheryl Smith  in one of her first ever roles) is a girl in trouble. He father is a notorious Prohibition-era criminal and he has just killed his wife and her lover. Lila goes to live with the local minister where she becomes a paragon of Christian goodness and values.  One day, she gets a letter from a mysterious Lemora, who tells her that her father has shown up three years later and is now dying. She is supposed to meet them in the town of Astaroth.

She goes there to find her father and told to watch out for the locals, who are said to have that "Astaroth look." 

Lila meets Lemora (Lesley Taplin) and it is pretty obvious from the start she is a vampire. It is like the writer (Richard Blackburn, who is also the Director and plays the minister) took the beginning of Dracula and merged it with Carmila. 

Lila figures out what Lemora is and tries to run away, only to encounter the rest of the townsfolk who try to kill her. She ends up killing her own, not bestial, father.  During this time the minister is looking for her and has found Astaroth. 

The minister gets to town and falls asleep in a barn. He is awakened by Lila who begins kissing him, he tries to get her to stop only to start kissing her back. Lila reveals her vampire fangs and bites him as Lemora, smiling, looks on.

So...happy ending I guess! 

I have been looking for this movie for ages, so there is no way it is going to measure up. There is far less witchcraft in it than I was led to believe, and the supposed sexual themes were blown completely out of proportion. There was a lot more in The Vampire Lovers (1970). Still though, it is a nice moody flick with some nice horror elements.

Our lead in this, Cheryl "Rainbeaux" Smith, would have a career into the 1980s, including the rather notorious erotic "Cinderella" playing the titular role.  Sadly, as expected, Smith died young. Liver disease and hepatitis due to being addicted to heroin for two decades. 

Featured Monster: Vampires (again)

There is not much else to say here that I have not already said. BUT I am struck by how similar in tone this movie is to Messiah of Evil.  For starters both deal with remote towns with ancient backgrounds (for America), both feature a central undead figure. Both feature undead monsters that are not quite vampires and not quite zombies, but something in between. Both feature central female leads. Both are also what has been described as a sub-genre of Horror, "American Nightmare" usually films set in American and produced between 1968 and 1976. It's not quite occult-themed horror, but it's related. 

For a game, I might mix the two up a little. Lemora turned Lila in the 1930s. What would they be like now, nearly 100 years later? Maybe the "Blood Moon" prophecy of "Messiah of Evil" is about Lemora's death at the hands of a stronger, more powerful vampire? Lots to choose from, really.

October Horror Movie Challenge 2024
Viewed: 25
First Time Views: 14

Monster Movie Marathon

Kickstart Your Weekend: Adventures in Teaching and Learning with TTRPGs

 Here is one that combines my professional life with my hobbies. I think they are going to so great things.

Adventures in Teaching and Learning with TTRPGs

Adventures in Teaching and Learning with TTRPGs

This group of TTRPG professionals and educators are getting together for this new startup, Tabletop EDU, to provide the tools of TTRPGs to educators.

I can't even tell you how excited I am for this. 

While many of the Kickstarters I cover are aimed at gamers, this one is aimed at educators (teachers, curriculum experts, instructional designers) to work with the tools we play with everyday. I think it is great.

Check out what they are doing and back them if you can!

Review: Van Richten's Guides

Van Richten's Monster Hunter's Compendium, Vol 3
 Today I will cover a lot of ground very quickly as a retrospective review. I have talked about these about books off and on over the years here and they stand as some of the best deep dives for monsters I have ever seen for the AD&D game. Yes, Elmimster's Ecologies are very good and the Monstrous Compendiums sat the stage for detailed monster coverage, but where these sources fall short of the Van Richten Guides is the level of detail; in terms of monster coverage, variations of the monster, and of course hunting the monsters.

Van Richten's Guides

The Van Richten's Guides began in 1992 with the publication of Van Richten's Guide to Vampires, which I already covered in detail. The other guides that came after followed a similar format, each detailing a different monster.

They were all largely agnostic in terms of system, though they were all still AD&D books and the fluff was still very much set in Ravenloft. I personally felt they could have been used in any AD&D campaign setting, and I even felt that a few were useful enough to use in any system.  For example, I used the Liches book for WitchCraft/Unisystem to great effect. 

The original Guides were single volumes of around 96 pages each. The product numbering was a little haphazard, they were all "Ravenloft Reference" but Liches also had the code RS and the last two had no codes at all. 

In 1998, after TSR was purchased by Wizards of the Coast, the books were combined into a compendium of three monster books, each with a third, Guide to Witches, new. It also had a bit of a different feel than the others. Though it's most similar to the Vistani one.  The books were grouped by theme rather than publication dates. Volume 1 featured the "Classic" Universal monsters. Vol. 2 was undead, and Vol. 3 what can best be described as "occult" related.

I owned all of these back in the 1990s. I recall sitting in my apartment after getting married reading them all. There were subtle differences between the single (TSR-era) books and the compiled (WotC-era) books. Nothing I can recall off the top of my head, mind you, and nothing that was game-changing, save for maybe the notion that Van Richten was dead.

I unloaded all of these after I went over to other games and then later D&D 3. I don't regret it, but I kinda wish I had kept the Compendiums. Unfortunately, the PDFs, while great for reading, are not really good enough for Print on Demand.  Printing them all out for a binder would be fun, but we are talking about a lot of pages (800 or so for the single volumes) and a lot of ink.

Van Richten's Guide to Witches

For obvious reasons, I want to focus on this one. Not only is it germane to this blog and my interests, it is also the odd one out. 

Needless to say, I was really looking forward to this book. Obviously, the Guides to Demons (renamed from Fiends) and Vistani were still top-notch. The Guide to Witches really should have been called the Guide to Hags and Witches because it dealt with both. I'll break it down here.

Guide to Hags

        I really liked this part.  Hags should be part of Ravenloft, and this section did a great job of presenting another monster type in a far more complex light.  It is on par with the Guide to Liches or Vampires.

I would have liked to see more on linking Hags to Night Hags.  I liked the second change idea that other hag types change into Night Hags, but it does not have to be the only way they are linked.  The Monster Manual 2 (1st Ed.) states that the Annis are relative to the Night Hags, and the Greenhag are relative to both the Annis and the Sea Hags.

I liked the Irdra/Ogre link to Hags, but I liked the "Dark Fey" theory much better.  My hag, the Makva (or Wood Hag), is more of a dark faerie type than an ogress.  Plus I don't play Dragonlance, so the Irdra are not part of my worlds.

For Hag reproduction and powers, the Makva are most similar to Greenhags. Except, most Makva only live about 800 years.  Mavka is usually spawned from elves and half-elves rather than humans.  Makva may join Coveys, but there will be only one Makva per covey. In spawning rituals, Makva picks elves or half-elves as victims. They can perform them only on nights of the new moon.

Guide to Witches, Warlocks, and Hedge Magicians

        I was prepared to find witches that were very different than my own, but I did not expect that they would be this different. Witches have had a spotty history with D&D since the beginning, and it seems that every few years, a new rule book comes up that gives us a different vision of the witch.  To begin with, this witch is not a class or a subclass, but a kit.  It is also different from the Complete Wizards Handbook witch kit.  What I did like was the information on the Church of Hala and the acknowledgement that witches could be good or evil, overall I did not like it.

        I am not saying I did not like the new kit, I just do not like them as Witches.  The author, Steve Miller, got the points right about witchcraft being based in faith and I really liked the whole idea of the Weave, I just did not feel that these were the same kinds of witches from fantasy and horror literature. For example where was any mention of the occult? Or how about familiars? These witches lacked a few of the things that made witches special.

The witches and warlocks here are interesting classes, and looking back at them now, a quarter of a century later, I find that I like them a lot more than I did then. Maybe I have seen more witches since then, or maybe my tastes have changed.

All of these books, though, are essential to anyone playing in Ravenloft, a must-have if you are playing a horror game in AD&D, or really any version of D&D, and still pretty useful for other games.

Advent-ure Dice: Day 18

  Day 18

Advent-ure Dice Day 18

Kitty d4.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

October Horror Movie Challenge: Messiah of Evil (1974)

Messiah of Evil (1974)
 I have wanted to see this one for some time, based on the movie poster alone. It was not exactly the movie I thought it was going to be, but glad I finally caught it. The poster claims "From the makers of American Graffiti," and that is true. The Husband-and-wife team Huyck and Katz (writers-producers-directors) did write "American Graffiti" and then would go on to direct and write "Howard the Duck," and write for Indiana "Jones and the Temple of Doom."

Messiah of Evil (1974)

This movie follows some old tropes. Old, even by the time of this movie and certainly one we have seen a lot. A woman, this time Arletty played by Marianna Hill, is searching for her artist father who has ended all communication with her. Told in flashback to her psychiatrist she talks about how she arrives in the coastal town of Point Dume, formerly "New Bethlehem," to find him.  She finds instead an odd man Thom (Michael Greer), and his two young groupies Toni (Joy Bang) and Laura (Anitra Ford). They are also interested in Arletty's father.

We learn, through various means, that the town is cursed and that during the Blood Moon the people will change and begin to eat raw flesh. This is told to us a few times to make sure we remember it. Even dear old dad comes back from the dead to tell us.

Anyway, town's people start dying, Arletty reads some of her father's notes talking about how he is changing, and she notices she is changing the same way.  The groupies get picked off and eaten by the townsfolk and soon they come after Arletty and Thom.

In the end, Arletty is in the mental institution, but you get the idea that she is already dead.

The movie is all mood with some standard 70s-era zombies for blood and gore (and not a lot of that). It is not great, but not terrible either. We have seen the "Woman searches for lost family and only finds dead people" trope many times here. Hell, this isn't even the first one this month. But maybe there is something to that. Instead of a castle in Europe, it is an artist colony in California. 

I think this film had high aspirations and a limited budget for achieving them. 

Featured Monster: Ghouls

The movie is unclear on what sorts of undead the town's folk are. But the connection to "new religion" and Donnor Party made in the tales of the Blood Moon lead me to conclude they are ghouls. Granted not the grave robbing undead, but something a little more intelligent than a zombie and less powerful than a vampire. 


Now. It would be foolish of me to think this movie had any influence on the Monster Manual at all. But that doesn't mean we can look at ghouls a new way because of this movie.

The film's dream-like, or more to the point, nightmare-like quality makes it a good model for a Ravenloft adventure. Especially if you imagine Point Dume as part of Ravenloft.

The whole trope (woman seeks out weird family) really is a model for Ravenloft. Adding in the walking dead just seals the deal.

October Horror Movie Challenge 2024
Viewed: 24
First Time Views: 13

Monster Movie Marathon