Saturday, January 4, 2025

Character Creation Challenge: Torvak Con Dain

Torvak Con Dain
 I only vaguely remember Torvak. He was a lawful good Paladin (as they all were back then) and dedicated to the ruler of his realm, who might have been Pathon. Not sure. He is certainly an old character, and his various character sheets show a long career, but he is not always super active.

He is a great candidate to test out the Divine Warrior class from Wasted Lands.

Torvak Con Dain

Class: Divine Warrior
Level: 16
Species: Human
Alignment: Light Good
Background: Warrior (Wasted Lands p. 185)

Strength: 18 (+3) A
Agility: 18 (+3) 
Toughness: 17 (+10) 
Intelligence: 16 (+2) 
Wits: 17 (+2) N
Persona: 17 (+2) N

Fate Points: 1d12
Defense Value: -1
Vitality: 120 
Degeneracy: 0
Corruption: 0

Check Bonus (A/N/D): +7/+5/+3
Melee Bonus: +6 (base), +3 (STR)
Ranged Bonus: +6 (base)
Saves: +6 to all Wits and Persona Saves, +2 to Toughness (Warrior background)

Divine Warrior Abilities
Sixth Sense, Heal Injury and Illness (20d6), Supernatural Attacks, Protection from Evil, Turn Undead (level 15), Spot Hidden (1-3 on d4).

Heroic/Divine Touchstones
1st Level: +1 to melee attacks
3rd Level: Cure Light Wounds Spell
5th Level: Favored Weapon, Sword
7th Level: Zone of Protection vs Evil
9th Level: Special Attack
11th Level: Smite
13th Level: Extra Attack
15th Level: Great Smite

Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Justice

Longsword, Full plate armor, Holy symbol

Torvak Con DainTorvak Con Dain

I am really happy with the Divine Warrior class as a Paladin substitute. I played a LOT of Paladins over the years and this class feels right to me. Tweak it with some spells or levels of other classes to get just the right mix.

You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.

Character Creation Challenge

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