Now that name sticks out. Grenda was very, very careful with his family names. He had (and you have seen here) dynasties of characters. The Addingdales are the prime example. So when he names someone "Highstar" especially at the time when Morgan Highstar was such a prominent character of his, it means something.
Sadly, there is not much here on Briana Highstar. She is listed as an NPC. She does not show up in our shared timeline, and I have not been able to dig up anything else about her. So, a witch (a class I made) related to his major Riddlemaster (a class he made). There is a story here!
I know she is one of my witches, largely due to the spells. I mean, yeah, he could have been using another witch class and my spells. 1993 is about the time I finished my first big "publication" draft that combined all my notes and handwritten playtest documents. I still have it here, I just printed it out on a "new" type of printer, an inkjet.
So what can I speculate about Briana Highstar?
Her sheet says that she is a diabolic witch and her patron devil is Mephistopheles. She is Lawful Evil. That's about it.
Given Grenda's frame of mind at the time (2/11/1993) I'll make the following assumptions.
She is the younger half-sister of Morgan Highstar; they share the same father but different mothers. I'll tear a page from Arthurian legends and have their relationship (at least the antagonism) be the same as Arthur and Morgan le Fey's. The attitude would likely be Briana feels wronged by Morgan and Morgan doesn't even know who she is.
To amp up this antagonism, I'd have Briana look a lot like Morgan; black hair, gray eyes. Hell, she might look a bit like Katie McGrath's Morgana from Merlin. I'll admit it, I am a fan of her's.
Maybe her motivation is to destroy his School of Riddlemasters. Or maybe she just wants to avenge herself on him. I don't know yet. She is Lawful Evil to his True Neutral, so maybe her plans are more complicated. Maybe "her" plans are not her's but Mephistopheles' instead. Who knows, I would have to put her into play and see what she does.
Briana Highstar
Class: Witch
Level: 8
Species: Human
Alignment: Evil Dark
Background: Cultist
Strength: 12 (+0)
Agility: 16 (+2)
Toughness: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 17 (+2) N
Wits: 17 (+2) A
Persona: 15 (+1) N
Fate Points: 1d10
Defense Value: 1
Vitality: 26
Degeneracy: 32
Corruption: 1 (eyes glow an unnatural way, like a cats)
Check Bonus (A/N/D): +4/+3/+1
Melee Bonus: +1 (base)
Ranged Bonus: +1 (base)
Saves: +4 vs spells and magical effects
Arcane Abilities
Beguile, Precognition, Shadow Walking
Heroic/Divine Touchstones
1st Level: Additional 1st level Spell
3rd Level: Favored Weapon, Whip
5th Level: Spirit Guide: Cat Familiar
7th Level: Magical Recovery
Heroic (Divine) Archetype: Domination
First Level (4+1): Armor of Earth, Black Flames, Chill Ray, Phantom Lights, Read Languages
Second Level (3): Eternal Flame, Invisibility, See Invisible
Third Level (3): Animal Summoning 2, Dark Lightning, Globe of Darkness
Fourth Level (2): Black Tentacles, Kiss of the Succubus
Briana has a vendetta against all Riddlemasters. She wants to kill them all, but that is an impossible task, so she will settle on doing as much damage to them as she can. Her Patron, Mephistopheles, is using her to strike a blow to Balance, the force that Riddlemasters represent.
I will certainly be using Briana more in adventures. Don't worry Grenda, I'll take care of her.
You can get the Wasted Lands RPG and the NIGHT SHIFT RPG at Elf Lair Games.