Friday, August 25, 2023

#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 8, Room 25

 The exit from Room 24 takes the part to a side entrance of a long grand hallway.

The party's left (a bit of a diagonal) is the main entrance to this hall, not covered in rubble and no long accessible.  To the right is the length of this ancient hall.

Room 25

This hall is ancient, even by the standard the party is used to seeing. The architecture is dwarven, even the most causal dungeoneer can see that. At the end of this once great hall is a throne of Iron and on sits a figure.

As the party approaches they can see the figure is that of a dwarven skeleton in kingly garb.  When the party reaches the dias the skeleton's eyes begin to glow and it raises a hand.  

It speaks.

"Hail, brave and mighty adventurers. You have come so far and have more to go. But rest here and hear the tragedy of House Ironhammer."

If the party pauses to hear the dwarf king's tale they will find themselves healing of their wounds, even their gear that has been damaged begins to repair.

"Millennia ago, the Vampire Queen, Darlessa the First, sought out House Ironhammer in our mountain demesnes. She commanded that we build for her a temple and tomb out of the living rock of the mountain that was greater or equal to our own. We refused her, not wanting to serve any evil. Three times she came and three times we denied her. First my Grandsire said no. Then she returned and my sire said no. Then she returned again and I told her no. But in that time her powers had grown. She said that if we would build her a stronghold she would take ours!"

"We laughed at her and her rabble of conjures. No army had ever taken House Ironhammer! Not even the giant orcs of the Black Mountains whom all dwarves will speak of with revulsion, but also begrudging respect as an enemy."

"Sadly for my people we did not comprehend what she meant by 'take.'"

"Her conjurers gathered around. And the ensorcelled the mountain. The lifted it up by it's very roots and transported it to the seas where it was dropped onto a volcanic island. The mountain of Ironhammer stuck the Island of Necromancers like a hammer on an anvil. She destroyed their ancient towers and dropped our home into a vortex of magic. A few survivors soon killed by hordes of demons. I was kept alive along with a fraction of my enslaved people to dig out tunnels and new rooms and merge the mountain with the island. Many dwarves and many necromancers died that horrible night."

"It is to you I leave this challenge. Your wounds are healed, your gear is as new, your bellies are full. Seek out this undead tyrant and slay her for good. You have the blessings of House Ironhammer and the combined arcana of the Necromancers she killed that day. Please accept the last gifts of Sharis Val."

On the dias, there are weapons appropriate for every character here. They are all +3 weapons, +4 vs. undead, and demons. 

Any Cleric or Magic-user can make an intelligence roll to know who Sharis Val was. He had been a Shadow Elf smith who had been adopted into a dwarf clan and became one of the greatest artificers and swordsmen the world has seen. His final fate was unknown till now.  

Because there is always that "one guy," if there is a fighter in the group who is REALLY into swords, then allow them a roll as well. Sharis Val is essentially the Miyamoto Musashi of this world. 

These weapons grant 2,500 xp each. 

If instead, the party attacks the skeleton they get nothing. It is a normal skeleton with 1 hp.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Baldur's Gate 3: Keller the Silent Monk

 I mentioned two weeks ago (already??) that I have been playing Baldur's Gate 3 with my kids via LAN and it has been FANTASTIC. We don't get much time to play D&D together anymore but this has been the next best thing. In fact it has been the best thing in it's own right.

But I am not here to talk about the gameplay.  I am here to talk about an orphan. In particular this one.

Keller the Monk

This is Keller, the Wood-elf Monk. I know nothing about her.

One night my son and I were playing in his multiplayer room, but he didn't close it (he was the host) so this random character joined us.  It was a wood elf paladin.  Well, we didn't need a paladin; I was already playing Johan. So he locked the room, and we restarted.

The player, whoever it was, was gone. But Keller remained. She tagged along as another character my son could control. We tried everything to get rid of her. Nothing worked. We shut down for the night.

The next day, Liam had told me he tried even more things, and nothing worked. So finally, he just paid the gold to have her retrain as a monk. One holy warrior to next? Ok, I am cool with that.

We still can't get rid of her. More to the point, since the program does not control her, we can't tell her to stay in the camp either. She can't even talk unless my son takes control of her (like the in the screenshot above), so we decided to roll with it.

MINOR SPOILERS for Baldur's Gate 3 follow. Well, so minor that if you play the game up till character creation, this is old news.

The Party with Keller
My son and I collect stupid hats in the game. It also looks like my eyes are closed.

Keller is a wood-elf monk. I figure she is one of the Siswa from the adventure B7 Rahasia.

She, like the playable characters and companions in the game, was taken by the Mind Flayer Nautilus ship. But unlike the characters, she was not in Baldur's Gate then. She and her kin were in their homes where Queen Rahasia ruled. The ship attacked, and the elves fought back and lost. Keller was one of the survivors taken on to the ship. She was there when it came to Baldur's Gate. (Yes. I am saying Rahasia lived. I am not going to do the Hickmans wrong like that.)

As one of the survivors, she feels guilt that she lived when so many of her brothers and sisters died. So, she has taken a vow of silence. Since she is also essentially uncontrolled (and therefore can't be romanced), she has also taken a vow of solitude. She will not break these vows until the threat of these mind flayers is gone from Faerûn. She will not become attached to anyone else who might die. 

In truth, she is kind of a badass. There have been a few situations in the last couple of sessions where her combat prowess essentially saved our asses. 

Keller, no stupid hat yet

So. If you are Keller's original player. I am sorry you stumbled into our room just to be kicked. I am sorry you lost your character, too. But we will take care of her and make sure she sees the vengeance she so rightly deserves. 

Maybe she can also get a stupid hat.

#RPGaDay2023 COMPLEX / SIMPLE RPG you play

 Complex and Simple RPGs. Ok.

Complex vs. simple

Playing wise (even it I haven't done much with the first one) I would say the most complex RPG I have is the Fifth Edition of Chivalry and Sorcery. I like the game, quite a lot, but it is a mountain to climb and character generation is not a fast process.  Still it is a gorgeous game and I have such fond memories of earlier editions. 

Simple of course goes to the classic B/X D&D, something I can more or less run on a dime. 


#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 8, Room 24

 Past the secret door is a small flight of stairs going up. There is an open archway that leads into another room.  Inside this room are seven statues of demons.

Room 24

Of the seven statues, four of them are Rock Living Statues.

Behind one of the normal statues is an exit.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 COOLEST looking RPG product / book

 In addition to August being #RPGaDay2023 it is also #30yearsofMage. I knew Mage was going to come into this at some point and today is that day!

Mage the Ascension, especially in it's 20th Anniversary Edition format is one of the coolest-looking RPGs ever.

From its leather cover, to full-color art, to the ribbon bookmark (I am a sucker for a ribbon bookmark) and gilded edges it is one hell of an attractive book.

Mage Leather cover

Mage color art

Mage color art and ribbon

Mage color art

Mage color art

Mage guilded pages

Not to be ignored is one of my personal favorite versions of Mage, Mage for the Victorian Era.

Victorian Age Mage

Victorian Age Mage

Victorian Age Mage

Additionally, all the Mage books I own (all Mage: The Ascension, I unloaded Mage: The Awakening years ago) are not just fantastic to look at, they are great games too.

Mage: the Ascension

I do wish I could play it more often. 


#Dungeon23 Tomb of the Vampire Queen, Level 8, Room 23

Going back to Room 19 and taking the last passageway again leads the party up and out of the water.

This room is large and circular, with a high ceiling. The walls are made of rough, black stone. The floor is covered in a thin layer of water.  On the ceiling of this room is a glowing green portal where occasionally a frog will drop down and land in the pool below.

Room 23

There is a 25% chance that a Hydrodæmon will fall per 10 mins of entering this room. 

Like many of the portals here, this one is one-way. Demons come in, but can't get back out. 

One of the lanterns is the trigger for a secret door.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 Best SECONDHAND RPG purchase

 This one I had to think about this one for a bit. I have found so many great deals over the years that it was hard to choose just one really.  But in the end I think I figured it out. 

The Dark Eye

I have known about this game for a while, both The Dark Eye and the original German Das Schwarze Auge. I always wanted to own the original German, having taken German in both high school and college, but not using a language for, well, longer than I care to admit, you lose it. Das tut mir leid.

The Dark Eye always attracted me as a sort of darker fantasy RPG.  A game where Mirkwood is replaced by the Black Forest.  

I picked the 2nd Printing of the English edition at my local game auction.  I grabbed the core rules and a bunch of add-ons that I suspect came from Kickstarter. There is a lot, and it all looks so good. There is even a basic QuickStart.

The Dark Eye RPG

I played around with it for a bit, did some characters, and did a review. I enjoyed it so much I picked the special edition leather cover as well.

But it is a really great game, and I really enjoy it. I also wish I could play more of it than I do.
