Monday, September 23, 2024

Monstrous Mondays: The Monster Movie Marathon & RPG Blog Carnival

 It is that time of year again! Ok, that's lie, it is always that time of year for me. But it is that time of year when I start talking about it. And by "it" I mean my October Horror Movie Challenge

The goal is basically the same every year: Watch 31 Horror movies, with at least 20 of them as first-time views.  I often throw in a little twist to the theme. One year, it was all Vampire movies; another movie just before 1973 when The Exorcist came out.  This year, we will have a theme as well. 

The Monster Movie Marathon

To celebrate 50 Years of Dungeons & Dragons, I am going back to watch a bunch of classic (say pre-1977) movies featuring monsters from the AD&D 1st Edition Monster Manual.

Monster Movie Marathon

This all works out great for me.

"Monster Movies," as my Dad and I used to call them, were a big influence on my childhood and primed me for when Dungeons & Dragons came into my life. 

So I am going to watch a bunch of horror movies, mostly from before the Monster Manual was printed in 1977, featuring monsters that would later appear in those pages. 

I am not making any claims that these movies inspired these monsters, but certainly, they would have been known by the authors and artists of D&D at the time. They WERE certainly an inspiration to me at the time. The challenge here will be finding 20 I have never seen.

I have been reviewing my lists of monsters and comparing them to the book "The Classics of the Horror Film" I mentioned about a month ago. Along with other books, that for me, were the pillars of my love of monsters and ultimately D&D.

I'll watch the movie and talk about their Monster Manual counterparts. 

Should be great! So join me all month long next month.

I am also hosting the The RPG Blog Carnival for October. My theme is "Horror and Fantasy." Many of the monsters I'll be talking about have a toe, or tentacle in both. Monsters like the vampire, Medusa, and the mummy are featured in both genres. Creatures like the ogre and goblin began as horror monsters (of the time) and became more fantasy. Greek Myth for example has a lot of fantasy creatures that would later appear in horror.

So I have my work cut out for me to be sure! So join me in talking about Horror and Fantasy in your games and I'll link to you in future posts.

RPG Blog Carnival

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