Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Blogging A to Z Theme Reveal: Doctor Who

Once again, I am participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, but this year I wanted to do something a little different than more normal witch or monster-related postings. 

This year is the 60th Anniversary of my favorite sci-fi show of all time, Doctor Who!

Doctor Who 2023 Logo

I thought it would be fun to celebrate all things Doctor Who next month. 

Not 100% sure what I'll talk about, but I know I have plenty to work with.

AtoZChallenge theme reveal 2023 #atozchallenge


Tim Knight said...

Very interested to see where you go with this, Tim. I've toyed in the past with doing the obvious A-Z of Doctor Who monsters, but adapted to my "Frankengame" system, but have never been as organised as you. So many possibilities with aliens, monsters, worlds, character s etc Can't wait!

lissa said...

I have only seen a few episodes of Doctor Who but isn't quite interested in watching all the seasons but I think there are a lot of things you can do with this theme. I'll drop by to see if you have anything to say to convince me to watch.

Have a lovely day.

My A-Z reveal post (though I have no theme): Postcards from the Bookstore

Donna B. McNicol said...

I've only watched a couple of seasons of Doctor Who but loved the spin-off Torchwood. Good luck with your challenge.

Arlee Bird said...

Good to have you back with us for another A to Z. Seems like I'd be very familiar with Dr Who since time travel is a favorite genre of mine, but I don't think I've ever seen an episode of this show. I'm familiar with it, but just never got into watching it.

Maybe you will provide more enlightenment for me.

Have a great Challenge!


Harvey Heilbrun said...

Big Doctor Who fan. Count me in.

bookworm said...

I've only seen two episodes in all those years. As I used to read a lot of SF you would have thought, so I may just stop by to see what I've been missing. A friend I went to high school and college with absolutely loves Dr. Who. Alana

Frewin55 said...

Ah Lisa - sacrilege - Doctor Who has been the subject of serious books - The Humanism of Doctor Who, for example, had many script writers who have developed many iterations - some are better than others - perhaps you just hit a bum one.

PT Dilloway said...

I've only watched one episode back in 2014 so obviously I have a lot to learn about it.

Frewin55 said...

I have watched Doctor Who from the very beginning fallen for a few companions and even built some Tardis cabinets to house video collections of the adventures - Go for it!

Jai said...

Keenly interested. Shall definitely be following your posts through April. Best of luck with your posts.

Molly's Canopy said...

Glad to see this theme! Also a huge Dr. Who fan, so looking forward\ to it :-)

Shilpa Gupte said...

I have never watched Doctor Who, so this is something I look forward to. Wish you the best!

TWW said...

awesome, looking forward to these posts.

The Dream Girl said...

Oo, sounds super interesting!
Can't wait to read your posts!

Stopping by from A-Z

Crackerberries said...

And will the real Dr. Who please step forward. This will be fun. Good luck with the challenge. Cheers,


Misky said...

Thanks for dropping by mine, Tim. I look forward to reading yours in April. Gatwa will make a interesting Doctor, I think.

Joy said...

Fun theme! I watched a lot of the old series in college and some of the newer ones when I had access. It's probably time to check out some DVDs from the library to catch up.

Jeanne Bryan Insalaco said...

Sounds interesting as I’ve wanted to watch but so much Tv snd never enough time. I’ll def check you out

Timothy S. Brannan said...

@Tim Knight,
There is just so much to choose from!

I have been watching for years and I have so much material.

@Donna B. McNicol
Torchwood was really great. And Thanks!

@Arlee Bird
Another year and a new challenge! I hope you can find an episode or two to check out.

@Harvey Heilbrun

Nice! Been watching since the early 80s myself

@PT Dilloway
So much! This is its 60th year!

It is my favorite show really.

@Shilpa Gupte
Hope you find something to enjoy here!

@TWW and @The Dream Girl

Right! I plan to say something about all the Doctors!

YES! He was so great in "Sex Education" I can't wait to see what he does.

I hope to have a lot of fun with it!

@Jeanne Bryan Insalaco
Tell me about it! So much stuff I have not seen.

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

There's definitely no shortage of material to pick from in this theme. I look forward to seeing what you choose to highlight!

Jemima Pett said...

Hi Tim

I'll be interested to see what you come up with. I haven't been keeping up with Doctor Who for many years. I think Chris Ecclestone was the ultimate for me, so I stopped there. It'll be good to get an overview of things that have happened. Interesting to see what you say.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Melanie Atherton Allen said...

Okay, this will be fascinating! I am someone who likes hearing about Doctor Who episodes because the ideas are so great, but who has not actually ever gotten around to watching many episodes. Can't wait to read all about it!

Kristin said...

I look forward to seeing what you post about Doctor Who and associates.

shalzmojo said...

curious to see where this will go. I will try to stop by. All the best for the challenge.

Miss Andi said...

Sounds great, I loved certain series in Doctor Who, I'll certainly check your posts :)

John Holton said...

Going all the way back to Willim Hartnell? I look forward to it!

dMarie Michael said...

My husband will like this series.

Kahleena said...

Ready for this? I have never watched Dr Who. I am looking forward to seeing what the attraction is through April :)

Writing Sparkle said...

This will be a fun theme. Can't wait. See you April 1, Timothy.

J.S. Pailly said...


Amanda said...

Interesting. Will definitely be entertaining.

Tamara said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!
I have never been a consistent Dr Who watcher, but I could totally do an A - Z challenge on "ER"!

Deborah Weber said...

Excellent - I'm looking forward to your post.